robert 14617
Well-Known Member
if you have to keep convincing your self , what is the point
*Tosses back random snarkey Hipster retort in rebuttal of your claims towards there being a greater deep space tea deity than my own.* THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
if you have to keep convincing your self , what is the point
You're from London! That explains it.
As soon as I moved from there last month, you kettle-ites probably thought the coast was clear to spread your cockmamie black kettle theory to the masses.
I'm sending my flock to track you down. The price of apostasy will be steeped! Prepare to be creamed!
We fear no evil, for our kind is one with the purity and retribution of our gods great word standing before us.
You shall know fear Heathen!
On a lighter note though, where'd you move to? What's the scoop?
ALL of their arguments they've ever brought up are completely unoriginal, coppied right off or
Religion is just looking for a hole to fill, whether it's your heart or an 8 year old.
Why do we talk about god, and the ridiculous notion of worshiping the main character in a book of fiction?
Because religious assholes keep trying to put their murderous deity in our schools and government.
Because religious assholes think it's okay to deny people equal rights because of a passage in a 2000 year old book written by racists and homophobes.
Because religious assholes have murdered people throughout history for the singular fact that they did not worship their god.
I think those three points by themselves are an excellent case for discussing the total abolishment of this dogmatic bullshit, and the hypocrisy and sickness of it all.
When religion stops forcing itself on us, we'll stop pushing back.
* and although not all religious people are asshole, their adherence to a book that promotes exactly those asshole values puts them right in the category with the other pricks.
Columbus was arrested, but not for heresy, or even introducing syphilis to the Continent.Enlighten? You mean like when they arrested Galileo for saying that the Earth revolved around the Sun, or when Columbus said the earth was round. How come they didn't arrest Columbus?
It has to be English breakfast all the way, wether its the silver teapot or the black kettle, they will both lead the way through the English Breakfast. Earl grey is the evil temptation of the teas-maid, you must resist.English breakfast or earl gray? Find me a proof for that and I'll believe in your 'God.'
In other words, the best theory you can come up with.I'm in the same boat JO. I don't know what created everything we are aware of. It's okay to admit you don't know.
The probability that a G*D created the universe for us and G*D is watching everything we do and judging all of our deeds.....that I simply place at the bottom of probability.
Besides, that's why we have Obama. He judges us all, he's making a list, and checking it twice.....wait I cross myth'd... sorry.
If you want to make me a topic of your thread, you ought to invite me first.It isn't about convincing yourself. It's about educating the masses. Eliminating bad information and straight up propaganda. It's about "fighting" fair.
Religious fundamentalists, the type who want to push their fairy tale in the science classroom and the ones who claim we live in a "Christian nation" PUSH propaganda, they spend millions of dollars on things like The Discovery Institute and their little follow up "museum of natural history" that depicts dinosaurs walking along side man... Then they parade CHILDREN though there and tell em this is how it happened.. That's nothing short of BRAINWASHING. It's MIND CONTROL. I don't stand for that shit, especially if I see it online where I can actually actively say something about it, like I do on this forum. It's easy for other people with any sort of intelligence or honesty to see which side is right and which side is wrong. That's what people like Babs, fish, GC, Shroomer don't get. Their attempts are pointless, we've heard it ALL before. ALL of their arguments they've ever brought up are completely unoriginal, coppied right off or None of them realize they just parrot the same stupid shit over and over again. It's because of that, stuff like "yeah, well there's no transitional fossils..." and "we didn't come from monkeys"... Stuff they cover in elementary biology classes, in 10th grade.
I don't know what it is... ignorance? Absolutely, they ignore actual data and fill in the blanks with what the Bible has to say...
Arrogance? In Babs case, absolutely, she's an insanely arrogant fundie if I've ever came across one. Positive she's right in her beliefs, unwilling to see anything from another perspective, she's also pretty rude actually too. Projects a lot, sits a top her horse way up in the sky wallowing in her own unreachable self righteousness...
Stupidity? I don't think any of them are stupid. They just can't let go of the mental block in their mind that tells them information is evil, I think some of them are deathly afraid of the thought of non existence and can't fathom an existence where that's possible. Maybe they havn't even gotten that far.. who knows. None of them ever communicate an original opinion or thought, instead they only wish to discredit evolution, the big bang, or other valid scientific theories they don't know anything about...
The only thing left to feel is honest, genuine pity, because they don't know what they're missing, and they don't even realize it.