Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

well i have read every post in this thread and from what i have seen it looks to me like its in the postal service.. customs will take your order and send a letter to the address that the package was intended for.. they keep everything including the envelope.. they will send a certified letter stating that your package was detained in customs for items not allowed to the states. if you would like to retrieve your package you can come to the address stated in the above.. and they will send a pic of the package.. at least that's what they did with my package from a friend trying to ship contraband to me from amsterdam.. so unless you have a letter from the customs agency that seized your package then it's in the postal service.. customs don't take the time to open it and write a goofy note and put it in the tin from attitude.. they send you nothing from the original packing..

my suggestion is to check the postal carrier in your area.. either they have or they know someone that has ordered from attitude and are looking for the packages to swipe.. i will bet its a punk in the sorting section looking for the packages from there UK address.. Chicago is the only place where the packages are being ripped off. so go to the source..and JODIE will tell you the same about customs and there seizure process..good luck and i hope the punk gets there ass screwed up for this shit..

this seems to me like the MOST likely, only problems with that theory is, are the people getting it stolen in the same area ? cause for example, in the Los Angeles area all comes into LAX to the main sorting facility, if they have a idiot in there aware of the beans and were they come from ,then this person is feeling for those "jewelers case " and snagging. I'm not going to divulge (the less is revealed the better) here how mine came wrapped even though I did post a picture of the jeweler's case (bad move and even thought about it as I posted it , MAYBE a ADMIN in here can delete my one picture showing it, if not I will try)
I believe using reg u.s. long business envelopes with crush proof packing inside be the way to a letter.seen it before, worx great.
John Morgan is well known lawyer down here. He is putting up a lot of funds to help out. He is one of the few lawyers I would trust. This time its going to be on the ballot by vote from florida citizens. Its also going to happen around voting time. So politicians are going to tread carefully this go around. I'm sure this go around people are not going to vote for Rick Scott. That's for sure.

He did the pipe ban to TRY and hamper the soon to be legal pot issue. In my opinion its a bitch move. It shows he is scared that their is a very good chance this new legal mj proposal will go through. This time stoners are getting off their ass to vote. The old fart relgious brainwashed zealots won't win this time.

But who knows Florida has been known to have voting scandals before.

As Bill Maher said last week WE need to do what the gay lesbian community did, and the next big fight we all have to be in is this. Legalize it, and regulate it, so the ZEALUTs will go with it. I come from another country and the really OLD ones from there are as tight mentally as diamonds, every decade a bunch of them die, and IMO that's the other thing in our favor. sorry to sound so nasty, but to me it's been true in equal rights fro the last 50 years , and continues to get better as these ultra tight super dooper do gooder christians die.

hope I don't put a downer, it just the way i see it, and beleive me , I'm in the edge of that crowd I speak of , or used to be and grew up around them , but they never could break me into their ways LOL We are the biggest VIRUS (that's on god if he exists) on this beautiful blue ball in space and religion is the biggest virus WE invented (that's on us) anyway I'm way offtopic and bringing you all down and scaring you,

again my apologies and delete this if too ofending
legalization and being a med state isnt that great in my opinion. you get alot of scallywag motherfuckers who get into it just for the money. people be coming out of the woodwork with all their fake/junk clones and all kinds of other scandalous things like what is happening around here in california. all you hear about is 'medical this or medical that' but really its just about money and kids trying to get stoned, not helping people who actually need cannabis for a real problem. theyre not helping the cause in any way and probably setting it back more. the people who are in it to further the actual medicinal side of things are on the fringe here. everyone else is just trying to get high or sell marijuana.
deal with it you only got fucked out of ceeds, and not jail time . if you want to push the issue call customs and get fucked in your ass later . your not the only one that got there items took
legalization and being a med state isnt that great in my opinion. you get alot of scallywag motherfuckers who get into it just for the money. people be coming out of the woodwork with all their fake/junk clones and all kinds of other scandalous things like what is happening around here in california. all you hear about is 'medical this or medical that' but really its just about money and kids trying to get stoned, not helping people who actually need cannabis for a real problem. theyre not helping the cause in any way and probably setting it back more. the people who are in it to further the actual medicinal side of things are on the fringe here. everyone else is just trying to get high or sell marijuana.

