Are we just smarter animals faking morality because we wear clothes?

I think this is an interesting thought someone else commented on.. To those in the other thread, that I unintentionally derailed, I apologise. So I will continue here answering comments from there for now on. Again Icm very sorry.

Moving on....

But what are we really? Do the random thoughts we have while stoned define our true self which only comes out without the filter society places on us to act a certain way?

That's the real reason marijuana is banned. It makes us question why we do things, but at the same time leaves us unmotivated to act upon them. But the man is afraid one day some motivated stoner might come along and wreck havok on our society.

Interesting qustion

Would you still support Beto if he was diverting campaign funds to the caravan
well, probably libtard panel, but...

we do find ourselves in a culmination of many decades of interference with other countries. If you haven't read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, you should ASAP The IMF, CIA, WHO, UN have colluded to overthrow 3rd world countries for their masters- Rothschilds, Rockefellers, bilderberg group, etc

wake up.

So the first one/country that that infiltrates in retaliation wins?

Go back to sleep.