Astir Grow Led Panel Project...


Well-Known Member
Never trusted 'renown' companies,no matter where they originate from ....
-They are based at or 'biased' from researches & experiments ,which were done,specifically for greenhouse utilisation of leds...
-They replicate led lighting implementations of big led manufacturers..Again for greenhouse use...
-They go for the " big-easy-cash" ...
-Spreading around all sorts of twisted infos or even , lies ...
-Creating fake & wrong 'hypes' & 'trends' ....

Led utilisation for small scale controlled enviroments,
like grow rooms ,grow tents,boxes,cabinets,pcs',ect,
will only and trully evolve,with the efforts of DIYers like
Guod,Tenthirty,the Astir Team and many others...
( pretty long list,so to name all of 'em... )
And then,the "led grow light companies",maybe, will follow...
Still replicatin',though..

Personally speakin' ,there's no point ,going from 400/600/1000 or more
Watts of HID illumination ,to same wattage of led illumination....
I want same or better results with leds ,than HIDs...
Regarding both quality & quantity ..
While,at the same time,using half or way less than half ,total Power & Energy...
That's the way, the true power of leds,will be revealed...
Soon enough,I guess....


Well-Known Member
You guys are doing something truly amazing here. MUCH respect for everyone involved. I've learned more over these past 50 pages than ANY thread on this site (give or take). Coming from someone who has purchased quite a few brand name panels, the results from these are phenomenal considering what's put into them.

I was convinced that this was something for me about half way through thus far, and since have made orders for four of my own panels. Only sticking to cheapos for now, but once those come along I definitely will be upgrading. Great job here guys, again. I'm strapped in for the ride.


Astir team is giving it's knowledge out there for free... it's up to all of you to trust and believe our project.. bigger and better things are on the way...


Well-Known Member
A spoiler...( Still under development ..)

Server Box complete ,with led lighting,carbon filter and aero-hydroponic system.
In front of box a LCD touch screen ,will monitor ,real-time :
-Ambient Temperature
-Ambient Relative Humidity
-Nutrient Solution Temperature
-Nutrient Solution EC
-Nutrient Solution pH
-Nutrient Solution level
-Led heatsink temperature
-Fan's RPM

...Able to send an SMS to mobile phone , alerting if somethin' is not right ...
And many more....
For approx $ 1000...(Maybe even less ...)



thumbs up for the photos as well! How do you fit in the tent?:eyesmoke:
The three sisters look beautiful ...



i have a question:
How close these panels can be?How close eachother i mean ...
Can we put them one next to other with a ...5 cm distance,for example?


Well-Known Member
i have a question:
How close these panels can be?How close eachother i mean ...
Can we put them one next to other with a ...5 cm distance,for example?
They can be placed as close as possible..
But better if they have some distance apart (i.e. 5 cm )
Better air circulation ,thus better cooling...
And ,of course, better coverage...
But if one ,wants maximum number of panels per given space,they can be placed ,touching each other...
Like one big panel ...
( Just imagine 1m^2 of area ,fully covered with multiple panels...
Dome-shape placed...
Artificial sky...Diffused light,ect...
But then, one must take into account the passive cooling of the panels...
Just one-two fans blowing over the heatsinks ,wouldn't be a bad idea..On the contrary...


Well-Known Member

its raining in greece manu...people kill themselves because tha cannot feed their children,children in schools faint,
young people have no dreams for changing the world...
Before a week in the elections the neo-nazists who honor fascism and hitler were voted by the 7% of the greek people...
but ok im still lucky that i have some food and a house to stay in cause there r millions of people
who dont have at least food and home...lets change the fucking world...

Year 2012....
" Crisis " ,hunger & povetry ...
Perfect conditions for the snake's egg...

Goodmornin' to everybody....
Another day on this weird planet...

In Earth's "Paradize"....


Well-Known Member

Strimonohori village. Nothern Hellas.(Greece )

Wild Landstrains all over....

Earth's Paradise....


Well-Known Member
i think that the second photo is a crop called kenaf..maybe i am wrong but it looks like..
goodmorning to everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Yes,my brother Ganja2....
World is changin'....
Light is always overpowering the darkness...

Sail onto light...


Well-Known Member
True Light is within. Embrace that. Nothing external.

The controllers developed a false light eons ago.


Well-Known Member
^^^^great girls ganja/ looking healthy and no signs of light deprivation under the canopy==with 1w leds:o ..............Ah manu chao, every stoner in Italy was playing that on my last visit years ago/ good smoking tunes:)