tip top toker
Well-Known Member
so long as you are free to do so..... the kid generally doesn't get a say, they get mum and dad telling them no tv till they finnish dinner, and they';; eat and do what they're told etc.Maybe I want my kids to be plump, or maybe the mother or the grandmother rewards the kid with sweets. It's none of the states business.
Do you feel the same way about poor people in the inner city eating too much fried chicken, because the libs are already cracking down there too.
It's socialism, and this won't be "tolerated" by the people
I will eat drink smoke and fuck what I please, as long as I am free to do so.lol
and as said, we're not talking about plump kids, we're talking about fat ass waste of space kids that just eat everything that is put infront of them, and as said, you might as well be starving them, as either way they're probably gonna end up in serious health related issues as a result.
How do human rights work if the state is not allowed to interfere...
and cracker, according to your chart...i'm fucked