• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Attention Atheist

the seedman

Active Member
yea religion is causing nothing but problems now adays... especially in the middle east. and the only reason the US is there is because of the oil. the gov doesnt care about the fighting they just want a piece of the black gold.
true, but its my view as an ex serviceman that used to put his life on the line for our government, that all wars are pointless propaganda, selfindulgent, money laundering, corrupt affairs with only one true motivation and that is to increase the self importance of a few fat cat beurocrats and to extend the life of their political parties, at the detriment to the whole country if not the world, and for what these useless fucks have no problem sending our youth to war, because they have no fear of going to war them selves

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea the US is like that motherfucker who walks around buzzded up with his chest puffed out talkin shit, and as soon as somebody calls him out hes fuckin swingin.

and as seedman said it is always "pointless propiganda"... im 75% sure sep. 11th could have been prevented because the gov knew about that shit before it was going to happen.(look the shit up) but they did nothing about it just so they would have a reason to actually go to war. its sad but true. and if you look at the start of any other war its been a "misunderstanding" or a bullshit reason. i know this isnt about religion but i feel like venting about the bullshit going on in the world now adays.

and as far as religion goes i feel like its for ppl who cant get through life on thier own. they need a crutch to stand on and the idea of god/heaven does it for them. but if only they could belive in peace without trying to convert other people, or tell other people thier wrong the shit could happen in peace.

the seedman

Active Member
yea the US is like that motherfucker who walks around buzzded up with his chest puffed out talkin shit, and as soon as somebody calls him out hes fuckin swingin.

and as seedman said it is always "pointless propiganda"... im 75% sure sep. 11th could have been prevented because the gov knew about that shit before it was going to happen.(look the shit up) but they did nothing about it just so they would have a reason to actually go to war. its sad but true. and if you look at the start of any other war its been a "misunderstanding" or a bullshit reason. i know this isnt about religion but i feel like venting about the bullshit going on in the world now adays.

and as far as religion goes i feel like its for ppl who cant get through life on thier own. they need a crutch to stand on and the idea of god/heaven does it for them. but if only they could belive in peace without trying to convert other people, or tell other people thier wrong the shit could happen in peace.

yes i kind of whent off topic, but but imo behind every political party, is a crowd of mental christians promising votes to that party, and oh yes how many times have you heard a president or government leaders, pray to almighty god for safe return of service men and success in a particular conflict. when we all know those gutless polititians hardly ever go to church???

oh and budnugbong your right about everything except one thing, theres no 75% sure they are 100% responsible for causing this current war and thats not an oppinion its fact

and when they've had a little turn at fucking up the country, and get replaced by another bunch of anal retards, they hand over the reigns to someone else that rips off the tax payer and sends the healthy and young to die at war. fuckin great plan vote obama he's different hopefully he can save us.......wrong

see if private enterprise ran the government they'd do what they always do hire a buch of accountants to do the math, figure out their wasting heaps of money, and sack or lets use another word that sounds better retrench all the public servants about to earn long service save million of dollars give them selves a pay rise and the rip off continues,

fuck and they call me a criminal because after nearly 10 years of service i left the military after my back was twisted and fucked up for all time, and after i had my first cone, grew some weed, that makes me a criminal????? what the fuck

ps. also we've all seen enough rambo movies to know that if the US wants someone dead they just send in a small team of highly trained specialist personell to deal with the problem not thousands of 18 year olds with their whole life a head of them


Well-Known Member
i dont think we're only over there for the oil. whats really behind it all is eventual control of the world. iran feels we're dictating the world (which we are) and feels threatened period (notice how iraq and afghanistan are on either side of iran?) if iran was positioning themselves in canada and mexico, and had sound nuclear capabilities, what would we do?


