Atheists Are Going To Hell


Well-Known Member
Nothing supernatural can be measured by science, dipshit.

Being subservient to a megalomaniac with an ego problem would be hell.

Existing for eternity would be hell.

Listening to Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell for eternity would be absolute fucking torture.

Meanwhile, in Hell, the Devil praises you for deviant behavior. Where's the fuckin' line?!

​Argument from ignorance.
and this is exactly why I stay out of this shithole part of RIU. You guys have a fuckin excuse and explanation for everything.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Excuse? NO.. Explanation for everything? No..

Different views? Yes

Yea...also we just have opinions... that's it. We debate about them, question them, ask others questions, and do our best (most of us) to keep things civil and not too harsh.

Some people just dislike others opinions sooooo much, that they become offended...(which in my opinion seems absurd to me when speaking about ideas) and resort to writing with intentions not so forgiving.


Well-Known Member
You mentioned Buddhism. The basic tenet is that Illusion, Maya, defines what we call existence beyond Self. There is no reality to what we percieve therefore we can fool ourselves to no end, but that says nothing about re-incarnation.

You would not have known about it unless you were told. And so after being told, you had an experience. So, if that's your thing, fine. No need to preach to me, brother.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
i like this thread reading what zaehet has to say as he crushes chiefwalkingoffacliff with knowledge and the complete truth about religion. theres is nothing to say to you, chiefwalkabout, your full of shit, and the more you believe in the shit you spout the more delusional you truely are.
Yeah, because its impossible to know things about god right? Same old song and dance.


Well-Known Member
It is easy. Spirituality, and even spirituality uses forms of science, none that you will agree with of course because your personal beliefs sway your judgement. Its a trick question really, you think everything that exists can be explained by science, so that pretty much only leaves the supernatural, which you'll reject because science cannot explain it. So you will forever live under the illusion that you are poking holes in peoples bubbles yet you are the one in the bubble because you are dependent on the limited knowledge of science. So with your question, the only option is the supernatural, and like it or not, it has value. Science is the B team and spirituality is the A team =).
How does spirituality use science?

You should make an attempt to refrain from making statements as if they were fact.

How would something that exists not be measurable by science? If it exists, we would be able to measure it.

Im not getting owned. Im laughing at skeptics dependence on science lol. Why should I even bother listing the qualities of spirituality? You and Pad are convinced those things dont exist or are impossible to know about, so why elaborate? Spirituality/god was my example that I provided for Pads question, only the supernatural fits into Pads question, so really its a trick question because hes gunna reject the answer because it doesnt sit well with his views... You guys say god cannot be found in science NOR spirituality, why waste time trying to make points against such ignorant views?
Again, "God" is not objectively true, and "spirituality" is as vague a term as they come.

And LOL, it's only a trick question to you because you refuse to accept the answer. All you seem to be saying is "nuh uh!" without demonstrating why.

lets see... God, the after life, better grasp on reality, the consciousness/source field, chakras, seemingly endless possibilities ... Just to name a few lol. I got a feeling I know what your gunna say next.

'God' - not objectively true
-same with the after life

'a better grasp on reality' - that's not an objective truth obtained without utilizing the scientific method, it's a subjective opinion

'the consciousness/source field' - ?

'chakras' - ?


I know what faith means, its something I dont have.
Can you explain to me why having 'faith' is automatically bad?

Whats deluding is BELIEFS, like you believe god is not real (dont lie) which is just as ridiculous as a belief in god, Z would agree with me on that one. Saying something is impossible to know because science cannot know it is an argument from ignorance.

Now you're dealing with one of the most basic terms in the debate, one of which has been covered extensively on this board, I've seen it mentioned a dozen times... Agnosticism v. Atheism.

I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't believe a god exists (atheist), but I can't know for sure (agnostic).

Ignorant argument.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
When did you re-incarnate? And how do you know? And this tone is Holier than us, right? We need that few more times to come to your understanding. Is that it? Yet, what I and others are saying is you had to swallow a lot of brainwashing to even talk this way, correct?

No proof of re-incarnation. It is actually, an allegory for waking up each day. We have to face what we set up for ourselves, yesterday. This is what was proposed in the 11th Century Buddhism. The pervasiveness of Maya rules out Incarnation. It is all an ILLUSION. Especially the idea of do-over lives. We have do-over days, Be happy that we get another one.

But, you seem to be swinging a big Spirit dick, there, pal. Spiritual Ego just makes for more religious zeal and insults, like this one I'm putting back.

So, I wish for you "to realize that and transcend this small minded state you are in. "
Nah man, hes pretty much right. What does it matter to you that he thinks hes right? You just have to give him a dose of YOUR reality? This guy was not insulting in any way what so ever. I can only imagine that you found him offending because he was claiming truth to something that you think is impossible to know. He was speaking more to the average religious person anyways. I thought you were more humble than this.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
How does spirituality use science?

You should make an attempt to refrain from making statements as if they were fact.

How would something that exists not be measurable by science? If it exists, we would be able to measure it.

