As much as I like Ron Paul...


Active Member
I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Ron Paul is cool and all, blah blah blah, free market principles, marijuana legalization, racist background, etc. but I think we stoners need a president with freedom and prosperity in mind who is more moderate. Let's be honest; this won't be the first time Ron Paul is going to be a presidential candidate and with his 'crazy' reputation to the 'Silent Majority' it is doubtful that he will be elected (not to mention his racist background). So instead, we need somebody who appeals to people from all walks of life and has a solid stance on the Issues. Gary Johnson:

1)Supports drug legalization and an end to the War on Drugs. Let's be frank--if you look at alcohol/tobacco as 'drugs' then they are far worse than meth, crack, cocaine.. I'm not recommending these drugs but I honestly don't give a fuck what people want to do in their spare time. And besides, if they're legalized, only the people who want to do them are going to do them...
2)Recognizes that the internet is the future to our economy. Thus he seeks to improve our average internet speed as well as internet infrastructure. As the richest nation in the world we are also ranked fifteenth in the world in terms of average internet speed and how much the average person pays for it.
3)Will balance the budget--as governor of New Mexico he was one of only 4 states to have a balanced budget
4)Wants to make legal immigration easier. He realizes that strengthening our borders and focusing on nation building here at home is more important than incriminating illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants, like it or not, are a vital part of our nation's economy.
5)Wants to put an end to the Patriot Act. We have Civil Liberties which the current administration can just ignore. Reaaaal American...
6)Abolish/audit the Federal Reserve. Why is a private entity in charge of printing our great nation's money? Da fuck?

As a pothead with strong beliefs in the free market I wholeheartedly support Gary Johnson and I hope that I may have interested others as well :)

On top of that he's a badass through and through. The dude climbed Mount Everest
And oh yeah, here's him talking at NORML:


And here are a few quotes from him:

"The nation's so-called War on Drugs has been a miserable failure. It hasn't worked. The drug problem is getting worse. I think it is the number one problem facing this country today . . . We really need to put all the options on the table . . . and one of the things that's going to get talked about is decriminalization . . . What I'm trying to do here is launch discussion."

-- Gov. Gary Johnson, June 23, 1999

"Common sense or logic would dictate that when you take this issue on, when you talk about legalization or decriminalization, if you are going to talk about that, you are going to talk about taking it in steps, and certainly the first step would be marijuana."
"All of us can make a list out of friends that have used drugs. Are our friends criminals for using drugs? Yes, they are today given the laws that we have. Should they be criminals? Are they criminals? For the most part, no they are not."

-- Gov. Gary Johnson, June 30, 1999

"I'm not advocating breaking the law, but personally, I don't think you should go to jail for smoking marijuana."

-- Gov. Gary Johnson, August 11, 1999

"I think 75 percent of the people in this country would say, no, you shouldn't go to jail for smoking marijuana."

"Under the right circumstances . . . I along with tens of millions of other Americans -- we're behind bars."

"I'm raising the issues that need to be raised. This is good politics. This is the job I was hired to do."

-- Gov. Gary Johnson, on MSNBC, August 15, 1999

"I'm going to enforce the laws that we have. But I think the laws need to be changed and I'm going to work within the system to change the law."

"We're spending more and we're locking more people up . . . Personally, I have a fundamental problem with putting people in jail for drug use."

"What I've done since I've been in office is I have just done a cost-benefit analysis of everything that's come across my desk . . . And right now, the glaring cost-benefit analysis that has incredible cost and no benefit is our war on drugs."

A governor and presidential candidate with common sense? WHO DAT IS :clap:

Edit: And look at the year he was saying this... No flip floppers around here. No sir.
he would make a great VP pick. no way he'll get the nod.

if he gets a VP nod, he is set up for a legitimate run down the road.
he would make a great VP pick. no way he'll get the nod.

if he gets a VP nod, he is set up for a legitimate run down the road.

As much as I'd like to see him get a nomination, I don't think he'll get real party backing either. The drug legalization thing strays too far from the Republican Party Platform, although it isn't clear what party he'll be running for (or would like to be running for). He also somewhat lacks charisma. Even little George-y had that Texan accent and the big mouse ears which made him memorable. Gary Johnson, unfortunately, is kind of forgettable.

It'd be great to see him as VP though! Maybe things would have been different if he had run for VP instead of Palin in '08.
How is he any less extreme than Ron Paul?

•One of Johnson’s heroes is Milton Friedman.

•Johnson’s favorite book is “The Fountainhead”, by Ayn Rand.

•Johnson adheres to the Austrian School of economics, not Supply Side economics.

•Johnson’s all-time favorite President is Thomas Jefferson.

He also came out for the complete privatization of TSA, and other government functions at the federal level. And one rather interesting, not often talked about issue, Johnson said specifically he would repeal the passport requirement for Americans to travel to and from Canada.
For gods sakes his favorite book is by Ayn Rand, the most extreme version of a liberitarian! lol... you guys crack me up

You know one thing RP has that I haven't seen from mr johnson... Persistence and a never back down attitude even when the odds are stacked against him. This is his third time running for president even though every time people tell him it's not going to happen. He votes against bills and fights them even though he may not have a chance in hell.
If we do not elect Ron Paul they will start charging us for air or air filters to breath, their will be some panic where it's not safe to breath and then we will have to pay to breath safely-You see all these asians with painting masks on, that's just a sign of things to come, they will sell you masks or bottled air or pipe in into your home.
gay rights for one.

abortion for another.

i bet i could think of a few more. don't try to lump them together, i know how you hate discrimination in that regard ;)

Never did lump anyone together. However, I find it hard to argue the case that abortion being illegal is considered "extreme." Besides: said:
Government should not impose its values upon marriage. It should protect the rights of couples to engage in civil unions if they wish, as well as the rights of religious organizations to follow their beliefs.

