Astrology Fooey!


just because the explanation fits you doesnt mean its because you were born on a certain date. what about all the people with the same sign that it doesnt fit? you just happen to be one who sees yourself in the description. you really think humans can read the stars, and determine what is happening in your daily life based on their positions? hahahahaha astrology is such bullshit.
I wasn't saying it is real or valid... Just that the descriptions given in this don't appear to be vague to me and that with so many billions of people that it is bound to actually describe some people accurately... Not that the position of the planets have anything to do with it, just that will describe some people perfectly or almost perfectly...

and this doesnt tell you its totally fake bullshit??
If somebody wishes to indulge in a belief with no scientific backing and their beliefs don't hurt people why ridicule it..?

There are people who try to have creationism taught in science class. There is no science backing creationism so why would you teach it in a SCIENCE class!!!!!! That hurts the young minds who are vulnerable to pseudoscience.
This is a joke right? I mean do you actually believe this? I'm not trying to be mean but there is absolutely no evidence that astrology has any scientific basis.'s based on observation. You see, back when the kids didn't have 500,000,000 distractions, they peered into the starry distance. I read that one of them said "wait-wait... I see a bunch of little spoiled fckers doing nothing but playing with their devices and parents' minds. An elder replied "O Rion, just wait a few cycles, it'll change."

Your statement is unrealistic. I can think of many ways of how just buying into pseudoscience can be destructive.

Were you an altar boy..? JK

I can't personally think of one way that Astrology has hurt anyone... except maybe in one particular bible story...
Were you an altar boy..? JK

I can't personally think of one way that Astrology has hurt anyone... except maybe in one particular bible story...

It hurts any progression towards a true understanding of reality. Believing in Astrology means you accept an idea of the way the universe works that is completely unfounded and proven false. It's like if we all believe hamsters ran our cars. You can look at the car carefully and see it isn't run by hamsters, but you still believe it. Well if you believe the car is run by hamsters, what happens when it breaks down? Your understand of how the car works def will not help in fixing it because you have not studied a combustion engine. See, you are screwed because you have gone along with blatant lies. The more people who buy into this stuff the more people think it is ok to disregard what is fact. And it is fact that Astrology is a sham.
It hurts any progression towards a true understanding of reality. Believing in Astrology means you accept an idea of the way the universe works that is completely unfounded and proven false. It's like if we all believe hamsters ran our cars. You can look at the car carefully and see it isn't run by hamsters, but you still believe it. Well if you believe the car is run by hamsters, what happens when it breaks down? Your understand of how the car works def will not help in fixing it because you have not studied a combustion engine. See, you are screwed because you have gone along with blatant lies. The more people who buy into this stuff the more people think it is ok to disregard what is fact. And it is fact that Astrology is a sham.

And what are you gonna do if the universe breaks..? Not a damn thing... Cause you couldn't fix it...


And so what if it is a sham..? Nobody opens the paper, reads their horoscope and actually believes that they are going to go on an unexpected trip, come into unexpected riches, meet the love of their life etc... It is a fun diversion from the pressures of life mister fun police...

Edit, Edit...

People actually do believe in this stuff as true reality. But believing pseudoscience with bad research can hurt. Take marijuana for instance. Science shows that it's is not harmful like cigarettes and booze. Science shows it can be a medication, yet this is still controversial. So why is pot still illegal? Along with other things such as political agendas and such, bad science is one of the key causes of it's ban.

I don't care about the news paper horoscopes. I'm after the hard core astrologists who lure people in with false hope and cause damage. I'm sorry but if you think because you were born in a certain month you may be more sexually aggressive, your really getting some false information.
Yeah I had a feeling this would happen lol. The last thing I want to do is argue about religion or the ephemeral
I don't really want to argue with you because my reasoning doesn't come from a place of logic, and cause truthfully, I agree with you for the most part. I find the Dawkins video and your POV fascinating, Truly, but my tone from the beginning was that of wonder and intrigue. I was just amused by how close it seemed . Honestly though, I much more interested as to why it seems accurate.
The problem I have with your POV is that I don't think the the only way to look at the world is the perspective of science. I think there's many things in this world that science has yet to explain and may never be able to explain. I just see hardcore atheists and evolutionists as generally unhappy people, and in Dawkins's case particularly, always upset and ready to argue about something.
Beansly- Sorry I didn't mean to make this into a god/not god thing. The horoscopes seem so accurate because it is a sort of cold reading. It has general statements that are vague enough to be interpreted in many ways. That is why it seems accurate. You will never see a horoscope that says "your montitary wealth will increase 5 fold this week" but it may say "you will see an increase in your wealth". The first is measurable the other is not yet they have similar meanings.

Did you know that 90% of homicides take place 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after a full moon?!
Shouldn't that have said in the two weeks before or after a full moon... because what you said pin points exact days...


And PbHash did you know that 93% of statistics are made up on the spot..?

Edit, Edit...

And seriously that is a high percentage of murders for such a small time frame... 10% of murders on a full moon...
How about: All homicides take place either 17 days before or 17 days after a full moon. As for statistics, yes I'm familiar with how easy it is to manipulate them. Fortunately I can usually pick the good stats form the BS ones. Like that jerk who tried to say autism was caused by MMR vaccines based on a preliminarary study of something like 8 people.
Did you check yours pb? What's you birthday? I'll do the work for you.
I was gonna post something about it earlier that the description of my 'mercury sign' wasn't very vague. It gave specific personality descriptions that are found in some people and not others and not just anybody.
come across as know-it-alls
generally skilled at the art of persuasion
often rather idealistic
especial desire for self-expression
a stubbornness in the face of criticism
over-sensitivity to anything less than praise is present
detached and reasonable
boasting may be a problem

There were all right on and not really vague.
I would say that my sign does a decent job of describing me buy so do about 3 others. What I am saying is it is vague in the sence that you can not measure any of it. What is the cut off between a know-it-all and someone who is a do you determine if someone is skilled in persuasion? Is there a scale of 1-5? Over sensitive to anything but praise, well how do you decide if someone is oversensitive? Maybe their reaction is justified.

Also I've dated people with my sign, each one was way different.