At what week do you start trimming the bottem leaves?????

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
What week would you start to trim the bottem leaves in the flowering stage, so all the plants energy is focused in on the top buds?? This is my 2nd grow and i have learned alot, thanks to u guys. I noticed that when flowering the bottem of the plants starts to bushy up a little, i have seen guy post pictures with the bottem all trimmed off?? Why is that done? Is it because of what i said earlier? & the top of the buds will get more energy= MORE BUDS???yes/no??

In a nutshell, you should never remove any plant leaves, the very unit that is producing carbos for bud production. This is another forum paradigm that will never die, promulgated by folks that don't understand what makes a plant tick.

Please define the word "energy". A plant manufacturers carbos, hormones drive plant processes. There is no positive hormonal responses that occur when you remove viable, green leaves.

From my lengthy experience around pot forums, the reason why alot of folks don't have any bottom fan leaves is they don't understand what it takes to retain them and just plain screw up, to be blunt. Most often they use high P foods which do not support leaf maintenance, just induce N and micro deficiencies, the very lifeblood of the leaf.

Good luck,