Attention! Large Volume Growers - Did You Know?

one sure way-

brew a bunch of this shit up and give it away to cancer patients. fuck i think i'll try it


good man murfy, it's good to know there are good samaritans amongst us. but let me tell you something guys.. i put in a $100 worth and got only a few measly drops of oil. I think the better route would be to make cookies out of them. Just read it up on how to do it online. you have to make it out of cannabutter. It's the same idea of consuming the cannabis rather than smoking it so your getting %100 THC of that plant. But trust me on this one and try the baking way first, unless you have a huge quantity of hemp. then i think the oil would be even better. But for people who don't have access to a large quantity of hemp i suggest you take the baking method instead. And i apologize to poplars who takes his/her name from a tasty snack featured in futurama lol, i guess i was in a bad mood and i truly hate negativity.
when cannabis is smoked we get THC9... when it is digested it reacts with our stomach acids and urn into THC11, which is far more trippy, hallucinogenic. Mixing the two is the best, imo.
I didn't read the whole thread but didn't jack hearer himself just die recently from cancer? Kinda shitty it didn't work for him tho
High Times actually did an article and interview with Rick Simpson about this and printed it in the January 2009 issue. I'm actually waiting to have my last pants finish, and I will be making this for my grandfather, as a possible treatment to his prostate cancer. In the article, Simpson states that a couple drops under the tongue a day is all it takes. Gramps doesn't need to know its actually from marijuana.
High Times actually did an article and interview with Rick Simpson about this and printed it in the January 2009 issue. I'm actually waiting to have my last pants finish, and I will be making this for my grandfather, as a possible treatment to his prostate cancer. In the article, Simpson states that a couple drops under the tongue a day is all it takes. Gramps doesn't need to know its actually from marijuana.
At a boy. It's easily hid in food.

you have to use honey oil or a tincture, which is a concentrate of cannabinoids, and use strains high in CBD
I tried to extrapolate what Rick Simpson says, and what I have learned about growing in here and other places. It's obvious that generally speaking, indica strains will provide the best medicine, except when the medicine is needed to treat depression or to provide an uplifting feeling, then sativa strains would probably be the best. When it comes to how long the grower should allow the flowers to mature when hemp oil is going to be the end product, perhaps they should let all the trichomes get amber, or at least a vast majority, rather than pulling when just a few are. That's just a guess based on the knowledge that the more trichs that get amber, the more the body is affected, and the more the patient would rest.

The scientific tests have proven that it is THC alone that kills cancer.

Brain, lung and a rare type of leukaemia.
Sometimes I get confused when I read scientific reports. When they come up with positive results, it makes me feel elated, but what exactly did they test with? They don't usually talk about the strain, type or quality of the bud that's used. Are they testing with the shwag grown in Mississippi? And what if they got ahold of some of the dank shit grown by people on this board? I'd bet the results would be even more positive. They talk about THC delta-9, but then they also talk about the 60 compounds found in the plant that could be beneficial to the human body. There's just so much more to learn.
good man murfy, it's good to know there are good samaritans amongst us. but let me tell you something guys.. i put in a $100 worth and got only a few measly drops of oil. I think the better route would be to make cookies out of them. Just read it up on how to do it online. you have to make it out of cannabutter. It's the same idea of consuming the cannabis rather than smoking it so your getting %100 THC of that plant. But trust me on this one and try the baking way first, unless you have a huge quantity of hemp. then i think the oil would be even better. But for people who don't have access to a large quantity of hemp i suggest you take the baking method instead. And i apologize to poplars who takes his/her name from a tasty snack featured in futurama lol, i guess i was in a bad mood and i truly hate negativity.
Yeah, that was the ball-buster in the making of the oil, and why I tried to appeal to large volume growers by making this thread. Rick was throwing a pound of dope in the pot and ending up with 2 ounces of oil. What is $100 worth of dope nowadays, 1/2 oz? That's 1/32 of what he started with. The thing is, your patient could have a week of medicine with those few drops.

I figure at today's street values, a pound would cost $3-4K. That would provide 3 or 4 months of oil, and according to the reports, be enough to eradicate an illness. If someone in my family or I was diagnosed with cancer, I wouldn't mind going into that debt to obtain the dope necessary.

It's totally excellent that you made the oil. Was it easy? Did you buy the rice cooker and the coffee cup warmer? Did you use Isopropal Alcohol?
The scientific tests have proven that it is THC alone that kills cancer.

