• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Attention Atheist

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
wow that brain washing stuff on page 193 is reaaaallly fucked up. i always wonderd how people now adays could grow up in this world and still belive in something like god. shit is out of line if you ask me. what kind of parent would do that to thier kid. let them make up thier own mind about what they belive.

and i wonder how much that camp is making off of that? this whole god thing is big buisness.


Well-Known Member
this links shows the sun intelligently saving us all from destruction
Interesting conspiracy theory. The internet makes it easy for crap like this to thrive. Space.com has a different explanation:
(Basically, the comet wasn't a threat to us in the first place - it's small, and never came close to earth. The sun didn't even need to save us.)

Here's a little bit from that page:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Internet accounts of a comet, supposedly bigger than Jupiter and possibly bearing down on Earth, have concerned citizens e-mailing astronomers and journalists worldwide asking if the end is finally nigh. True to form, the rumors also include allegations of a cover-up by NASA.
Scientists say there is absolutely no danger and call the suggestions of cover-up false and even silly.
The inaccurate portrayals on various Internet sites range from suggestions that the comet's electromagnetic field will drastically alter Earth's weather in coming days to even wilder notions that it is not a comet but instead the long-missing and hypothetical "Planet X." In some accounts the object is destined to fulfill dire Biblical prophecy.
The rumors are all based on a comet called NEAT, discovered late last year and imaged in mid-February by the SOHO spacecraft, which is operated jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency.


[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]In fact NEAT turned out to be slightly disappointing, after some astronomers had speculated it might become bright enough to astound nighttime skywatchers and possibly even be visible during the day. Instead, few casual backyard stargazers even noticed the comet's passage.
"The orbit of NEAT is pretty well understood, and it's on its way out, not in," said Philip Plait, an astronomer at Sonoma State University in California who writes about misinformation in astronomy in an effort to set records straight. "The orbit of the comet doesn't bring it any closer to us than 120 million kilometers [75 million miles], and that was two months ago. So there's nothing to worry about."

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"The actual comet itself, the chunk of rock and ice, is only a few miles across," he said. "What we see in the [SOHO] images is the cloud of gas surrounding the nucleus, evaporated off the surface by the heat of the Sun. That cloud is huge, but the comet itself is tiny."

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]The accusations of cover-up result, in part, from a few alleged missing images, or images that NASA tampered with, in the series snapped over few days by SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory).
Plait called the tampering suggestion silly.
Bernhard Fleck, a SOHO project scientist, said it is common for delays to occur in posting images to the SOHO Web site, primarily because the public release of the large number of photos is done without funding and on a mostly voluntary basis. He said a heavy snowstorm in the Washington, D.C. area on the days of NEAT's closest approach to the Sun prevented most scientists from getting to the office and processing the images.



Active Member
The whole religious coincidence with Astrology kinda makes sense. It hasnt been around since the dawn of civilization because its BS, but because its a universal truth. Obviously we dont have the right answer, maybe we never will in this life... but that doesnt mean we have to abandon all efforts to seek God. If he truly did not exist, there would be no pattern. There would be no design. There would be no single consciousness that we share as human beings. Maybe theres intelligent life in the Universe, but would that disclaim the existence of God, or would it strengthen it? Maybe one day we could visit them, our friends of the exponentially expansive Universe. Maybe 7 days is metaphorical for 7 billion years? Maybe Dinosaurs roamed the Earth before and even in the time of man? Maybe God is Omnipotent and lets evil invade us, so that we can fight it and be stronger for it. Maybe we as people have seen this coming all along, but will fight to the end holding onto beliefs that are shared among us but perverted so much and disputed so mercilessly that some choose to abandon this quest alltogether. Im holding all this kinda as a question, because thats really all we can make it. A question that we are striving to answer. One that science has unraveled to a certain extent, but will always present a question that will be up to humanity to decide and to make a choice on upon. Where did we come from? What is our purpose on this Earth? Is life really just a coincidence or is there a plan for us? Is the feeling of meaningless coming from our inability to understand? Can we put aside all of our differences and come together as humanity and find the truth? Will we let ourselves fall victim to lies and brainwashing?
I certainly hope i do not, im just looking for the answers and where i believe there is truth, i will try to expand on it.

Btw, ive been around religious brainwashing all my life and it has a lot of things that make me feel sick to the deepest part of my soul. Ive even been to those bible camps and i found like-minded people there who didnt mind toking around the corner. They too believed in God but didnt follow the brainwashed masses.. I look forward to future camps because im bringing brownies too lol I got something to say.. Just do what you gotta do, and seek the truth, cuz itll set you free. If you're strong, you wont ignore your spirit. I truly feel sorry for the people who believe religious nonsense, but that cant be God.. call it what you will, but evil exists too. Neutrality is not a position you can stand on. It is just the fine line that separates the light and the darkness. The question is... what position will you take.
The one that will answer your every question? or the one that will keep you in darkness? Will humanity choose to flourish in brilliance? or degrade in blindness?

