★ Atomic Squat ★

@Pinworm i got a handfull of zanex im pretty sure. Xanex? Zanex? I dont know how to spell it. I think the guy called em bars or ladders? Never tried em. I need to stay up all night. I got a bottle of vodka, pack a smokes, weed. Is that shit gonna knock me out or keep me up?
@Pinworm i got a handfull of zanex im pretty sure. Xanex? Zanex? I dont know how to spell it. I think the guy called em bars or ladders? Never tried em. I need to stay up all night. I got a bottle of vodka, pack a smokes, weed. Is that shit gonna knock me out or keep me up?
Xanax? Some xan bars? Those are going to make you sleepy, big guy! They are great for hangovers, but if your plan is to stay up, you should join me in my office for a big fat rail...
Xanax? Some xan bars? Those are going to make you sleepy, big guy! They are great for hangovers, but if your plan is to stay up, you should join me in my office for a big fat rail...
I think im 13 hrs from you. I dont do lines but tonight i would. Too bad i wasnt 13 minutes away or id have the tires smokin all the way there.