Sounds just like RP without adding in the personal beliefs

When asked about his position on gay marriage, Ron Paul stated that the government should stay out of the business of marriage.
If we do not elect Ron Paul they will start charging us for air or air filters to breath, their will be some panic where it's not safe to breath and then we will have to pay to breath safely-You see all these asians with painting masks on, that's just a sign of things to come, they will sell you masks or bottled air or pipe in into your home.

Have you checked with a psychiatrist lately?

By the way... the reason southeast asians wear the masks is cultural respect for others when their sick. Maybe we should take a page in that ideology. It's called treating others with care and respect.
Never did lump anyone together. However, I find it hard to argue the case that abortion being illegal is considered "extreme." Besides:

Sounds just like RP without adding in the personal beliefs

I USED to like Ron Paul. Like legitimately. However, being a person of Chinese American descent I can't support him--he was a racist. I know if most people didn't give a damn about their own public appearances they would be more openly racist. So while Ron Paul isn't necessarily a 'racist' per se, people never change and you don't know what's going on in their head.

That being said, you can't force anybody to believe anything out of their own accord. I created this thread because I noticed there were a lot of pro-Ron Paul threads going on in here. I think that people need to expand their horizons and find that there are other candidates with similar party lines to Dr. Paul, who aren't as libertarian.

Personally, I am a libertarian and would rather see less government than more. People should be free to do what they choose (except stuff that harms others), and gov't's role should be reduced to protecting those rights.

(Besides, Johnson climbed Mt. Everest lol)

I know that Paul's racist days were long ago... Doesn't matter. He believed in it and who's to say he doesn't still?
I USED to like Ron Paul. Like legitimately. However, being a person of Chinese American descent I can't support him--he was a racist. I know if most people didn't give a damn about their own public appearances they would be more openly racist. So while Ron Paul isn't necessarily a 'racist' per se, people never change and you don't know what's going on in their head.

That being said, you can't force anybody to believe anything out of their own accord. I created this thread because I noticed there were a lot of pro-Ron Paul threads going on in here. I think that people need to expand their horizons and find that there are other candidates with similar party lines to Dr. Paul, who aren't as libertarian.

Personally, I am a libertarian and would rather see less government than more. People should be free to do what they choose (except stuff that harms others), and gov't's role should be reduced to protecting those rights.

(Besides, Johnson climbed Mt. Everest lol)

I know that Paul's racist days were long ago... Doesn't matter. He believed in it and who's to say he doesn't still?
As a representitive he will do more to uphold and restore the rights of American citizens than any other canidatate and thats what you are right ?, an American citizen, Vote Paul. Anytime you form an opinion of him please hear him for yourself do not take someone elese interpertation of what he said or did because they say he's 'Crazy'
If we do not elect Ron Paul they will start charging us for air or air filters to breath, their will be some panic where it's not safe to breath and then we will have to pay to breath safely-You see all these asians with painting masks on, that's just a sign of things to come, they will sell you masks or bottled air or pipe in into your home.

Wow this would make a great signature...and they wonder why we see them with tinfoil hats on....
I USED to like Ron Paul. Like legitimately. However, being a person of Chinese American descent I can't support him--he was a racist. I know if most people didn't give a damn about their own public appearances they would be more openly racist. So while Ron Paul isn't necessarily a 'racist' per se, people never change and you don't know what's going on in their head.

That being said, you can't force anybody to believe anything out of their own accord. I created this thread because I noticed there were a lot of pro-Ron Paul threads going on in here. I think that people need to expand their horizons and find that there are other candidates with similar party lines to Dr. Paul, who aren't as libertarian.

Personally, I am a libertarian and would rather see less government than more. People should be free to do what they choose (except stuff that harms others), and gov't's role should be reduced to protecting those rights.

(Besides, Johnson climbed Mt. Everest lol)

I know that Paul's racist days were long ago... Doesn't matter. He believed in it and who's to say he doesn't still?

I understand the racist argument, however he and everyone at the newsletter has said that he did not write any of the articles at which racist rhetoric was written.

I do, however, respect your point and your interest in providing alternative candidates. Remember, though, as libertarians a divided vote will kill our campaigns.
Wow this would make a great signature...and they wonder why we see them with tinfoil hats on....
Oh you laugh now but wait until they implement the plan, It will be like swine flu or fuckushima and they will say it's not safe to breath without this new thing or without this tax
As a representitive he will do more to uphold and restore the rights of American citizens than any other canidatate and thats what you are right ?, an American citizen, Vote Paul. Anytime you form an opinion of him please hear him for yourself do not take someone elese interpertation of what he said or did because they say he's 'Crazy'

I don't listen to political commentators.

And yes I am an American citizen. I am also a European Union citizen and a Chinese citizen. I'll do what I think is right, I have no intention of forcing other people to believe what I believe.

I know you are trying to convince me to vote Paul. I support Gary Johnson right now primarily because he is more along the lines of what I believe in. I might end up voting for Paul in the end, considering that he probably has a higher chance of being elected.

I mean fuck it, if he turns out racist I'm going back to France.

Edit: I didn't mean to type that he's crazy. One too many beers.