Sorry if this is a lot of reading, but i had some time to write and seeing how this is a popular, yet controversial and unliked topic, i wanted to share some thoughts with you guys. No matter what kind of things i read and hear, it all kind of strengthens my beliefs and i know BS when it comes. Many of you skeptics are obviously smart and i would love to philosophize and toke with you guys. Its just Athiesm takes a lot of belief to believe lacks a certain side of us that is obviously there but is ignored and understandingly so. We are not Gods, but we can be so much more than what we are now. Please keep an open mind and share your thoughts, i would love to hear from you guys.:blsmoke:


Active Member
I just had to post a response to this idea about being open minded. I get tired of people that believe in woo woo accusing skeptics of not having an open mind.

I didnt accuse anyone of anything...
You get tired of people that believe in woo woo?? What is this "woo woo"?
Do you educate yourself by reading anti-religious websites and watching youtube videos?
Just give up...
haha mindphuk man you gotta light one and give it a rest man. I think all your 1000 posts are in this thread lol nonetheless it appears you are very well educated it appears you strongly believe in the information u are conveying, and although we are clearly on far opposite sides of the line of scrimmage you are not makin it personal which i respect. so love to u brotha. ill leave it at that.


i wish christians had a video recorder to film their non stop dribble, perhaps if they heard how stupid they sound they might give it a rest, or think about what comes out of their cake hole, before sounding like a the idiots they are.

and again if any one on here that is a christian thinks this is a one sided thread, in favour of the athiests, then, i'll have to repeat myself by saying if you believe in god, then dont smoke weed, its against your own religon. and you should sell all your assets, and go preaching because thats in your bible too

i thought so your still here, well shut up about god, roll a joint and keep your assets, and put your bible in the bottom draw
now semen u can go phuck yourself piece of shit. what i giant doucher. way to make it personal. i strongly believe many religions are phony, but im not gonna go attack them like that. grow up.

and i mean 0 disrespect to the RIU community...i just felt that was necessary :)


Well-Known Member
haha mindphuk man you gotta light one and give it a rest man. I think all your 1000 posts are in this thread lol nonetheless it appears you are very well educated it appears you strongly believe in the information u are conveying, and although we are clearly on far opposite sides of the line of scrimmage you are not makin it personal which i respect. so love to u brotha. ill leave it at that.
Peace back at ya!

Do you educate yourself by reading anti-religious websites and watching youtube videos?
Just give up...
Come back when you are able to actually respond to a post sometime without making a personal attack.
Some people here would do themselves some good learning by watching youtube videos... BTW, So now a video about open-mindedness is anti-religious? I guess that goes along with what has been said here all along, religion needs to stifle free thought. An open mind is anathema to religion.

Why should I 'give it up?' I'm here educating people, what the fuck are you doing?

I didnt accuse anyone of anything...
And I didn't accuse you of anything. What's your point?

You get tired of people that believe in woo woo?? What is this "woo woo"?
Google is your friend.


Active Member
Peace back at ya!

Come back when you are able to actually respond to a post sometime without making a personal attack.
Some people here would do themselves some good learning by watching youtube videos... BTW, So now a video about open-mindedness is anti-religious? I guess that goes along with what has been said here all along, religion needs to stifle free thought. An open mind is anathema to religion.
-I didnt say that specific video was anti-religious... but im sure you posted plenty and that doesnt bother me

Why should I 'give it up?' I'm here educating people, what the fuck are you doing?
-I think you can bring other people to atheism as well, but i dont really care what you do anymore... do whatever it is you gotta do

And I didn't accuse you of anything. What's your point?
-My point is you thought i was accusing you of closed-mindedness... which i wasnt... so dont jump to conclusions

Google is your friend.
Well, much of the world uses google... so yes, it is my friend

Man, i spent a good amount of minutes trying not to make it personal. If you read my posts, i try not to fight anyone... but you have a clever comeback to anyone who says anything slightly wrong. I agree with bluunttoface...
Allright man, ill give it a rest... So you are fully convinced God doesnt exist, congratulations man.. have a good life

Black Thumb

Well-Known Member
I dont want to argue religion, its pointless, but i do have an opinion.

My opinion in a short version is religion is bred into the young and they accept it and thats the end of it.
The problem for me is when i see others who are religious and chastizing others for not believing. Same thing applies to a uneducated non religious person chastizing a religious person.

Most religious people have never read there cannon all the way through , if they have read it, they read it in pre ordained orders suggested by the church.
Those who have read it barely have any grasp of what they are reading, most need the red letter bibles to translate for them and even the red letter bibles dont explain the history and mentality of the time, so they still have no grasp of the story on a whole.

The problem with 99% of religious people is they have no idea of the history of the material they call holy.
If they could grasp the whole cannon and its history including the books that never made it into the cannon ( man made decisions on how the bible would be put together) they would have a better view.

