At what week do you start trimming the bottem leaves?????


Well-Known Member
What week would you start to trim the bottem leaves in the flowering stage, so all the plants energy is focused in on the top buds?? This is my 2nd grow and i have learned alot, thanks to u guys. I noticed that when flowering the bottem of the plants starts to bushy up a little, i have seen guy post pictures with the bottem all trimmed off?? Why is that done? Is it because of what i said earlier? & the top of the buds will get more energy= MORE BUDS???yes/no??



Well-Known Member
trimming all bottom leaves is refered to as lollipopping to some. i would start the first day of flowering because why let your plant grow bottom branches if your just gonna chop em off. and you should end up with one or two or four huge buds depending on if you also fimming


Well-Known Member
Really Mr. Pres. you Fucking azz hole, i hope you DIE... & now you Mr. mstrymxer, thanks for the kind and wise words mstrymxer, im going to start trimming if thats the case in a day or 2? is that ok?


Well-Known Member
Uh I'm going to have to disagree in a big, big way there. The plant probably produces those leaves for a reason; I highly doubt they are extraneous. Leaves soak up sunlight which is absolutely necessary for the plant to produce energy...I'm sure you remember all that from biology.

Most people who cut them off do so in the last two weeks, I think, to fatten up the buds. But to do so at the start of flowering would lead to dead plants, I'd have to imagine. I haven't tried this at all, so I could be wrong, but it just seems insane to kill half the plant when there are still 8+ weeks left.


Well-Known Member
now im confused? you bring up good valid points,,should i wait a few weeks then start to trim???


Well-Known Member
no,u can take the bottom fan leaves off,no worrys,your plants wont die!ive done the same to mine and they are thriving plus all the bud sites are getting more light!just DONT take all fan leaves off,the ones getting the most light must stay.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure. I think I'm right and therefore you should wait until two weeks before harvest to trim. For instance I'm growing Early Misty this summer and it's supposed to take 8 weeks to flower (according to the breeder), so I'll probably trim the bottom leaves off at week 6.

Wait for someone to confirm whether I'm right or wrong though. Or, if you want to, you could search around the forums because I bet this is answered somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
yeah urban grower has talked alot about lollipopping and creating fat top colas. youll see a big difference when you grow outside by leaving on bottom branches because there is just so much light penetration with the sun. BUT WITH INDOORS lollipopping is actually a better way to grow because even if you have a 1000 w hps your not gonna get alot off those bottoms because of light penetration. kilik2007 is right about leaving them on...if your growing outdoors.

also kilik2007 if you trim off in the last 2 weeks youve essentially wasted weeks of growing which could have resulted in bigger colas not more fan leaves


Active Member
Typically you don't want to trim healthy fan leaves once flowering begins, but
based on your setup will determine how much pruning is done.

If you have been vegging for a while, and you have a few good sets of nodes
at the top you could consider trimming off everything below that. They will
of course create new tops in the following weeks of flower, but this is a great
strategy for focusing more energy into the top buds and improving air-flow
to the bottom of the canapy.

There are exceptions to trimming in flower...In an SoG system, clones are
normally put into flower right when they are rooted for a good perpetual harvest,
and result in less foliage to prune at first. They don't get to big when done this
way, so not much pruning is needed...However, it does not hurt to prune leaves
in moderation to the clones as they develop for a better top canopy...

There is much more to the whole process, and i've learned through exp. not
research so take that for whatever...


Active Member
From what I've learned so far, trim the leaves off the bottem 1/3 of your plant 2 - 3 weeks into flowering, thats what I plan to do in my SoG when I get to that point.


Well-Known Member
pictures worth a thousand words.........IMG_4374.jpg

i trim all the leaves and lower branches during veg. i trim off the bottom 1/3. you can do it up to the second week of flowering. hope this helps. :blsmoke:


Active Member
now when should you cut the lower leaves off, during veg, during flower, while the lights are on, while the lights are off, just before watering and feeding? Details details


Well-Known Member
Fdd..i was waiting for you thanks for your wisdom..i will follow your lead,,in the 2nd week of floweringh i will start to trim the bottom,,,THANKS FDD


Well-Known Member
Hey Turkster, Fdd said you can do it UP TO the second week of flowering. I do the same thing as Fdd. When I have about 6 or 7 branches, segments, nodes (whatever the hell it is called) I will take off the bottom 2 and give the plants a week and if a few more need to be removed I will take them off; allowing better airflow under the plant. I am almost in week 1 of flowering, this week I will do any more maintenance on the plants that I need to do and by next week I wont touch them again. Like Fdd said you can start now if you like, but dont do anymore after your second week of flowering.


Well-Known Member
godspeed, looks like your on the money too, im going to start to trim tonight when i get home, i just started to floweryesterday so i guess i have a week or 1 1/2 weeks to trim them up,,i will not trim after the 2 week of flowering,,THANKS GUYS....