Are we too Calm?


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What the fuck is going around us, and by us, I mean people being simply rational/coherent/semi-intelligent folk that just simply want to exist in a sane Enviromint, just that, no more.

You know, like the one's you read about in fairy tales or look at on the Internet

Not to be drowning in all this anger/division/strife/Pandemic/lies that become truth & just general insanity.

Fights over fucking wearing a fucking mask in a fucking Pandemic?

Our former POTUS (I just spit on my shoe) suggesting injecting bleach to cure Covid (He heard it from a lot of very smart people/a lot of people are saying it (quote) )


Betsy DeVos Sec. of Education?


and the list goes on & on & on..........

So, this is my point,

Are we, the rational, being too rational?

Think of it this way

In a primal setting (which we are in, right now as I type) who will win the battle/conflict, the smartest with less numbers, or a multitude of idiots armed with weapons that the intelligent ones disdained.

Who did you pick?

Does the Law or in this case the Supreme Court, have any integrity anymore, or now, where people known to have some degree of intelligence are looked at with disdain, branded as Elitist/Woke and are innately evil/Un-American/out of touch with reality. (wtf is that about/you want idiots to run things/I guess so)

Over 80% of the American populace say don't fuck with Roe vs Wade, but those two motherfuckers, McConnell & Trump (that when we meet in Hell, I will make them both wish they never died) pack the Court with those 3 lying POS, that are so full of shit it's disgusting.

Alito using a fucking 230 year old POS essay on the Rights of the American (as long as you were White/Male/Protestant/Land/Slave owners) to found his decree on?

Abortion was never mentioned in the Constitution, written in 1787, so that to this day is Sacrosanct, no other interpretation/modification of it is allowed (if it ain't in it/it doesn't exist/get it?),

Fuck you, you and your fellow RC Catholic lying piles of shit

So, what to do now?


Or storm the Capitol?

I say fuck it/time to start screaming & rattle some bones

Or we lose

Fuck 'em

Burn it Down & start again.

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Some ladies...2nd amendment solutions...just asking questions folks...

I think the rational people will stay as such, but its a mistake. The people opposing them rely on it. Sometimes you have to go fuck shit up or you are not taken seriously. Rational isn't quite the right word, its more like they are muted and mundane. Rational people thought a strongly worded letter to putin and threatening to take his 401k would stop him. The rational don't get that others might not play by the same rules.
Just look at how Fox Entertainment has evolved to its present state as a cash printing behemoth, by focusing on minute to minute ratings and being able to adapt to those on a minute to minute basis. Someone recently just said (I forgot who) that they think Tucker Carlson is an algorithm, and I think they are right...both Trump and Carlson are algorithms and they are inextricably tied together. Fox knows that white supremacist talking points generate ratings, as does white victimhood, and authoritarianism-so when the minute to minute ratings dip, Carlson changes topic and makes that dumb constipated rage-face and tells the audience who is to blame...guess who? not them. Fox has radicalized 30% of the population...but those same people have also radicalized FOX by their responses to the minute to minute rating-it's a feedback loop. Trump would have never become president without this feedback loop that has rendered truth, facts, and journalism obsolete to these people. Corporations have no conscience, they exist to make the most profit for their shareholders as possible regardless of the law, the constitution, basic human decency, or anything else that really matters. How horrified would the Founders be if they were to see in 2022 that 1/3 of the country get their news from a Reality TV show owned by a British oligarch who hates the American Constitution and profits from radicalizing the American public into anti-democratic extremists?
They're loud and play dirty; cheat bottom line. The leaked memo from SCROTUS was a good move and needs to continue. A cold Civil War of's not us but gotta do it. Big Corporate is behind the 70% because WE are their livelihood.

We've missed opportunity because Congressional leaders believe their members and have fucked us over- the people that employ them.

Keep an eye on Elon; he gets to play God so let's see what he does with it.
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Again, how we do it even though the GOP was responsible. This is another win @Jimdamick.

Have you ever heard of 'being silent but carrying a big stick'?..we do this with surgical precision; in and out before they even know what's happened is how we have to play need to call attention to ourselves.

Remember Isaiah 10.

Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed.
Have you ever heard of 'being silent but carrying a big stick'?
Nope, I never did.
I agree with it though
Be silent as you walk up behind them, then use the big stick to smash them over their fucking head.
Problem solved :)
Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed
I agree to that also.
It's time for the Dems to bring woe to the fucking GOP
No more pussy footing around
Attack those motherfuckers & pull up every corrupt action by the them, and make it perfectly clear to everyone how fucked up/corrupt they are.
No more trying to be bi-partisan, they never were.
Fuck that anymore
Kill them now, before it's too late (figuratively speaking, of course :) )
Nope, I never did.
I agree with it though
Be silent as you walk up behind them, then use the big stick to smash them over their fucking head.
Problem solved :)

I agree to that also.
It's time for the Dems to bring woe to the fucking GOP
No more pussy footing around
Attack those motherfuckers & pull up every corrupt action by the them, and make it perfectly clear to everyone how fucked up/corrupt they are.
No more trying to be bi-partisan, they never were.
Fuck that anymore
Kill them now, before it's too late (figuratively speaking, of course :) )

It's 'speak softly; carry a big stick. - Theodore Roosevelt

From Wiki.

