Attention! Large Volume Growers - Did You Know?

there is no evidence of increased risk of cancer if you smoke pot. 0% increase of lung cancer over non smokers. smoking marijuana is safe and absolutely will not cause cancer or thc resistant cancers.

There is no evidence "linking" smoking cannabis to lung cancer. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen. With the exception of nicotine almost every compound found in tobacco smoke is found in cannabis, so to me that makes it more than possible. It's quite hard to show a proven link when things cant exactly be studied.
My marijuana doctor is kind of on this same page but he differs in one major way from Rick Simpson, he says that making butter/oil with trim, leaves, and stems or capsules is the best way and that the main purpose the bud serves is for THC, he claims you can get almost all of the medicinal benefits simply from the stems and stalks (except the benefits from THC such as helping your appetite). So I take all my trim and make butter right now but I will be making capsules soon, one of my patients has ordered a machine to make them.
How did the machine work out?

High Times actually did an article and interview with Rick Simpson about this and printed it in the January 2009 issue. I'm actually waiting to have my last pants finish, and I will be making this for my grandfather, as a possible treatment to his prostate cancer. In the article, Simpson states that a couple drops under the tongue a day is all it takes. Gramps doesn't need to know its actually from marijuana.
How did your oil turn out? Did it work? Please say yes.
Well, in the 1 1/2 years since posting this thread, Rick Simpson is still on his high horse and nobody has knocked him down yet. I apologize to Wordz for cutting him off. His words in this thread are certainly true and relevant, and better than no words at error....I thought I was protecting something.

Dr. Donald Tashkin from UCLA has done a large study and found that even heavy smoking of MJ shows no association with lung cancer, and heavy MJ smokers showed no abnormalities in lung function.

Nobody has been able to refute what Rick is saying, however, mainstream is still not in the know. The information is being withheld from them. They are being awaken slowly. To someone in Washington or Colorado, who because of all the warnings growing up about illicit drugs, never touched the stuff, they may now look into what MJ really is, and when you look at it with that type of mindset, you come to realize there are very few things that are bad and they are vastly outweighed by the miraculous aspects of this plant. About the same time, you finally open your eyes and realize that we've all been lied to, and the filthy rich, the ones that own the media and control the FDA/ATF/DEA, they're the ones that have been holding MJ down.
With the exception of nicotine almost every compound found in tobacco smoke is found in cannabis,

I know this post is ancient, but it's SO wrong, I had to mention:

Cannabis has, roughly, 400 to 500 different chemicals in it.

An average cigarette has 4000+. Menthol's have even more.

Huge difference.
I had read that there are some very similar compounds in cigarettes, however, MJ does have many different ones. But MJ has something about it that counteracts the dangerous adverse effects.

...can't explain it. just happens.