So if one of us does get it with green tape what does that mean
A few people received green taped envelopes & all the sudden everyone gets paranoid their going to loose $100 bucks so they buy the insurance. The insurance isn't necessary unless you are the unluckiest person in the world. Place your order without insurance & no merchandise & it ships faster because it is a letter not a package. Attitude is making a fortune off $12 mugs & $22 t-shirts because a few people created a scare by getting green tape. Both my orders in the last 2 months went through " The dreaded Chicago ISC" Lol
man mine hasn't changed since it departed Chicago Monday morning
Got mine, and initially thought seeds had been removed, but after a brief panic, I found them stealthily hidden within the shirt.
mine came today. i usually choose no merchandise but instead chose random item. my random item was nothing lol
Got mine a few days ago.
Man I'm still waiting on mine no update yet since the 12 its been in l.a for a while idk why I can't just get them I hope they aren't going over everyone's mail and shit