this issue is no different than what blacks , indians , gays have gone through, for every positive law once in a generation , the opressors make 100 and make damn sure they brain wash you at a early age. YOU need to follow that old rule in the bible . to thyself be true. keep the faith , don't fight dirty . EDUCATE and PASS the info on to as many as possible. eventually you will succeed , maybe not you , but your kids or their kids will make it back into a VEGeTaBLE wonder Medication and set it free. don't despair
I haven't got beans snagged yet. Waiting for an order from the tude now. Made it on Friday. Its not showing up in tracking:cuss: tude says orders on weekends update on Monday?
If it was just some guy snagging these as he sees em he must only have attitudes address memorized I just got mine the other day from herbies went through Chicago also.
ok I don't get it, let me go back and read this from the begining. I just hope you guys don't think it'sme, cause once I get the hang of growing, I won't be bothering you guys , also if one of youknows the ADMIn of this forum , he might have a copy of my REAl email, although once I noticed I used it , I chaned it to the burnedout email. I just want to remain anon cause the fucking feds scare me, like nazi's did jews.
Well I went to place a order last night for more, and it seems like 5 places are now chargeing 9 pounds to take it out of the "jewel case" and make it stealthy. WTF ? it takes a minute to pop it open and put it in a envelope, literally. and they tell me it's the "cost of labor".

this is insurance for THEM so as to not loose a shipment and have to resend free items, and WE have to pay for it?

to make matter worse (for me) the paypal system is down and off line at SOS so I'M SOL . I have been buying junk from overseas since Paypal went tinto business, so
I have a track record at customs of buying legit shit, now I will have to find a alternative way as I'm NOT giving out my BANKcard to anyone, been hacked 3 times and I'm not going thru that shit again.

gues it will have to do with pre-paid visa cards and loose another 9.00 dollars for that too.

what was it I said earlier "cost of doing business" well it just bit me in the ass. but looking at the BIG picture, it's pure luck we can get good strains from overseas at all.

so now I'm putting my seat in it's down position , relaxing and shutting the fuck up ;) just had to vent!

I WAS going to go pick up clones today from a place THAT USED TO have a store front you could walk into and buy them , but now they closed up and want to meet me in a parking lot, since now ONLY the wife has the medical recomendation from a doctor and SINCE said fucking doctor moved to a new nearby city and yesterday after work I stopped to get MY card, and since they were "undergoing " acity inspction . I'm without a card and without new clones.

NOWAY am I taking my wife to a meet!!!!!!!!!!!!. so alls good sitting here looking at my 5 succesful babies from my first 16 seeds, guess I'm not a total fuck up, and will just have to keep buying cheables in West Hollywood and let these cuties just grow up.

God is this yet another one of your lesson for me ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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ok laugh away boys
Well I went to place a order last night for more, and it seems like 5 places are now chargeing 9 pounds to take it out of the "jewel case" and make it stealthy. WTF ? it takes a minute to pop it open and put it in a envelope, literally. and they tell me it's the "cost of labor".

this is insurance for THEM so as to not loose a shipment and have to resend free items, and WE have to pay for it?

to make matter worse (for me) the paypal system is down and off line at SOS so I'M SOL . I have been buying junk from overseas since Paypal went tinto business, so
I have a track record at customs of buying legit shit, now I will have to find a alternative way as I'm NOT giving out my BANKcard to anyone, been hacked 3 times and I'm not going thru that shit again.

gues it will have to do with pre-paid visa cards and loose another 9.00 dollars for that too.

what was it I said earlier "cost of doing business" well it just bit me in the ass. but looking at the BIG picture, it's pure luck we can get good strains from overseas at all.

so now I'm putting my seat in it's down position , relaxing and shutting the fuck up ;) just had to vent!

I WAS going to go pick up clones today from a place THAT USED TO have a store front you could walk into and buy them , but now they closed up and want to meet me in a parking lot, since now ONLY the wife has the medical recomendation from a doctor and SINCE said fucking doctor moved to a new nearby city and yesterday after work I stopped to get MY card, and since they were "undergoing " acity inspction . I'm without a card and without new clones.

NOWAY am I taking my wife to a meet!!!!!!!!!!!!. so alls good sitting here looking at my 5 succesful babies from my first 16 seeds, guess I'm not a total fuck up, and will just have to keep buying cheables in West Hollywood and let these cuties just grow up.

God is this yet another one of your lesson for me ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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ok laugh away boys

Given that you're saying pounds rather than dollars, I'm assuming you're from the UK. If that is the case, you don't need stealth shipping as it's completely legal to possess, own and distribute cannabis seeds.