Atheists Are Going To Hell


Ursus marijanus
Hell is perhaps relative. I firmly believe that bad cats end up in doggie heaven. Kitty heaven has some seriously stressed songbirds. And CWE has been sent by the Dark One himself to bedevil mindphuk and Zaehet. cn



Well-Known Member

Retard, I've been sitting here the past 5 pages asking you to provide me with the way you "stretch your arms and legs" to discern reality without using the scientific method. You've been ducking and dodging and avoiding the question ever since.

So, to be frank, put the fuck up or shut the fuck up with your nonsense.

I'm stuck in my little bubble, so enlighten me, what tools do you use that are outside the box? What am I missing in my tiny confined corner of reality that can be verified?

You'll get no answer, because he has none. What you will get a reply stating he does have answers to your questions, but will not post them for whatever reason. Not since elementary school have I met a personality that puts all it's effort into constantly making outrageous claims, without feeling an ounce of accountability to back up any of them. How can one attain an ounce of credibility with this approach? If it didn't work in grade school, why would it work in the adult world?

Edit: Damn, he beat me to the reply above, but look how accurate my prediction regarding his response was. I guess I can read minds and predict the future...


Well-Known Member
I've been giving you the answer every single time. The only thing that fits into your question is the supernatural, you reject the supernatural so theres really no point. I take what I know to exist (things to do with spirituality) and I am open to the information that I find that corresponds with what I already know. The whole world doesnt need to agree with it for it to be true, thats stupid. If you are not satisfied with that answer then Im sorry, I dont know what to tell ya man. Listen to that voice in the back of your head, save yourself some stress and treat me like the lost cause you think I am.
You don't know they exist, because if you did, you wouldn't have a problem proving it. You think they exist. You fail to recognize the distinction.

Your standards of evidence are inconsistent. How are we to distinguish what's real or true from something that's not real or false if we are to rely on subjective opinions? Science is not based on opinions, it's based on objective, demonstrable fact. The power of prediction. It doesn't matter what you think or believe, what matters is what is verifiably true. If it's not verifiable, it doesn't matter. If you disagree, PLEASE, explain why!

You are a lost cause, but this is too good to leave now


Well-Known Member
I've been giving you the answer every single time. The only thing that fits into your question is the supernatural, you reject the supernatural so theres really no point. I take what I know to exist (things to do with spirituality) and I am open to the information that I find that corresponds with what I already know. The whole world doesnt need to agree with it for it to be true, thats stupid. If you are not satisfied with that answer then Im sorry, I dont know what to tell ya man. Listen to that voice in the back of your head, save yourself some stress and treat me like the lost cause you think I am.
Finally! All you need to know to dismiss anything you say is bolded in your quote above. No one could find the truth about reality with such an attitude. Your quote is the very definition of close-minded...


Well-Known Member
You'll get no answer, because he has none. What you will get a reply stating he does have answers to your questions, but will not post them for whatever reason. Not since elementary school have I met a personality that puts all it's effort into constantly making outrageous claims, without feeling an ounce of accountability to back up any of them. How can one attain an ounce of credibility with this approach? If it didn't work in grade school, why would it work in the adult world?
There's no way he would talk about this in person, he'd be too ashamed to admit he believed the things he espouses here.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
You don't know they exist, because if you did, you wouldn't have a problem proving it. You think they exist. You fail to recognize the distinction.

Your standards of evidence are inconsistent. How are we to distinguish what's real or true from something that's not real or false if we are to rely on subjective opinions? Science is not based on opinions, it's based on objective, demonstrable fact. The power of prediction. It doesn't matter what you think or believe, what matters is what is verifiably true. If it's not verifiable, it doesn't matter. If you disagree, PLEASE, explain why!

You are a lost cause, but this is too good to leave now
Same old song and dance. "Durr science doesnt take subjective experiences seriously, that doesnt count", I dont care Pad, Im not confined by science, I refuse to live in a world with limitations. Science cannot explain my experiences, so therefore my experiences are unexplainable? thats stupid. I know exactly what I've experienced. I've experienced them time and time again, butt hurt skeptics cant say anything to change my mind.

Keep huffin and puffin...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
There's no way he would talk about this in person, he'd be too ashamed to admit he believed the things he espouses here.
I know more than ten people that know what Im talking about, I love talking about this stuff in person :bigjoint:. Also love seeing the astonishment on peoples faces when they get a dose of reality they had no idea existed.


Well-Known Member
Same old song and dance. "Durr science doesnt take subjective experiences seriously, that doesnt count", I dont care Pad, Im not confined by science, I refuse to live in a world with limitations. Science cannot explain my experiences, so therefore my experiences are unexplainable? thats stupid. I know exactly what I've experienced. I've experienced them time and time again, butt hurt skeptics cant say anything to change my mind.

Keep huffin and puffin...
This guy isn't confined by science, either, and also refuses to live in a world with limitations. I wonder how well his views are serving him. What he's doing seems inane, but it's really no different from the way you seem to view the world...


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
This guy isn't confined by science, either, and also refuses to live in a world with limitations. I wonder how well his views are serving him. What he's doing seems inane, but it's really no different from the way you seem to view the world...

Weak argument. This can be used against any theist thats opened to all possibilities and even then its a weak argument. Before I had my experiences I didnt believe in anything outrageous, I just accepted theres probably a thing called "god" and a "spirit world", I even believed there was some form of judgement, which I dont now. I was not passionate about these beliefs, its just something I accepted and thought "what ever" and lived my life. I didnt ruin the meaning of my experiences before I experienced them because I had no idea what I was gunna experience. I experienced them over and over and over again so I could get a better grip of what was happening. I didnt LIE to myself and say "well science cant explain this, therefore its unexplainable", that is ignorant and stupid. I wouldnt call my experiences subjective because I know more than a handful of people that experienced what I experienced, I have people to talk about these things with. The skeptics can only say "your a liar!" or "Your crazy!" because what Im saying doesnt fit into their realities.