Again, "God" is not objectively true, and "spirituality" is as vague a term as they come.

And LOL, it's only a trick question to you because you refuse to accept the answer. All you seem to be saying is "nuh uh!" without demonstrating why.

'God' - not objectively true
-same with the after life

'a better grasp on reality' - that's not an objective truth obtained without utilizing the scientific method, it's a subjective opinion

'the consciousness/source field' - ?

'chakras' - ?


Can you explain to me why having 'faith' is automatically bad?

Now you're dealing with one of the most basic terms in the debate, one of which has been covered extensively on this board, I've seen it mentioned a dozen times... Agnosticism v. Atheism.

I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't believe a god exists (atheist), but I can't know for sure (agnostic).

Ignorant argument.
You said science cant measure the supernatural, yet you say if it exists then science can measure it? Get your story straight man. You believe science is the only way to determine what exists, your stuck in a bubble of science. Your goals are not to discuss with theists, you want to talk down to them and make them aware of the "fallacies" you think they are making. NO theists listen to you though, none at all, your arguments only serve one purpose and thats the approval of those that already agree with your views, you change nothing in peoples reality. Listen to that voice in the back of your head that says "Why do I even bother?!" and give it up already.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
How can you be sure it is all an illusion, have you tested it out for yourself? Actually i did re-incarnate many times although i can only remember a few of them. How do i know? thru deep conscious meditation and astral projection that i have been doing for many years now. You can laugh and dismiss all of it, that is your right. I didn't mean anything bad when i said that he needs to reincarnate a few more times, just that older souls tend to bring back more and more understanding than younger souls, that is all, you can take that anyway you wish. Things do not become a part of belief after awhile but fact, at least for me. Is mind playing tricks on me? i dont might be. I dont have a spiritual ego, i used to have one until it couldn't function anymore and it broke down and i realized that it was only a part of me, a fasade if you will. It is still here but not in control anymore. You are in conflict with my statement which is fine, it is your conflict not mine. My mind puts out jibber jabber and so does yours, in that point we are separate, a subject of belief and debate, but what makes me and you the same is that pause between all that jibber jabber, the silence which is universal for everything and for all. It has substance. Those are my experiences, dont take this that i am presenting as a fact or a belief that i am trying to inpose on you, see for yourself what truly is, explore yourself, go past what your mind tells you.
People like you need to bring balance to this forum.


Well-Known Member
Nah man, hes pretty much right. What does it matter to you that he thinks hes right? You just have to give him a dose of YOUR reality? This guy was not insulting in any way what so ever. I can only imagine that you found him offending because he was claiming truth to something that you think is impossible to know. He was speaking more to the average religious person anyways. I thought you were more humble than this.
Not insulting? You are off your rock. He exhibits the same Spiritual Ego as yourself. That's why it's not obvious to you.

And your passive aggressive approach to label and then admonish me about humility, is a joke, right? You cast insults, in practically every sentence, so where is the harmony and humility you espouse?

BTW, if you thought I was trying to be humble or holy or spiritual or old-soulish, wise from many lives, some kind of shaman or any other bs, well, I hope that's cleared up for you now. It is all just more religion to me. Only Self Exists.
I experience Self.


Well-Known Member
You said science cant measure the supernatural, yet you say if it exists then science can measure it? Get your story straight man. You believe science is the only way to determine what exists, your stuck in a bubble of science. Your goals are not to discuss with theists, you want to talk down to them and make them aware of the "fallacies" you think they are making. NO theists listen to you though, none at all, your arguments only serve one purpose and thats the approval of those that already agree with your views, you change nothing in peoples reality. Listen to that voice in the back of your head that says "Why do I even bother?!" and give it up already.

Science can't measure anything that's supernatural. If something exists, science can measure it. What does that tell you about things that are supernatural?... ...

Science is the best way to discern reality, you still have yet to produce something better. Keep huffing and puffing though..


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Not insulting? You are off your rock. He exhibits the same Spiritual Ego as yourself. That's why it's not obvious to you.

And your passive aggressive approach to label and then admonish me about humility, is a joke, right? You cast insults, in practically every sentence, so where is the harmony and humility you espouse?

BTW, if you thought I was trying to be humble or holy or spiritual or old-soulish, wise from many lives, some kind of shaman or any other bs, well, I hope that's cleared up for you now. It is all just more religion to me. Only Self Exists.
I experience Self.
Why is him claiming truth insulting? It seriously bothers you that he claims truth to something that you dont believe in? Hes speaking from personal experience and he has found truth in his personal experience, I have had personal experiences as well and I found truth in them. We're not trying to force things on you, believe what the fuck you want, claim theres only self and no gods, I dont care, Im not gunna get mad at you for your beliefs. It seems every skeptic here is insecure about their beliefs because when a theist claims truth to something they get all butt-hurt and have to show the theists their view of reality. People have experiences that a lot of people never get to have, and those experiences change their lives and view of reality. This guy has outer body experiences and explores different realities with his astral body, hes found truth in that. I met two guys who can read minds and completely enter other peoples bodies, I found truth in what they have to say. He is not insulting, hes expressing what he has learned through his experiences, get over yourself.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member

Science can't measure anything that's supernatural. If something exists, science can measure it. What does that tell you about things that are supernatural?... ...