Active Member
So many angry comments...
Why does it matter what someone believes in?
My family and I are Atheist.
Getting pissed off and preaching about god isn't going to make anyone change their religion lol.
I just don't see why it matters.
Why can't we all just get along and form a big circle?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You know, I have no problem with individuals and their faith but I do care about the attack on science that many religious believe their faith requires. I also feel bad for the people that are misled. I met a quite intelligent fundamentalist on another forum. He always appeared quite rational and logical in other areas of his life when seeing him debate on secular topics. He maintained in the literal creation story due to his strict interpretation of scripture. He had many of the common misconceptions about evolution that are spread through the fundie sites and he admitted that he never studied it beyond a basic high school text treatment of it as part of biology. Long discussions with me and others on this epic Creationism/Evolution thread led him to do his own research and actually read links and books not merely search for pre-made, unsound fundie rebuttals to anything on talkorigins.org and books like The Blind Watchmaker and the worst offenders -- fails regarding Origin of Species itself.
Reading the material for himself and not relying on others to interpret for him opened his eyes and he has since admitted that evolution by natural selection and common ancestry have extraordinary evidence and he is convinced and understands that we are apes ourselves and that man descended from a common ancestor we share with chimps and other modern primates. He still believes that God gave us souls and some special time that makes us humans but I still take it as a win for science. He has co to peace with himself in his requirement to re-examine the Genesis story as metaphor and poetry.

My point is that I think there are good reasons to debate some time. Many theists hold that their own rational and reasonable arguments can persuade others. Many have cited C.S Lewis Mere Christianity a means to convert atheists.


Well-Known Member
some of you may have seen this and it may have been posted again but here it is
this is just down right insane and i fear for these kids.


Well-Known Member
some of you may have seen this and it may have been posted again but here it is
this is just down right insane and i fear for these kids.
:shock: :o

This is disturbing to say the least.
I really enjoyed the holy water from the Nestle bottle. :lol:

Thanks for that.


i am not an atheist : but the big bang was the creator .... which transformed itself into many gods ... suns and planets ... whcih those gods mated to create biological life us ....... so we are all a part of the supreme being ... life with life within life .... just as your body house many different life forms or organisms to keep your whole body working .... well the sund and planets are the same organism that keep the supreme being going ,,...

the seedman

Active Member
i am not an atheist : but the big bang was the creator .... which transformed itself into many gods ... suns and planets ... whcih those gods mated to create biological life us ....... so we are all a part of the supreme being ... life with life within life .... just as your body house many different life forms or organisms to keep your whole body working .... well the sund and planets are the same organism that keep the supreme being going ,,...
you must have some top shelf weed to believe that, can i have some?????


Well-Known Member
420HAZE420 your a homo bitch. you act like you know everything but your reall just one more worthess peice of shit your going to die and then rot in the ground. there is no god and if you do beleive that some magical being created the universe and eath, you are one ignorant stupid son of a bitch. IF GOD IS REAL WHERES THE PROOF JACKASS?
... 194 pages and you think that'll get you an answer???


Well-Known Member
you must have some top shelf weed to believe that, can i have some?????
I don't know, I sort of like that that explanation. Makes sense to me... guess I have some top shelf weed too. :)

i am not an atheist : but the big bang was the creator .... which transformed itself into many gods ... suns and planets ... whcih those gods mated to create biological life us ....... so we are all a part of the supreme being ... life with life within life .... just as your body house many different life forms or organisms to keep your whole body working .... well the sund and planets are the same organism that keep the supreme being going ,,...


Active Member
I really wish believers wouldnt make themselves look like idiots lol but i believe every person on this earth feels something deep or lack of something deep and only God can fill that feeling... and yes, its a feeling... not a big sign in front of you confirming the existence of God. I feel God working in people when i see love.. and compassion and caring and even in a smile. I see satan working in people who hate.. and sin and start shit and talk shit and it really stinks spiritually... Even if you dont believe in God, at least dont let evil:evil: run your life because you'll be fueling the fire that can destroy you one day. Peace and love guys, i wish you the best


