I appreciate your scientific mind. I consider myself a logical person so I admire people who are truly scientifically logical, but it's where you and I are different fundamentally. I actually feel stupid arguing with people like you cause I'm very aware that there's no 'proof' of any of this. But I think you're wrong when you say there's no way to measure these things. You've heard of the 'Big 5' personality markers right?I would say that my sign does a decent job of describing me buy so do about 3 others. What I am saying is it is vague in the sence that you can not measure any of it. What is the cut off between a know-it-all and someone who is a jerk.how do you determine if someone is skilled in persuasion? Is there a scale of 1-5? Over sensitive to anything but praise, well how do you decide if someone is oversensitive? Maybe their reaction is justified.
Also I've dated people with my sign, each one was way different.
Not at all. You brought up a good point and nobody is listen to my rules anyways lolYes, you are correct, some of those may be measurable and societal norms would have a major factor in it. Many of the experiences are subjective as well making it difficult to have consistency.
I prob drew this subject way too far off base. I would be interested in reading some studies on how people relate/not relate with their horoscopes. Too bad my computer is broken (it's hard to research on an iPhone) or I could.
This is a joke right? I mean do you actually believe this? I'm not trying to be mean but there is absolutely no evidence that astrology has any scientific basis.
There are many things that can't use scientific explanation,
I've always thought, you believe, it exists. You don't believe, it does not exist.
I don't believe that. cn
What you believe?.net
I was exercising my love of recursive logic as a form of humor. If I don't believe that it exists if i believe that ... y'know? cn
I'm sorry my English is not very good, not so understand ~
Would it be polite for me to ask what you do speak/read fluently? cn
Then I can't help. I have some German and French. cn
How did you find out your mercury was rising over your hammy or whatever?
If you're not feeling any especial pains in your whatever, it's probably moonless.
Somebody does know how to write an engaging horoscope. i hope she gets rich doing so. cn
Outed! Someone likes Denny's.cn
You really read that whole thing? lol. I deleted it cuz it was too long.