Science is the best way to discern reality, you still have yet to produce something better. Keep huffing and puffing though..

Listen to that voice in the back of your head man. You change nothing.


Well-Known Member
Another familiar conclusion..

I'm not surprised.. We reached a point where you're left with nothing. Again.

This is why I stay in the game, because ignorance doesn't hold up to critical thought. Eventually you break. I'm not interested in changing minds, those that matter will figure it out on their own without my help, but these moments, they're delicious!

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Another familiar conclusion..

I'm not surprised.. We reached a point where you're left with nothing. Again.

This is why I stay in the game, because ignorance doesn't hold up to critical thought. Eventually you break. I'm not interested in changing minds, those that matter will figure it out on their own without my help, but these moments, they're delicious!
Thats not what the voice in the back of your head is saying lol Im far from broken, why would I be? I've found truth in my experiences, nothing is going to change that.

The only thing that fits into your original question is the supernatural. You say science cannot measure the supernatural, thats supposed to tell me something about the supernatural? No, it tells me that science has limitations, and those that follow it live in a world with limitations, a bubble, if you will. I like to stretch my arms and legs and get comfy, cant really do that in a bubble...


Active Member
Would you class anyone who has no unshakable belief in an 'allmighty god' that is aware and started the whole universe and everything else an atheist? Because I would class myself as a rationalist who would listen to both sides of an argument whether or not I consciously or subconsciously were more suited or have had experience with one particular belief system. I myself do not discount that as we will probably never understand the whole universe or potentially multi-verse and the dimensions that bind them, there could be a 'god'? I myself doubt that for the reason that apart from the bible that was written by man no event or thing has happened or intervened or made any signal of existence or communication. In the bible god seems to communicate and/or act his will and 'plan' out frequently. Thinking along a logical basis, you would most likely assume that it would be highly likely that a similar such event or communication would occur in modern times when some form of media or scholar could have recorded this. I have been asked before, if you do not in fact believe in a literal 'god' then how do you explain the fact the we are, as is the universe. Something must have sparked this surely? After thinking about this the best way to explain a universe without a literal god to spark and create it would probably be if the universe or however large a construct we exist in on a whole, worked in a cyclic nature that way things could have always 'been'. If that makes sense? This is a large reason to why I doubt a 'god' (remember I have never denied there is a god). For the fact the universe can work without having something to spark it all, means there might not be a god. I also have a bit of a hang-up philosophically speaking when the idea of religion seems to me like giving your full lives purpose and will to one being. The fact people actually kneel down on all fours to pray. The fact that people kill in gods name. The fact you see religious leaders all around the world living in massive houses with lots of wealth while their people live with moderate comfort. What I am trying to say is I feel uncomfortable at the idea of in reality owing a being my faith. Why can't I be my own god? The fact that you as a Christian and the bible states that if you do not follow him and give him your undying faith you will literally be tortured for eternity. To me that sounds like the words of an elitist dictator! There is other reasons also that I will not state for times-sake. I invite anyone to comment on any points I have brought up or politely challenge anything I have sayed. :)


Well-Known Member
Thats not what the voice in the back of your head is saying lol Im far from broken, why would I be? I've found truth in my experiences, nothing is going to change that.

The only thing that fits into your original question is the supernatural. You say science cannot measure the supernatural, thats supposed to tell me something about the supernatural? No, it tells me that science has limitations, and those that follow it live in a world with limitations, a bubble, if you will. I like to stretch my arms and legs and get comfy, cant really do that in a bubble...

Retard, I've been sitting here the past 5 pages asking you to provide me with the way you "stretch your arms and legs" to discern reality without using the scientific method. You've been ducking and dodging and avoiding the question ever since.

So, to be frank, put the fuck up or shut the fuck up with your nonsense.

I'm stuck in my little bubble, so enlighten me, what tools do you use that are outside the box? What am I missing in my tiny confined corner of reality that can be verified?


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member

Retard, I've been sitting here the past 5 pages asking you to provide me with the way you "stretch your arms and legs" to discern reality without using the scientific method. You've been ducking and dodging and avoiding the question ever since.

So, to be frank, put the fuck up or shut the fuck up with your nonsense.

I'm stuck in my little bubble, so enlighten me, what tools do you use that are outside the box? What am I missing in my tiny confined corner of reality that can be verified?

I've been giving you the answer every single time. The only thing that fits into your question is the supernatural, you reject the supernatural so theres really no point. I take what I know to exist (things to do with spirituality) and I am open to the information that I find that corresponds with what I already know. The whole world doesnt need to agree with it for it to be true, thats stupid. If you are not satisfied with that answer then Im sorry, I dont know what to tell ya man. Listen to that voice in the back of your head, save yourself some stress and treat me like the lost cause you think I am.