Brain, lung and a rare type of leukaemia.

they also have proven that CBD works better for some cancers than THC, likewise THC works better for some cancers than CBD.

those still doubting that cancer can become immune to cannabinoids are foolish. its a mutation, EVENTUALLY it will happen. no matter what. if you're exposing yourself to cannabinoids and carcinogens, you will eventually get cannabinoid resistant cancer.
Foolish is a strong word in the context that we're speaking in here. We are all generally ignorant of hemp's powers, because there has been almost no research in our lifetime. There have been few case studies from which to draw conclusions. Yet, you've seem to taken those few and done just that. What are you trying to teach us, that we shouldn't bother with the hemp oil because eventually our bodies will become immune to its wonders? Are you positive that will be the case in all people on earth? There are people that die from chemotherapy and radiation, yet there are those that survive it and live long lives.

Rick Simpson taught us that if you are diagnosed with cancer (go ahead and nitpick only certain types, but I'll argue most types) hemp oil can cure it. And fast. If you are 3o years old with cancer, and hemp oil takes it away until you're 50, isn't that worth it????? And are you here to say that that 30 year old won't live to 70 or 80?

You know, there were people that lived to the ripe old ages of 80 or 90 that have never ingested so much as one molecule of THC or CBD from hemp (that I'm aware of) and died from some other condition other than cancer. There are those that died from heart attacks at 40 or less. There's a wide range of ages people die (8 to 80, blind, crippled or crazy) and conditions that caused their death.

The push from me, and the point you keep seeming to miss, is that hemp oil will give cancer patients more time on earth. <<<<<That's a period at the end of that sentence!!!

When doctors give up on cancer patients and tell them to make their final plans, hemp oil can tell that doctor to fuck off, there's more hope! There's more life! Ok, so there's only 10 years, only 5 years whatever, there's more! That's the starting point that we should all be lining up on, not that our bodies are going to become immune one day.
ALL I'm saying is, don't smoke cannabis if you truly don't want to get cancer. only vaporize. because smoking is a mix of cannabinoids and carcinogens . . . . that's ideal for making cannabis resistant lung cancer.

I fully believe that cancer that expresses CB2 receptors outside of the cell can be fully cured by cannabinoids.

all I'm saying is, don't go out smoking out of your pipe or blunt or bong etc. thinking you're 100% safe from cancer. if you smoke, you're taking a risk of getting cannabinoid resistant cancer, there isn't any other way you can twist it . . . .

most cancer can be cured by cannabis. but because of the nature of mutation, you never know if the cancer isn't going to express CB2 receptors on the outside.

let me spoon feed it to you

if the cannabinoid receptor isn't present on the outside of the cancer, THC cannot cure it no matter what you do.

and since cancer is caused from mutation from the dna, genes getting damaged, eventually, if you're exposing yourself to carcinogens and cannabinoids . . . .

you're repeatidly killing off cancer and creating it over and over . . . when you do that eventually the right gene will get broken off and you will have cannabinoid resistant cancer.

I'm NOT just talking out of my ass here . . . . this is just logic.

and edit: there is NOTHING wrong with consuming hemp oil. I don't see there being many carcinogens in that, however, depends on the way you make it, it certainly could have carcinogens . . . . I'm not talking about becoming immune, I'm only talking about the science I stated in this post . . . .
When did I ever advocate smoking hemp oil to cure cancer? Never. Nowhere in this entire thread do I remember anyone thinking that smoking was the way to go. It seems to be your own strawman arguement. If you are trying to rid yourself of cancer with hemp oil, you should ingest it by eating it. If you prefer to vaporize it, cool, but just eat it, it's easier.

Also, you wish to get all scientific with your CB2 receptor talk, but no one in here needs to go there. I'm not interested in that level of talk. Once again you have attempted to sidestep my point which is kindergarten easy. Permit me to spoonfeed you:

You have cancer? Take hemp oil. It cures cancer.
there is no evidence of increased risk of cancer if you smoke pot. 0% increase of lung cancer over non smokers. smoking marijuana is safe and absolutely will not cause cancer or thc resistant cancers.
The reason for this thread is to plead with those that have the means to grow large quantities of hemp, to produce hemp oil for their patients, to prove to themselves and others that it works. It is to pass on to those that aren't aware, that they have the power in their hands to save the lives of their patients.

So now I'm pleading with you to not turn this thread into a debate about smoking causing or not causing lung cancer.