First, it was essential to possess serious military capability that would force the adversary to pay close attention. At the time that meant a world-class navy. Roosevelt never had a large army at his disposal. The other qualities were to act justly toward other nations, never to bluff, to strike only when prepared to strike hard, and to be willing to allow the adversary to save face in defeat.[3]

The idea is negotiating peacefully but also having strength in case things go wrong. Simultaneously threatening with the "big stick", or the military, ties in heavily with the idea of Realpolitik, which implies a pursuit of political power that resembles Machiavellian ideals.[4] It is comparable to gunboat diplomacy, as used in international politics by the powers.
Does the Law or in this case the Supreme Court, have any integrity anymore, or now, where people known to have some degree of intelligence are looked at with disdain, branded as Elitist/Woke and are innately evil/Un-American/out of touch with reality. (wtf is that about/you want idiots to run things/I guess so)

Over 80% of the American populace say don't fuck with Roe vs Wade, but those two motherfuckers, McConnell & Trump (that when we meet in Hell, I will make them both wish they never died) pack the Court with those 3 lying POS, that are so full of shit it's disgusting.

Alito using a fucking 230 year old POS essay on the Rights of the American (as long as you were White/Male/Protestant/Land/Slave owners) to found his decree on?

Abortion was never mentioned in the Constitution, written in 1787, so that to this day is Sacrosanct, no other interpretation/modification of it is allowed (if it ain't in it/it doesn't exist/get it?),

I'm pro-choice, but I can understand the rational that the current justices are taking. It's the same as weed. Not mentioned in the constitution, nor Federally legalized by the congress, so it's left to the individual states to decide. That's how the founding fathers wanted things, very much with individual state autonomy. Personally I believe that bodily autonomy is a individual's right, whether it be the right to choose what we put into our bodies or how we choose to modify our bodies. Unfortunately both Dems and Repubs seem to thing that bodily autonomy is only situationally applicable, depending on their particular viewpoints. As with pretty much everything political, it's hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle.
States’ rights is the biggest blunder that the framers committed alongside not ending slavery at once.

The Repugs are using them in their ongoing assault on a pluralistic society. Once power swings back to small-d democrats and small-r republicans, its time to push for Constitutional amendments that would make it much harder for the many red-run states to engage in the current barrage of liberty-destroying legislation.

Imo the danger here is that we might not have time. Current Scotus is in bed with the insurrection. The GOP is solidly in the claws of its treason/overthrow contingent. If they manage to maneuver a more capable agent into the oval room, the Great Experiment arrives at our Rubicon.
States’ rights is the biggest blunder that the framers committed alongside not ending slavery at once.

The Repugs are using them in their ongoing assault on a pluralistic society. Once power swings back to small-d democrats and small-r republicans, its time to push for Constitutional amendments that would make it much harder for the many red-run states to engage in the current barrage of liberty-destroying legislation.

Imo the danger here is that we might not have time. Current Scotus is in bed with the insurrection. The GOP is solidly in the claws of its treason/overthrow contingent. If they manage to maneuver a more capable agent into the oval room, the Great Experiment arrives at our Rubicon.
I'm all for liberty, but don't forget that sword swings both directions.
I'm all for liberty, but don't forget that sword swings both directions.
No, it doesn’t. The correlation between one of our two political parties and the insurrection is almost complete. The two D outliers carrying insurrection’s water are Manchin and Sinema.
I guess you miss the point.
No, I think it comes down to a difference of outlook. I welcome the likely policy changes that would come with Democrats in real power. I believe you don’t, and the prospect is one you dislike. But the thing to remember is that right-of-center politics here and now are inextricable from the extreme right insurrection.
No, I think it comes down to a difference of outlook. I welcome the likely policy changes that would come with Democrats in real power. I believe you don’t, and the prospect is one you dislike. But the thing to remember is that right-of-center politics here and now are inextricable from the extreme right insurrection.
I'm registered with no political party affiliation, however I typically vote Democrat, so your presumptions are a bit off base. I voted for Biden, but that doesn't mean that I have to be happy with the job he's doing. Liberty is something which by definition is separate from political parties. Democrats want certain liberties, while Republicans want different liberties. That's a fact. Each party seems to want to restrict certain liberties from their opposing parties, hence the systemic hypocrisies on both sides.
I'm registered with no political party affiliation, however I typically vote Democrat, so your presumptions are a bit off base. I voted for Biden, but that doesn't mean that I have to be happy with the job he's doing. Liberty is something which by definition is separate from political parties. Democrats want certain liberties, while Republicans want different liberties. That's a fact. Each party seems to want to restrict certain liberties from their opposing parties, hence the systemic hypocrisies on both sides.
Which liberties do Democrats wish to restrict? Don’t say taxation.