

Well-Known Member
Ur right DOC, no one knows. Something I maintain like a daily vitamin.

The problem is we have an institution called the church which sometimes upon pain of death INSISTS it DOES KNOW.... and that's the problem.
Yup Cracker said it, now doc please stop repeating the same thing over and over we get it. You dont know anything for sure...okay we get it...Or do we?? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ur right DOC, no one knows. Something I maintain like a daily vitamin.

The problem is we have an institution called the church which sometimes upon pain of death INSISTS it DOES KNOW.... and that's the problem.
Couldn't agree more.................bongsmilie

Yup Cracker said it, now doc please stop repeating the same thing over and over we get it. You dont know anything for sure...okay we get it...Or do we?? :lol:
If you don't like what I have to say nobody is forcing you to read it. You don't even have to respond, hell you can even put me on your ignore list. What's wrong with being on the fence and challenging yours or anybody elses views? I simply acknowledge the fact that this isn't a simple issue. And challenge conventional and unconventional wisdom is what I do. Sorry if that annoys you bro, but that tells me that you are uncomfortable with what I have to say. Why is that? I can't figure that one out. If you don't want opposing viewpoints then start a thread saying "Atheism--discussion for atheists only". ;-)

We don't all have to agree to get along do we? :hug:


Well-Known Member
Posting on a fence can lead to splinters though... :lol:
Perhaps but I'm not religious. I have always felt that there was something, more to this existence I guess. I can't describe it, I can't explain it. I only have my own experiences to reference when dealing with these matters. I've experienced things that defied conventional logic as I understand it. I've never seen a ghost or a UFO or the loch ness monster, but I believe we each have a soul. And when we pass I believe we live on. Not in the poetic "he lives in our hearts" way, but actually live on. Maybe it's how I comfort myself when thinking of death, I just don't know.

Where does this leave me? :confused:


Perhaps but I'm not religious. I have always felt that there was something, more to this existence I guess. I can't describe it, I can't explain it. I only have my own experiences to reference when dealing with these matters. I've experienced things that defied conventional logic as I understand it. I've never seen a ghost or a UFO or the loch ness monster, but I believe we each have a soul. And when we pass I believe we live on. Not in the poetic "he lives in our hearts" way, but actually live on. Maybe it's how I comfort myself when thinking of death, I just don't know.

Where does this leave me? :confused:

See man, I wan't to use this because I think it'll serve as a perfect example of one of the points I've been talking about.

I totally disagree with this, my own steps in thinking of something and coming to a conclusion couldn't be any more different. But I couldn't give a fuck less what you believe. The most important thing is how those beliefs affect your behavior in society, and to a lesser degree how you came to the conclusions you did, your thought process.

This belief is something totally personal, as it should be. It's between you and whatever, if any, creator there may or may not be.


Well-Known Member
See man, I wan't to use this because I think it'll serve as a perfect example of one of the points I've been talking about.

I totally disagree with this, my own steps in thinking of something and coming to a conclusion couldn't be any more different. But I couldn't give a fuck less what you believe. The most important thing is how those beliefs affect your behavior in society, and to a lesser degree how you came to the conclusions you did, your thought process.

This belief is something totally personal, as it should be. It's between you and whatever, if any, creator there may or may not be.
padawan says it, same i really dont care what you believe aswell. Infact if you think being rude to you im sorry, but again i dont care much. Im not saying what ur saying is right or wrong either ijust simply dont care much about it because its not doing much, which in itself i dont much about that.



Well-Known Member
padawan says it, same i really dont care what you believe aswell. Infact if you think being rude to you im sorry, but again i dont care much. Im not saying what ur saying is right or wrong either ijust simply dont care much about it because its not doing much, which in itself i dont much about that.

Then why even bother having the conversation in the first place?.......:wall:


Well-Known Member
IT appears as if the practice of atheism is as closely linked to deity bashing as the practice of monotheistic religion is linked to atheist bashing.
Then your observational skills suck.

Those monotheistic religions have doctrine/dogma that attacks the unbeliever throughout.

Atheists are just people who believe in lots of things, but share one commonality: a disbelief in theistic gods.

I think religion is stupid, harmful, and a plague against rational thought.

Another atheist may not.

But there is no document that demands we both dislike religion.