The whole idea that science can measure everything that exists is an argument out of ignorance. Science has limitations and as long as you live by it then you will be mentally limited and laugh at things that are beyond your bubble, oblivious that theres even a bubble there.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
What limitations?
LOL really? Science has no way to measure the telepathic properties of DNA, they can only observe and be baffled. Science cant determine how some sub-atomic particles react differently when being observed, they can only observe and be baffled. Science ALONE will never find out all the answers. They call it the closest approximation to the truth, and its not even that, how can something grounded in the material world be the closest approximation to the truth? Science is a hamster in a hamster ball, cant go up or down, just back and forth and left to right, and it cant even measure anything outside the hamster ball. Yeah, totally the best way to determine truth xD.


Well-Known Member
Weak argument. This can be used against any theist thats opened to all possibilities and even then its a weak argument. Before I had my experiences I didnt believe in anything outrageous, I just accepted theres probably a thing called "god" and a "spirit world", I even believed there was some form of judgement, which I dont now. I was not passionate about these beliefs, its just something I accepted and thought "what ever" and lived my life. I didnt ruin the meaning of my experiences before I experienced them because I had no idea what I was gunna experience. I experienced them over and over and over again so I could get a better grip of what was happening. I didnt LIE to myself and say "well science cant explain this, therefore its unexplainable", that is ignorant and stupid. I wouldnt call my experiences subjective because I know more than a handful of people that experienced what I experienced, I have people to talk about these things with. The skeptics can only say "your a liar!" or "Your crazy!" because what Im saying doesnt fit into their realities.

The whole idea that science can measure everything that exists is an argument out of ignorance. Science has limitations and as long as you live by it then you will be mentally limited and laugh at things that are beyond your bubble, oblivious that theres even a bubble there.
Okay. What are the limitations of science, and does spirituality have any limitations?


Well-Known Member
LOL really? Science has no way to measure the telepathic properties of DNA, they can only observe and be baffled. Science cant determine how some sub-atomic particles react differently when being observed, they can only observe and be baffled. Science ALONE will never find out all the answers. They call it the closest approximation to the truth, and its not even that, how can something grounded in the material world be the closest approximation to the truth? Science is a hamster in a hamster ball, cant go up or down, just back and forth and left to right, and it cant even measure anything outside the hamster ball. Yeah, totally the best way to determine truth xD.
Has anything been proven to exist outside the material world? Not speculation, but empirical, reproducible proof?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Has anything been proven to exist outside the material world? Not speculation, but empirical, reproducible proof?
Not things that scientists would consider to be proof. They have a belief to hold on to so they make explanations that tie these things down to the material world. Things like DMT trips, lucid dreaming, OBE's and astral projecting, ghost sightings and experiences. Theres many stories of people astral projecting and watching their friends, then the next day they'll tell their friends what they were doing and they would be right, science doesnt accept such stories, no matter how many people that share the same experience.


Well-Known Member
Not things that scientists would consider to be proof. They have a belief to hold on to so they make explanations that tie these things down to the material world. Things like DMT trips, lucid dreaming, OBE's and astral projecting, ghost sightings and experiences. Theres many stories of people astral projecting and watching their friends, then the next day they'll tell their friends what they were doing and they would be right, science doesnt accept such stories, no matter how many people that share the same experience.
science doesnt accept these theories? shit i dont believe in ghosts but here your proof science has an open mind in step 2 there is a college. where you can got to school to learn the trade.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Thats not what the voice in the back of your head is saying lol Im far from broken, why would I be? I've found truth in my experiences, nothing is going to change that.

The only thing that fits into your original question is the supernatural. You say science cannot measure the supernatural, thats supposed to tell me something about the supernatural? No, it tells me that science has limitations, and those that follow it live in a world with limitations, a bubble, if you will. I like to stretch my arms and legs and get comfy, cant really do that in a bubble...
You don't acquire truth from experience, from that you merely acquire the truth that you desire... which is not truth, merely desire.

"My name is Chief, and I... am a super saiyan."

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
When you use imagination to acquire truth... you acquire imagination, not truth.

This is not something i am required to believe, this is common sense chief.

Your reply: "It's not my imagination it's truth! You can't prove me wrong!"

My reply: "Ok chief, you say you don't get the information through reality, but by your own experiences within your own mind...which is IMAGINATION. lol"

Your reply: "Nuh uh! Your stupid! Shut up! Your mind is in a box! What i think is real, is real no matter what anybody says! Even if i can't prove it to myself, let alone anyone else... it doesn't matter! It's still real!"

My reply: "......."

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
When you use imagination to acquire truth... you acquire imagination, not truth.

This is not something i am required to believe, this is common sense chief.

Your reply: "It's not my imagination it's truth! You can't prove me wrong!"

My reply: "Ok chief, you say you don't get the information through reality, but by your own experiences within your own mind...which is IMAGINATION. lol"

Your reply: "Nuh uh! Your stupid! Shut up! Your mind is in a box! What i think is real, is real no matter what anybody says! Even if i can't prove it to myself, let alone anyone else... it doesn't matter! It's still real!"

My reply: "......."
So I am imagining that someone is answering the specific questions that I am THINKING of in great detail? Wow, my imagination has great power, its controlling what people say! Yeah, makes sense... Im not the only one who talks to my friend through thought so you cant call the experience subjective.

Your view on experiences is a belief man, like it or not. It is something you WANT to be true because it makes you feel more comfortable about your views on reality.