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You are a godless communist, and that's fine, but why do you feel the need to peddle your propaganda here?

Ahhhhh, I know I'm like 170 pages behind in this thread, but from Padawans original post, how did this one come to the conclusion that you are a communist?

You've got to love faith as taken from Hebrews 11:1:
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.

So....... you're being assured on your hopes and the evident demonstration comes from stories in a book written by men as they were born along by holy spirit by a god who has openly admitted to the mass murder of the entire globe, who promises to repeat the occurence, and who throughout the old testament, gave demonstration of his awesome bloodthirsty ways.

You want to know why 1/3 of the angels fell. It's because they saw that God was not all wise, all loving, or even remotely just. He's simply all powerful and they would rather face death than continue to serve a bloodthirsty war god who puts on the fronts of a loving father.

I'm actually going to just repost part of something I wrote the other day on the issue of using cannabis, moral or not?

We are told that we are made in God's image, having the capacity for emotions, free will and so many other things. As such, being in God's image that is, we desire to be admired or in power and then we are told that that is wrong therefore we are GUILTY. We are also told about Adamic sin, we are guilty and will die for a crime that someone else committed again teaching us from birth on that we are Guilty, and it all just continues on from there. It's all just a power play to make us bow to the will of whomever gets put in charge of us as they are placed there by some sovereign lord.

I'm definately the devil's advocate in this sense and if that offends some, I do apologize, But why is it that we never question the rulership of the one called GOD? If he is all loving, wise, just, and powerful, then why did satan and 33% of the sentient beings that had spent an undeterminable time with him, choose death over remaining servient to him? Does anyone ever question whether or not God is moral?

If you were place before a dictator that was proclaimed to be wise, just, loving, and powerful and he dictated to you that you should kill 185,000 Assyrians in one night with only the same warning that every nation that they had previously conquered had dictated just before their defeat, would you be willing to end the lives of 185,000 fathers, brothers, and sons because you were told to?

If a dictator with the same traits and following told you that we needed to cleanse the land of all infidels and social deviants by placing them in camps to construct weapons of death to be used on their brothers and sisters until they died from malnurishment, abuse and tyranny, would you obey if it meant your life or would you spit in his face and cherish your demise?

Simply because something or someone is put in front of you as a leader, does not mean that you should obey them. I believe that 1/3 of the angels fell because they opposed God on issues of morality. It is reasonable to me that a majority would remain loyal in order to continue it's existance and that's why he still has a following, not because of his self proclaimed traits.

I know that for many of the people on this thread, I'm "preaching to the choir" but for all of those that will put me on ignore for admitting being an advocate to someone or something that they are automatically supposed to oppose without question, I simply ask you to ask yourself why?

Not why to any specific question, as there are so many, but just why in general. We're created in god's image with the ability to process that which is placed before us and yet when the information is delivered to us by an "official" whether religious or government, we automatically take it without question and if anyone opposes them using any form of reasoning or rational, then the most important thing that most people see is whether they have robes or a suit on and what their background is. Unfortunately, they rarely look beyond that at the reasoning that they have.

Someone recently tried to use the metaphor of the forbidden fruit from the garden of Eden to symbolize sex and that it wasn't until after they (Adam and Eve) had partook of it, that they realized their nakedness and felt shame. If the person that had preached this had read beyond that single scripture, genesis tells us that God told Adam and Eve to be "fruitful and become many. To fill the earth and subdue it." How can that metaphor be drawn or furthermore, how can it not automatically be discredited by anyone with half a brain as someone in charge simply trying to brainwash their kids into thinking that sex is evil.

Question what you're told. It doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you an educated one.

Hope everyone is well though and that you are finding joy in whatever it is in your life that you enjoy.
Oh that's an easy one. If you want to be disparaging to an them a communist. In their minds...they go together.

But just because most communists are atheists....doesn't mean most atheists are communists.

In the end, he couldn't respond with he threw mud.
Bro, to start, a lot of these misconceptions - "something can't come from nothing" "I'm not a monkey" "this is all an accident" "your life is meaningless without God!" - have been addressed throughout this thread. Do some reading.

first of all, science is the ones that try to tell us that matter can neither be created or destroyed. second, i never stated "im not a monkey". why dont you try reading my post before you say stuff i didnt even say.
first of all, science is the ones that try to tell us that matter can neither be created or destroyed. second, i never stated "im not a monkey". why dont you try reading my post before you say stuff i didnt even say.
Science does say that, so what? Science does not claim that matter came from nothing. Your simplistic (although admittedly popularized view) of the Big Bang ignores all of the most current thoughts and understanding of that event. Read some on Hawking's No Boundary Proposal
every man got the right to know the real truth so let me Put an end to the dividing lies, and let the truth be known! Watch this series and everything will be clear as the sun in a very hot summer day.
here is the link:

It's a torrent so to download the series you need to install a torrent agent like utorrent or bittorrent .......etc.

I've seen it. it's like 7 hours long, or something crazy like that.

If God is real, i think it would be something close to this. ( How all the major religions are linked and are worshiping the same God ) However, i'm still a non-believer.

If you're into conspiracy theories... it is worth the watch i suppose :blsmoke:
Supposing that Skygod Crankypants was real, look at all the useless pricks he has in middle management.

All seeing, all knowing, all powerful... But he still needs a bunch of pedophiles and con men to act as his representatives.

The lord of all creation manifesting as nothing more substantial than a 4 year old boys imaginary talking bear.

And he needs you to believe in him.

Sounds like something that Stephen King wrote about that lives in the sewers of Derry, Maine.
Hell, or Hades, or Gehenna is the common grave of mankind. Don't have a bible nearby but Eccl. 8:9 or something like that states "the living are conscious that they will die, the dead are conscious of nothing at all"

How can there be suffering in unconsciousness? Again, the church exploiting away to scare people into following them.
Yay God :) lol
Hell, or Hades, or Gehenna is the common grave of mankind. Don't have a bible nearby but Eccl. 8:9 or something like that states "the living are conscious that they will die, the dead are conscious of nothing at all"

How can there be suffering in unconsciousness? Again, the church exploiting away to scare people into following them.
Yay God :) lol

Yes, but it's debatable that Ecclesiastes was an atheist! The whole theme of his writing is the futility of existence and he hardly mentions god at all. There's a conclusion that we must just fear god and obey his commandments but many scholars believe that is a later insertion. Just a lil propaganda.bongsmilie
Yes, but it's debatable that Ecclesiastes was an atheist! The whole theme of his writing is the futility of existence and he hardly mentions god at all. There's a conclusion that we must just fear god and obey his commandments but many scholars believe that is a later insertion. Just a lil propaganda.bongsmilie

Wasn't Ecclesiastes written by Solomon? Just never heard that one before so it kind of seemed odd to hear.