Are your plants done? I'll let you know, post pics here.

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Well-Known Member
people are scope crazy now a days when this graph shows when peak ripeness is.It's based on a 8 week indica strain but it clearly points out when to harvest.So no lab coat and microscope

View attachment 2369792
Unfortunately, a general decline in weather and frost caused all of the stigmas on some of my plants to wither and recede prematurely. The scope is really helping in those cases when this important sign was no longer helpful. Still, it makes sense to assess ripeness in several ways. Most competent diagnosticians do not rely on one or two indicators when others are easily assessed :cool:


Well-Known Member
Ugh, I see someone wants to feel important with this thread. Quick everyone send him fuzzy pictures from 20 feet away he can "weed whisperer" this shit up and tell you if its ready!
This guy lol...

What's wrong with having one thread for people who don't know when to harvest to post pics and get an idea of when they should chop....

One thread on this topic is better than seeing a new "is she done yet ?" Thread every other day imo


Well-Known Member
yes I can tell by a picture, I've been judging plants for my fellow growers in this area for 2 years as well. so I have a lot more experience than just with my own 12 plants.

just because you can't seem to do it after 6 or 7 years doesn't mean I can't. we are different people with different capabilities. no offense.

FDD posted a thread about this a long time ago, it's in the harvesting and curing section, called harvest time, a tuturial. I suggest you read it.

and I am not against using scopes, I use one myself, but I find looking at the whole plant to be just as useful as having a scope.
I dig this. If people HAVE to go off of someone else's estimation, then it should at least be with somebody who's confident in his ability.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Laney,

Been grow`n since 72 when I moved in here, had good and bad years but never anything like this. Found this spot ten years ago, had no idea they were gonna put a new access road around the Res. !! This was prolly my third best year.

I actually teared up !!


Active Member
I find this quite humorous.. 4 years and you think you can tell by a picture??? I've been growing 6 or 7 years now and can't even tell when I look at the plants in person..
If you really want to know if your plant is done go buy a 420 scope or something of that nature.
Meee toooo...ive been growin for 30 years and only an idiot would start this thread ,to the OP...wait a decade and look back...u WILL be embarassed by your noobizum........4


Well-Known Member
Thanks Laney,

Been grow`n since 72 when I moved in here, had good and bad years but never anything like this. Found this spot ten years ago, had no idea they were gonna put a new access road around the Res. !! This was prolly my third best year.

I actually teared up !!
Oh wow. i th ought you were just joking. That sucks bro. Sorry to hear it. Hope everything else in life is prime.


Well-Known Member
This guy lol...

What's wrong with having one thread for people who don't know when to harvest to post pics and get an idea of when they should chop....

One thread on this topic is better than seeing a new "is she done yet ?" Thread every other day imo

EXACTLY why I made this thread.

I dig this. If people HAVE to go off of someone else's estimation, then it should at least be with somebody who's confident in his ability.

yep, some people need the comfort of someone else's experience and confidence.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2369779View attachment 2369787View attachment 2369789View attachment 2369790View attachment 2369791View attachment 2369793View attachment 2369794 how long? all different strains. had some mold issues hoping ill do ok by harvest. btw is that purple on leaves edge good or bad?

cindy 99-1.5-2.5 weeks, post pics in a week and a half.

gods gift - 9 days

guido- 5-7 days depending on look.

querkle - 5 days depending on look.

purple dragon- 2.5 weeks most likely

deadhead og-1.5-2.5 weeks depending on look.


Well-Known Member
It looks like your in that swelling up window. And she could swell for another week and a half. If I were you I'll start preparing for harvest. Darkness flushing stop nutes etc. and invest in a microscope to be sure. Not encouraging five finger discount my local radio shack for a electronical 60-100x and have 2 of em.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow. i th ought you were just joking. That sucks bro. Sorry to hear it. Hope everything else in life is prime.

I`ll live. Sat there stare`n at it, couldn`t hurt it if i wanted too, I`ve had girls survie brush fire smoke damage, skunk invations and cops, But that thing is 80 tons of hell !! I`ll never forget that name...Cat/D11R !!


Well-Known Member
It's easier to tell on indica and indica dominant hybrids than on sativa a Dom. Especially 56 day to 70 day plants for they all start around the same time and will finish out door around the same time. Commercially they will harvest a 56 day plant a week after the time is up and it will still look like it could go another week. If I tell you after the second week of October to the 3 rd week I will be 85% accurate as for a sativa dominate will streach 3 weeks before starting to flower I will be accurate to say between the 2nd week of November to the end of November.
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