Well-Known Member
You're confused, as usual. That was the Democrat's constitution. The Republicans amended that part out.
Forcibly raped.
You're confused, as usual. That was the Democrat's constitution. The Republicans amended that part out.
I am totally unaware of anything Romney has done to deserve the presidency.
He pays 10% less taxes which he makes up for in the form of tithe to his Mormon faith.
Hahaha this is their way of securing Obama's royal throne. Fuck Romney... Has anyone ever been to Taxachussets? I mean Massachusetts? I just wen there and a pack of cigarettes were $2 more than where I'm from and where I come from taxes are already high.. $2 more for a pack of cigarettes, wtf. Excise taxes are crazy, property taxes are crazy and sales taxes are crazy there. He's going to tax the shit out of all of us if he wins. But so will obama if he gets it so take your pick.. I say fuck em both
Hahaha this is their way of securing Obama's royal throne. Fuck Romney... Has anyone ever been to Taxachussets? I mean Massachusetts? I just wen there and a pack of cigarettes were $2 more than where I'm from and where I come from taxes are already high.. $2 more for a pack of cigarettes, wtf. Excise taxes are crazy, property taxes are crazy and sales taxes are crazy there. He's going to tax the shit out of all of us if he wins. But so will obama if he gets it so take your pick.. I say fuck em both
cigs and gas are way cheaper in mass, CT buttfucks me all the time with that shit. i need 93 in my rex and it makes me want to drive it into a tree and forget about it.
Yeah motor vehicle excise taxes due every 6 months. Say you dont pay-they suspend your licence, revoke vehicle registration and cancel your insurance all within 30 days. This state has huge taxes and power to screw you up. To reinstate your licence first you pay the tax plus penalties, then have to pay licence reinstatement fee, then registration cancellation fee and insurance cancellation fee. Can be $500 to $1000 minimum plus the tax and penalty. Every 6 months, yeah real nice state with a wacko out of control government and taxation. Oh and state health care manditory, if you dont have health insurance they just keep your tax return and charge you for not having it.
Big taxes are going to hit us hard whoever gets in there.
No doubt about it. I predict we will see a huge tax increase throughout this year. Its going to cripple whats left of the middle class and send people living in poverty to the streets.
i think your spot on. thats i say screw it! growers unit! lets take this shit over for the working man before we're phased out. i just think its soooo funny that uncle sam is the biggest drug dealer in the world, let alone the U.S. and they can sell all the drugs they want, ruin peoples life with prescription narcotics and get away with it like its no big deal, but the second we do anything remotely in that vein to try and survive, "OH HELL NO!" we get the shaft.....ahhhhhhh! good ol' US of A!
Romney will start ww3! you'd have to be out your damn mind to vote for that guy! the man tied his dog to the roof of his fucking car for christ sake! what a sicko.....