only life can create life .. no nonlife can create life only life .. therefore the bigbang had to be a life form which transformed into the different life forms .. this also supports energy can not be created or destroyed ... thus the bigbang was not a creation but a life form always been in existence just transforming itself into the differents forms we see to day .... oh if you dont believe the sun and planets are life .. then what could they be ... they created life .. so they must be life only life can create life ..... also name a life form that exist with out the earth or the sun ... or star and planet .... also every life form has some type of life with in it .. then it is only concievable to believe we are within some larger life ... also a math principle " before you can add something there must be at least one..." so all these lifes that you add up had to be from some one source ..." so if that one source can not be created or destroyed then it must be the supreme life that always was, always hasbeen, and always will be .... so i conclude the mathematical equation for a life is = infinity/one ... infinity is that one source and 1 is your soul or energy source as it approaches infinty.... like limit process.... we raise our souls as high as we can to reach infinity....it is like jesus , budha, and all the other great lives ...their equation for hypothetical purposes may be infinity/100 or 1000 or whatever it is ... the point is our goal is to raise our energy signature as close to infinity as possible .. through love ,.. and the law of hurt (hurt no one) because we are all part of the same body .. so hurting you really hurts me ....,.. the law of hurt is actually the only law that should exist .. the one law, from the one life, from the one source, ......"THE SUPREME BEING" THE SUPREME BEING IS SPLITTING ITSELF IN TWO LIKE A SINGLE CELL MOLECULE .. TO MAKE A COMPANION AS GREAT AS IT .... BUT IT MUST SEND ITS ENERGY THROUGH ALL EXPIRIENCES AGAINS ... SO WE ALL WILL EXPIRIENCE ALL, GOODS, ALL EVILS, ALL SICKNESS.... THE SUPREME HAS DONE ALL,, SO THROUGH THIS PROCESS OF EVOLUTION WE GO THROUGH LIFE AFTER LIFE TO EXPIRIENCE ALL THAT THERE IS SO IN THE END THERE WILL BE TWO COMPANION SIGULARITIES ... LIKE BEFORE THE BIGBANG.....PURE MASCULINE AND FEMININE ENERGY SOURCES..... THE SUPREME BEING IS MAKING A MATE OUT OF ITSELF..... THATS IS WHY ALL ANIMALS HAVE A STRUGGLE WHEN IT COMES TO MALE AND FEMALE COEXISTING..... ITS THE PROCESS OF LEARNING ALL THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE AND A MATE TO MAKE THE PERFECT MATE OR REPLICA SORTOFF... ITS VERY COMPLICATED TO UNDERSTAND.


there have been many expiriments to try an produce life out of nothing... the closest they have come is the production of amino acids .. but they used water and hydrogen to do this which is elements the sun cooks up to produce life......

lets look at this logically. The egyptians believed in the sun god Ra , well .. the Sun and the earth are living life forms...
only life can create life ...a rock can not create life .. a piece of metal can not create life... only a form of life can create life... then the earth which creates life must in fact be a life form.. it can not be non life because a non life form can not create life.. that bag of water you were born in ...inside your moms wound .. well the earth's ocean is that same bag of water which life is born out of ... science has proven life came out of the ocean first.... The sun .. science has proven that the earth and the planets were made from the gases of the sun ... The sun create the life of the earth... therefore the sun has to be a life form .. it can not be a non life form.... also .. when life eats foods .. that food was some sort of life form at some point... so if the plant life on earth uses the sun for food the the sun must be some life form... also the plankton of the ocean feeds off the sun light...... Also life forms who was made from the sun eminates light just like the sun .. go see yourself in infared vision you will see the heat of your body eminating the same colors of the sun also the earth inner and outer cores resembles the sun /.. actually looking like a sun itself underneath the earths core. also if we are life then something had to create us...that was a life form .....The sun is not the supreme being but it is a god .. and it is our father and it is our king of this solar system .. all the stars of the night sky are gods and fathers and kings of their respective solar systems.....think about how the sun's rays reach out and touch all of its children .. but we can never touch the sun..... all the religions of the world fight over their god .. but every last one of them needs the sun and should give praise for the sun takes not one day off .. to make sure its children is warm and has food.