Think about it, back then the new testament books where written several decades ( Maybe even a century) after jesus died. The majority of the population could not read or write.
If they could read books, books where more expensive then valued trade.
So people would listen and tell stories and stories would change and monks or other scholars who could actually write where writing down verbal stories, not eye witnessed facts! We can show this by simple history checking.

If they could see how certain books and scriptures where removed to better suit the needs of the people in power at the time and if you could grasp the entire religious agenda and disect the flaws within and without you would have a better idea of religion.

The problem i notice with religion is you always need to ask someone else about question you dont understand or are not covered in the bible, most cases they make something up to sound good, as children we have all experienced this.

I highly doubt anyone who is religious these days, picks up a bible without being told about god and just believes. Thats the whole reason why your churches are on a mission to spread the gospel.

Heres the short, religion cannot erase facts and history and in this day and age its so much easier to access the facts and the history so there is no denying what really happened in the BIG picture.

Its not a battle of science and god that will open the eyes.
Its a simple step of looking at history, fact checking and understanding what was going on that will diminish the credibility of the cannon.

So thats just my opinion, i wont be back to look for responses of how i am wrong or how my grammar and spelling suck, yata yata i just wanted to say something i have learned and share for others to maybe learn something.

Take care.


Well-Known Member
-I didnt say that specific video was anti-religious... but im sure you posted plenty and that doesnt bother me
You implied I read anti-religious websites and youtube videos right after I posted a youtube video. You do the math....

-I think you can bring other people to atheism as well, but i dont really care what you do anymore... do whatever it is you gotta do
As I have said numerous times, I could care less what people believe about a god, my goal is to protect and defend science from the frequent inaccuracies perpetuated by the religious and pseudoscience crowd.

-My point is you thought i was accusing you of closed-mindedness... which i wasnt... so dont jump to conclusions
Now you know what I'm thinking? Want to take that act on the road?
I never said you accused me of being closed minded. I made a specific statement about how people misuse and misapply the term open-minded. The video explains it well. Did you bother to watch it?

Man, i spent a good amount of minutes trying not to make it personal. If you read my posts, i try not to fight anyone... but you have a clever comeback to anyone who says anything slightly wrong. I agree with bluunttoface...
Allright man, ill give it a rest... So you are fully convinced God doesnt exist, congratulations man.. have a good life
Dude, YOU made it personal, not me. Here, I'll quote it again so you can understand.
Do you educate yourself by reading anti-religious websites and watching youtube videos?
Just give up...

Why are you acting so fucking sensitive to my posts? I made no personal attacks against you. You respond very negatively to criticism but that is the nature of science to investigate and critically explore the universe. This is how we learn, we throw out ideas and others pounce one them and tear them apart until only the truth remains. Science and reason can be harsh sometimes. Deal with it.


Active Member
You implied I read anti-religious websites and youtube videos right after I posted a youtube video. You do the math....

As I have said numerous times, I could care less what people believe about a god, my goal is to protect and defend science from the frequent inaccuracies perpetuated by the religious and pseudoscience crowd.

Now you know what I'm thinking? Want to take that act on the road?
I never said you accused me of being closed minded. I made a specific statement about how people misuse and misapply the term open-minded. The video explains it well. Did you bother to watch it?

Dude, YOU made it personal, not me. Here, I'll quote it again so you can understand.

Why are you acting so fucking sensitive to my posts? I made no personal attacks against you. You respond very negatively to criticism but that is the nature of science to investigate and critically explore the universe. This is how we learn, we throw out ideas and others pounce one them and tear them apart until only the truth remains. Science and reason can be harsh sometimes. Deal with it.
Sensitive to your posts? whatever dude the dead horse has been beaten to a pulp, im done


I've got a question for you. Who or what created the "Creator"?
Let see we have an the Bibles description, and then few thousand years later some one brings forth the singularity

Nothing infinetly dense and hot but still nothing created itself and space?

I dunno sounds like ''Let there be light'', and makes more sense to me at least that Some one created everything rather than nothing created itself.

To answer your question from a biblical view point Holy Scripture says God has always been.


Well-Known Member
Let see we have an the Bibles description, and then few thousand years later some one brings forth the singularity

Nothing infinetly dense and hot but still nothing created itself and space?

I dunno sounds like ''Let there be light'', and makes more sense to me at least that Some one created everything rather than nothing created itself.

To answer your question from a biblical view point Holy Scripture says God has always been.

You are looking at it the wrong way. "What" created the universe is a nonsensical question, just like "what does purple taste like?" or "what is outside the universe?" is.

We do not know why or how the universe got here. That's really the bottom line. Why is it good for us to pretend we do? Why? Tell me that. Why can't we get all the good stuff religion contributes without having to believe all the obvious metaphors and pseudo science? This is how science and religion must be if they carry on with our species.

Imagine a world where science and religion cooperated! It really would be the best of both worlds, complimentary to each other, building upon one another... Why can't it be this way?

Anyway "it's always been" - you can't expect to be taken seriously with that. That is not an explanation of anything. "It's always been" to an atheist is "everything came from nothing" to a believer (which atheists tend not to agree with, in general...).