The big 3 monotheistics have a big hate-on in their scripture for all who don't believe in Sky-God Crankypants.

Does your statement still stand?


Well-Known Member
Fuck you, you mongrels who are trying to indoctrinate me, ive made up my mind and the second i start speaking my mind, made up of more facts and more proof than you guys can offer me on a plate, my plate seems much more real and substantual to me, and truthfully to most others. They try hide the plates or force theirs down my throat. Fuck off.
Yup, after 30+ years of putting up with religious shit and thinking it was better to just pretend it wasn't offensive I saw that people were taking a stand against it - that you don't have to just sit around and let some myth shape the politics and education of your culture because it has the "special consideration" of religion.

Fuck that. You want to shape the future of society? Come to me with more than a story about some people in the desert with an evil god who likes to torment them.


Well-Known Member
Because i thought we would get somewhere...But we didint.
Where did you want to go? Did you learn anything? Was it fun? It occupied an otherwise empty space in your life for a short time. I know I have learned much and I respect each and everyone of you regardless of your beliefs or how you feel about it. :hug:



Well-Known Member
If I'm annoying you then I must be doing something right................making you think!
Even a mosquito can be annoying.
Just sayin'. :fire:

All the good and bad that you talk about after that can be achieved without religion. Religion should simply be irrelevant to our lives.

You can do charity with or without it.

The fact that religion makes promises of a reward/punishment after this life so that it can get you to do things in this one is just pathetic. It may give hope to the poor and the uneducated, but imagine what they could do if they weren't banking on the next life being a better one.
If you're just putting in time here, trying not to piss off "god" so you can have a nice afterlife, what's the point of being in the first place?


Well-Known Member
2.) We discover that there is a Galactic church (at which point all the atheists will commit suicide).
No way. If it's galactic, I'm taking reason to the universe. If it's universal, I'm taking reason to the multiverse.

Doesn't matter how big the church gets. If it's built on faith, and not reason, then someone needs to be around to oppose it.


No way. If it's galactic, I'm taking reason to the universe. If it's universal, I'm taking reason to the multiverse.

Doesn't matter how big the church gets. If it's built on faith, and not reason, then someone needs to be around to oppose it.
lol I'll bring the weed. :leaf:


Guys, you couldn't ask for a nicer guy to critique Christianity. Here you go. I would love for some of the believers to answer the question posed at the end of this video!


Well-Known Member
Even a mosquito can be annoying.
Just sayin'. :fire:

All the good and bad that you talk about after that can be achieved without religion. Religion should simply be irrelevant to our lives.

You can do charity with or without it.

The fact that religion makes promises of a reward/punishment after this life so that it can get you to do things in this one is just pathetic. It may give hope to the poor and the uneducated, but imagine what they could do if they weren't banking on the next life being a better one.
If you're just putting in time here, trying not to piss off "god" so you can have a nice afterlife, what's the point of being in the first place?
What am I doing that's so annoying? Am I spouting a bunch of religious b.s.? No. Am I saying you atheists are gonna burn in hell if you don't change your ways? No. Am I touting some new age bullshit about how we're gonna become part of the cosmic energy balloon at the center of the universe? No. Please tell me what I'm doing to annoy you. Like I said earllier, if you guys don't want your views challenged you need to make a thread called "Atheism--a discussion for atheists only".

Just sayin';-)


Well-Known Member
What am I doing that's so annoying? Am I spouting a bunch of religious b.s.? No. Am I saying you atheists are gonna burn in hell if you don't change your ways? No. Am I touting some new age bullshit about how we're gonna become part of the cosmic energy balloon at the center of the universe? No. Please tell me what I'm doing to annoy you. Like I said earllier, if you guys don't want your views challenged you need to make a thread called "Atheism--a discussion for atheists only".

Just sayin';-)
You do like to highlight and enlarge and change the colour of words...thats quite annoying ha :bigjoint: anyway must dash!


Well-Known Member
You do like to highlight and enlarge and change the colour of words...thats quite annoying ha :bigjoint: anyway must dash!
So what? You put that little dude smiling with the big doobie in his mouth. That's annoying. Padwanbater writes all of his posts in green. That's annoying. You can't be serious bro. :roll:

Sorry Pad, I was just using you as an example.