Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

ya i suspect they are gonna resend them tonight when its daytime in the dam. jodie usually emails around 3-4am so I'm sure she's gonna handle it.

did you see the notes we've been getting barraz
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i don't have any pics of the main package that don't have some sort of angle on my address. its all covered in greet tape.

Thats my next question i know of one person on here who's running in a hamster wheel trying to get his beans. is that the norm once they snag you? or is it still just luck of the draw?
Its no luck think about it. Cali is a med state someone in the loop knows what the packages look like. Also sure they know about the packages in Chicago as well they border another med state.

Who ever is doing this clearly didn't listen to what Obama said. He did announce that the med states wouldn't be bothered yet its still happening.!! If customs is doing this. They are going against what their surpreme leader said. So it is most def a religious zealot or stoner.
i doubt customs would think thats funny most customs people are ex military i tried getting in there many moons ago and they told me if i wasn't ex military don't even try they would probably look right over me. too much extra training he said. either way military people don't take kindly to playing around. especially when it comes doing stupid stuff that makes the evidence not useful in court. any good lawyer would have a field day with this if it came to a head.

I guess you don't know much about soldiers them dudes play around like children even over sea's in war they be clowning. Sure the officers may be up tight bastards but enlisted men are a complete different story just watch Jarhead it may be fictional but yeah they do fuck around like that, I even watched a documentary on afghanistan and a few soldiers where dancing and acting queer to some girly ass music soldiers are not just a bunch of up tight pricks. Officers are a whole different story though.
you got snagged by luck o' da draw.

however, no doubt, these agents know the packaging type , the general size, from where shit originates, and more.

they're not just guessing anymore.
random with a touch of "i know what im looking for".

you can forget it.
nothing gonna change.
& jogro already dropped the science.

all i can say is last year i had a package brought to my addy , eaten by a dog, shredded , opened, and obviously searched.

the sad tattered remnants where stuffed all inside a plastic usps labeled zip lock & stuck in my mailbox.

the beans where from sannie ...when he used the jewelery method.
amazingly undiscovered.
the us gov is digitally recording package types (saving these images for comparison) , scouring the internet , registering at canna sites , & more.

they've bought seeds imo.
& they know what time of day it is.
& & they gonna keep up the pressure.

the problem imo : these bean peddlers MUST change up the flow ! & adapt as a counter-strategy !

i want some gooey breeder but im not spending a nickle until this shit evolves some more.
yeah- after seeing all this I am taking a break on ordering for a bit, have some stock here but am addicted to ordering. Will wait to see what the bean senders do to counter this rash of seizures.
I guess you don't know much about soldiers them dudes play around like children even over sea's in war they be clowning. Sure the officers may be up tight bastards but enlisted men are a complete different story just watch Jarhead it may be fictional but yeah they do fuck around like that, I even watched a documentary on afghanistan and a few soldiers where dancing and acting queer to some girly ass music soldiers are not just a bunch of up tight pricks. Officers are a whole different story though.
Laugh at it or go nuts, I preferred to laugh
yeah- after seeing all this I am taking a break on ordering for a bit, have some stock here but am addicted to ordering. Will wait to see what the bean senders do to counter this rash of seizures.
priorities are a whim of the moment for the government. something else will crop up soon enough and then its back to status quo mean will don't poke sticks at the dogs.
Keeping me in the "know" though, I planned on ordering seeds but will have a wait a bit til these threads stop.
Guys, if you're ordering something online which is illegal to own in the country you live in, then it's just the luck of the draw. The fact of the matter is, Attitude, Sea of Seeds, Herbies etc, shouldn't even be shipping to these countries in the first place.

The only thing I can suggest for you guys is the next time you're ordering, we'll use an example of 5 packs;

Order 1 pack per day until you've completed your order, start on the Monday, finish of the Friday. At least that way there is a good chance you'll get at least one of your products. It'll cost you a bit more and you'll lose out on the freebies but it's better than nothing, right?
Who ever is doing this clearly didn't listen to what Obama said. He did announce that the med states wouldn't be bothered yet its still happening.!!

do you really think obama is leaving med mj alone ? DEA is as active as ever despite legalization efforts ongoing. Boy did Obama sucker you.
do you really think obama is leaving med mj alone ? DEA is as active as ever despite legalization efforts ongoing. Boy did Obama sucker you.
a lot of states are going for MMJ laws that severely restrict patient grows so you have to get your meds from dispensaries which pay huge taxes, and to open a dispensary you need major cash( here comes big pharm co). not to hard to make your own hooch, but its illegal cause big brother don't get a cut. see where this is going.:sad::hump:
you got snagged by luck o' da draw.

however, no doubt, these agents know the packaging type , the general size, from where shit originates, and more.

they're not just guessing anymore.
random with a touch of "i know what im looking for".

you can forget it.
nothing gonna change.
& jogro already dropped the science.

all i can say is last year i had a package brought to my addy , eaten by a dog, shredded , opened, and obviously searched.

the sad tattered remnants where stuffed all inside a plastic usps labeled zip lock & stuck in my mailbox.

the beans where from sannie ...when he used the jewelery method.
amazingly undiscovered.

