Holy shit - is she older, or still young? I think I saw her a couple years ago at the strip club!!! She was good!Logan LaBrent (born December 19, 1978 in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada), the former pornographic actress
I am not a porn star expert, I just googled itHoly shit - is she older, or still young? I think I saw her a couple years ago at the strip club!!! She was good!
Awwwwww - you're being modest! hahahaI am not a porn star expert, I just googled it
Once you get internet - you will be able to find out!Where the fuck is Thunder Bay?
I'd look it up but I have a feeling it's in canada, so I don't care.Once you get internet - you will be able to find out!
"They have internet on computers now."
- Homer Simpson
Im allways amazed at how many people use getting shit on their cock as a reason not to have anal sex , or think a woman inserting a finger in their ass is gay , women are supposed to clean up back there before letting you poke them in the butt , cleaning up means a warm soapy enema before taking a long hot bath , that way her ass can be licked right along with the puss & your cock stays clean as a whistle , if you poke a girls butt & it turns into a mudslide you've got a girl with poor hygene .
On the finger up a guy's ass being gay i believe the guy's who say that are hiding strong homosexual urges , most likely watch gay porn & fantasize about dudes , i look at it like this , if a hot girl is willing to let me hit it & all she ask's in return is a finger up my ass it's a deal , you pay the doctor to finger your ass , the doctor is rough , has large fingers & most of the time refuses to blow you while he's doing it so why not let a girl do it ?
It has basically the same weather as Minneapolis, except probably colder. And MORE remote. But it is really quite pleasant, for about 3 months in the summer! hahaI'd look it up but I have a feeling it's in canada, so I don't care.
That is GENIUS! No latex gloves - you got yourself a CHODE-GLOVE!!!!!There is a spot between the ball and ass where you can literally shove a finger up inside the guy. Follow the shaft all the way down (it can still be followed past balls) and find the spot where it "ends" . Pressure behind it will stimulate the prostate.
That is SOOOOOO me in 50 years.Holy shit @Flaming Pie - this may be a little Canadian and presumptuous of me - but are you Sue Johanson??? I am a HUGE FAN!!!
Its VERY Canadian. Back in...oh 1995 - I used to stay up late on Sunday nights and listen to "Sunday nigtht sex show with sue johansen". I almost thought about calling in once. Probably about masterbation or something. I started EARLY. hahahaHell it is me now. haha
I will be watching her.