Attitude birthday

the ppl who have already received their order are lucky I envy you!

im one of the very first who ordered on the 7th before the site briefly crashed. tude shipped out near right away and it's sitting at isc Los Angeles since march 12 :(

I'm waiting too. Mine still says that the origin post is preparing shipment. Been that way for over a week. :( Could be USPS tracking I guess?
Well mines in my city..
Will they leave it at your place, or a note to come pick it up?

Weirdest thing.... First ceed order that I have ever had to sign for!? I dont know if my mail man just made a mistake or what? Fortunately my aunt was at my house watching my kids at the time of delivery. Just thought it was strange.
Weirdest thing.... First ceed order that I have ever had to sign for!? I dont know if my mail man just made a mistake or what? Fortunately my aunt was at my house watching my kids at the time of delivery. Just thought it was strange.

I had to sign for my package, too.
Insurance is a necessity for ordering illicit products to the US.

Look at it this way, it's a small price which will guarantee you that the beans arrive. Plus it's a minute cost. On top of that, for every order seized, the seedbank is having to re ship merchandise they otherwise would have sold.

Hardly a scam, certainly worth the cheap price of assurance.
the ppl who have already received their order are lucky I envy you!

im one of the very first who ordered on the 7th before the site briefly crashed. tude shipped out near right away and it's sitting at isc Los Angeles since march 12 :sad:

Mine has been sitting at ISC since March 18th so I'm hoping I see something sometime next week. I normally have no problems with re-ordering if I have to, average harvest is like 3 months so I have that long to wait if I absolutely have to :P

What I'm currently tripping on is that my entire order can't possible be replaced, even with the guaranteed shipping. Not only will I lose all the promos (because I'm guessing they don't have any more of those seeds to replace them with) but I also won't be able to replace the seed pack I ordered. I ordered a 5 pack of TGA Quantum Kush seeds, the 5 and 10 packs are both currently out of stock so if my order gets snagged I doubt they'll be able to replace that either. It's wonderful to see so many people in the community sending good vibes to everyone and I'd like to offer the same! :) Here's hoping everyone in here gets their beans without any problems!!

Has anyone in los Angeles gotten there's mine hasn't changed since the 12:/

As I said above, I'm still waiting for my package, however my last package went through LA ISC just fine. My last order was placed on Feb 18th, ISC received it on the 24th and it left ISC on the 28th. I received the package on March 3rd without any sorts of problems. I ordered it in the hemp bag, wasn't exactly very discreet but regardless they didnt inspect it too much. Sending good vibes your way my man, hope you get your beans! :)
dam this is bs :/ mine still is stuck in los Angeles since the 12 I ordered the 8th shouldn't they at least tell me my package was seized or something or how will I know when I can hit up the tude about it I've never had this happened to me before any of you that has gone thru these can you guide me to what I have to do now? pm or on here so others in same situation can know
dam this is bs :/ mine still is stuck in los Angeles since the 12 I ordered the 8th shouldn't they at least tell me my package was seized or something or how will I know when I can hit up the tude about it I've never had this happened to me before any of you that has gone thru these can you guide me to what I have to do now? pm or on here so others in same situation can know

You just wait. It is still to early for anything to be reshipped. Terms from their website: I have not received my goods yet.
If your parcel is an international parcel and you do not receive your goods within 21 working days, then please contact us. (It is 15 working days standard for the UK) Once you have done so, we will make enquiries to try and track down your parcel into with the relevant postal service. If we are unsuccessful then we cannot be held responsible for the mail service and your quarrel is with them.

If you choose the ‘Guaranteed’ International, we guarantee your parcel in the event of it not arriving to you, and we will reship your parcel to the original address provided that we do not receive online confirmation of the delivery of your parcel from the mail service.

Please keep all packaging and breeders packs that your order arrives in, in case there is a problem with your shipment. We urge that you do this so we can help rectify the issue.

dam this is bs :/ mine still is stuck in los Angeles since the 12 I ordered the 8th shouldn't they at least tell me my package was seized or something or how will I know when I can hit up the tude about it I've never had this happened to me before any of you that has gone thru these can you guide me to what I have to do now? pm or on here so others in same situation can know

Just wait it out. Your plan wouldn't work anyway, you have to send them photos of the green tape customs sends you. Without that you have no refund/proof.

Again, just wait it out. Your order is moving pretty fast I think. You ordered on the 8th and they showed up to LA for you in 4 days. I ordered on the 7th the first hour the birthday deal was going on (1am PST) and mine didn't even get to the states until the 14th. Didn't get to LA ISC until the 18th. So that's 11 days (7 business days) it took for my order to get to customs. Your order was in customs in 3 business days after placing your order. I would say that's pretty damn good, especially when compared to my 7 business days. All you can do is wait it out man, could take a day in customs or a few weeks. Took 4-5 days for customs for my last order, but I've only ordered from Attitude once before so that's the only experience with it I have. Keep positive vibes and stay busy so you don't think about it, before you know it another week will have gone by and the next time you think about your seeds coming in is when they've shown up :)
Thanks for the help fellow members ill just have to wait it out like you guys say btw any off u in l.a and knoe of a legit place to get. real deal cuts please pm me I need to keep my perpetual grow going and if I have to wait ill mess up my cycle
Still waiting on my beans, mine are stuck in ISC LA too. Got there late on the 15th. ordered late on the 10th before deadline. Im assuming I shouldnt be worried yet?
im actually very happy to hear my order isn't the only order stuck in isc los angeles.... sux though (but feeling much better not bein alone)

@wicked og... not very many "good" cuts around lower CA. i've sampled various locations in san bernadino and in san diego - all not very good; in-addition most vendors were oblivious to the history of their plants... you'll probably have to travel to san francisco area or higher...
Wanted to say I ordered on the last day of the birthday promo, arrived in chi-isc on the 19 and they just dispatched from chicago isc today and have been redirected by usps in chicago and are now on the way to me via usps concealed in a mug... this all assuming that the 2 days that customs had them they didn't open my packedge and take my babies and give me green stickeritis... In my opinion so far so good

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUDE!!!!! :mrgreen:
Hope you didn't order Humboldts Chemdawg reg I've never seen so small beans & 4 out of 5 weren't any good. One of the Jack Herrer, Girlscout cookies, OG Critical, 2 south african [FONT=Courier New, Courier, monospace]Kwazulu, & 2 Sage(one from last months orders freebe & the replacement feminized from this order didn't sprout either. I had better luck with the freebees than the ones i paid for! The freebees are older so I can understand but 4 out of 5 shells didn't even crack? Come-on.

I have a 4/4 germ rate with hso. also small seeds have no relation to healthy seeds some strains or techniques used to breed have more to do with the size IMO.

how are you germing these seeds?