To be clear, did you or did you not receive the beans?
Who ever is doing this clearly didn't listen to what Obama said. He did announce that the med states wouldn't be bothered yet its still happening.!! If customs is doing this. They are going against what their surpreme leader said. So it is most def a religious zealot or stoner.

i do suspect that they are written by the same person marwan similar smiley faces but they've gotten better with practice. stupid little sayings each time too. i know what you mean tie him to all of the cases. Our best outcome is if someone is taking them and selling them. anyone got fam on the south side chicago? hitem up and have them listen for someone selling all the name brand beans.if someone is taking them to sell I'm sure customs would love to know about it. obviously a lot of this is all pretty far fetched but who knows stranger things have happened. wheres Anon when you actually need them?! :cuss:
Seems obvious to me its the same guy. So what?

Note that if this officer were actually keeping or selling the beans, he wouldn't be so stupid as to leave notes about it! Just the fact that he's doing that almost certainly means he's NOT keeping them. If here were interested in stealing contraband, by the way, there is undoubtedly much better (and more valuable) stuff going though the mail than mere cannabis ceeds!

Even if he were stealing these for personal use or resale, again so what? You're not going to catch him sitting in your underwear in front of your computer from 700 miles away. The only way he could possibly be busted is if he's literally caught red handed taking ceeds home, and that's virtually impossible.

Its not going to happen. . .let it go.

Your "best outcome" here is that the Federal gov't permits the sale and possession of cannabis ceeds, entirely removing ICE from the loop. Second best, is that Colorado and/or other States permit open ceed sales to anyone, effectively permitting domestic ceed-banks to exist. Third best is that the ceedbanks vastly step up their stealth, though this is a way distant third, and really, there is only so much they can do here. There are only so many packages this one particular agent can search. . .even if he decided to retire tomorrow, in the grand scheme of things, it probably wouldn't make that much of a difference.

I guess you don't know much about soldiers them dudes play around like children even over sea's in war they be clowning. Sure the officers may be up tight bastards but enlisted men are a complete different story just watch Jarhead it may be fictional but yeah they do fuck around like that, I even watched a documentary on afghanistan and a few soldiers where dancing and acting queer to some girly ass music soldiers are not just a bunch of up tight pricks. Officers are a whole different story though.
There is a LOT of dicking around in the military including BETWEEN officers (not so much officers vs enlisted, but that happens too). I could go on, but since we're not talking about the military, this is irrelevant.

I'll just say that if you think customs officers aren't human beings at least some of which are mischievous or have a sense of humor, you're mistaken.

Its no luck think about it. Cali is a med state someone in the loop knows what the packages look like. Also sure they know about the packages in Chicago as well they border another med state.
EVERYONE who screens these packages knows what they look like. You think customs officers are complete idiots, and/or don't talk to each other?
Its mostly a question of how busy they are on any given day, and how badly any given officer wants to find these.

Who ever is doing this clearly didn't listen to what Obama said. He did announce that the med states wouldn't be bothered yet its still happening.!! If customs is doing this. They are going against what their surpreme leader said. So it is most def a religious zealot or stoner.
I think you're jumping to conclusions here.

First of all, customs officers don't report to Obama, they report to their supervisor. . .who is probably someone who has been through 3-4 Presidential administrations already.

Second, and more important, Obama says lots of things. . .when it comes down to actually doing what he says? Not so much. If the guy said its raining outside, I wouldn't believe him without looking for myself. (In fairness, not just Obama. . .that's true of most politicians). Obama can dictate the tone, but he doesn't have the desire or probably even ability to influence specific actions of every single gov't operative in the USA.

On actual cannabis policy, he's been deliberately ambiguous about it, and to the best of my knowledge he still hasn't put out a specific written policy on Federal regulation in the State-legal era. .First he said he would leave med states alone, but then halfway into his first term he sic'ed the DEA on dispensaries. There has been a lot internal inconsistency on this between individual Federal agencies, which has still not been resolved.

Now, I think his position is that he's not going to go after individual users in legal states. Doesn't mean he won't target growers, sellers, or illegal ceed-importers, though!

Bottom line, there is just NO reason to think that Obama is going to interfere here with customs enforcement. If you want cannabis law/enforcement reform on a Federal level, that's going to have to move through the Congress, and that's probably not on the near-term horizon either.
Even if its not recognized on a federal level. It is on a state level they should respect that. Thats what Im saying. That is medication for someone. If it was their cousin they would turn their eye the other way. Its just fuckin cruel to do that. I don't like popping pills and I'm sure a lot here know pills have a mass of bad side effects.

Whether feds like it or not it WILL eventually be legalized. America is evolving. They just want to find a way to tax us to death some more. They just don't want to yet. Because they need to figure out how to take their foot out their mouth. When it comes to the Shafer report Nixon lied about.
I would be willing to bet that it wasn't cutoms that left the note, altho they did examine it. It was probably some mail handler that knows of attitudes stealth shipping / and with originating address this A-hole can just snag the beans and leave a note.