Attitude Sept Promo - Cali Connection

Lots of people still get their orders from Attitude. It's the Chicago area that's getting snagged by customs. I live on the Far East Coast and my orders go through New York and I've always got them. Only thing I hate is they're prices but it's been a while since I ordered from them about a year so I think I'm due cus I need those Blue Lime Pies
I find it funny that people bash attitude for their orders getting snagged by customs...I know in Oz, if a particular container gets marked for checking and everything gets x-rayed, then no matter how good the stealth is, it will still get picked up. I'm pretty sure US customs x-ray a lot more containers than we do so there is a higher likelyhood a package will get intercepted. If customs have picked up a certain package type as being more often containing contraband, then most packages looking the same will get scanned.
All these people that get butthurt over a package getting snagged and then add rudeness to an email to the tude, deserve to get shit service, I know i wouldn't want to help someone out if I received that. People need to lighten the fuck up and realise you are importing an illegal item and that sometimes shit happens, but if you're nice about it, the tude always goes out of their way to fix it! End rant.

Exactly man, I've never heard of anyone receiving a package that customs opened and still finding their seeds inside. If customs decides to open your package, they're most likely going to find your seeds, I don't care how good the stealth is. People don't understand how customs works and then cry about their seeds getting taken. I've also never heard of Attitude not honoring their policy to reship a guaranteed order. Most people that know how the seed game works, don't have a problem ordering from Attitude.

Between that the conni and r.d. promo its hard not ordering this weekend.

I think these October promos are better than the September promos that they were just running.

Anyone run Connoisseur gear have a recommendation? I'm leaning towards that OG Chem.
I bet all you kids have iPhones too because it's the cool thing to do.

Listen, all I am saying is that there are better alternatives to Attitude. I used to praise Attitude all day every day for their first few shipments. But the last two orders I placed had missing seeds and duplicated seeds. I tried to work it out with them (nicely) via email, explaining that I was missing 2 packs of Tennessee Kush, which for 5 seeds was like $70 each pack. And they doubled up Fire Alien Romulan on me, just wanted 1 pack of that.

First they accused of lying. Then when I showed them a series of photos of me opening the package (as I do with all my bean deliveries) they were still defensive and insisted I send them back the Romulan before they would consider sending me what I fucking ordered in the first place.

Yea. Shit customer service.

Take it for what it is. Im just telling you I had several bad experiences with them, I've since moved on to better alternatives and have had no issues whatsoever. Do what the fuck you want. I frankly don't give a shit.

Stop defending Attitude as if you were employed by them.
I bet all you kids have iPhones too because it's the cool thing to do.

Listen, all I am saying is that there are better alternatives to Attitude. I used to praise Attitude all day every day for their first few shipments. But the last two orders I placed had missing seeds and duplicated seeds. I tried to work it out with them (nicely) via email, explaining that I was missing 2 packs of Tennessee Kush, which for 5 seeds was like $70 each pack. And they doubled up Fire Alien Romulan on me, just wanted 1 pack of that.

First they accused of lying. Then when I showed them a series of photos of me opening the package (as I do with all my bean deliveries) they were still defensive and insisted I send them back the Romulan before they would consider sending me what I fucking ordered in the first place.

Yea. Shit customer service.

Take it for what it is. Im just telling you I had several bad experiences with them, I've since moved on to better alternatives and have had no issues whatsoever. Do what the fuck you want. I frankly don't give a shit.

Stop defending Attitude as if you were employed by them.

why don't you stop bashing them like you work for the competition? just.. do your thing and let others do theirs. how hard is that? and nope I don't have an Iphone
and i'm not a cool kid, I'm a 44 year old woman that works 2 jobs and I have the freedom to make up my own mind and love the tude, they have
given me no reason not to. Sorry for your issues but that doesn't make them horrible, it means you had a bad experience nothing more, nothing less.
You are mistaking my IP address with my massive erection. How does my erection feel in your hand LEO?
and I just HAVE to mention this post.. if you call it massive, that must mean it's invisible.. no one that has a massive one needs to mention it. seriously. just sayin.
This shit has been going on at customs for more than a year now. Doesn't seem to change. So they got a program set in place. But its not really Attitudes fault. Yet, that said, I havent ordered from them since summer '13, and wont until I hear this shit has died down. I can tell you its Detroit ...and Chicago..and?
I bet all you kids have iPhones too because it's the cool thing to do.

Listen, all I am saying is that there are better alternatives to Attitude. I used to praise Attitude all day every day for their first few shipments. But the last two orders I placed had missing seeds and duplicated seeds. I tried to work it out with them (nicely) via email, explaining that I was missing 2 packs of Tennessee Kush, which for 5 seeds was like $70 each pack. And they doubled up Fire Alien Romulan on me, just wanted 1 pack of that.

First they accused of lying. Then when I showed them a series of photos of me opening the package (as I do with all my bean deliveries) they were still defensive and insisted I send them back the Romulan before they would consider sending me what I fucking ordered in the first place.

Yea. Shit customer service.

Take it for what it is. Im just telling you I had several bad experiences with them, I've since moved on to better alternatives and have had no issues whatsoever. Do what the fuck you want. I frankly don't give a shit.

Stop defending Attitude as if you were employed by them.
I've placed orders with at least 10 different companies and had pleasant dealings with all of them. Going by the lovely persona you portray, I can see why the tude would give you shit service, I'd take an educated guess and say you deserved it :)
why don't you stop bashing them like you work for the competition? just.. do your thing and let others do theirs. how hard is that? and nope I don't have an Iphone
and i'm not a cool kid, I'm a 44 year old woman that works 2 jobs and I have the freedom to make up my own mind and love the tude, they have
given me no reason not to. Sorry for your issues but that doesn't make them horrible, it means you had a bad experience nothing more, nothing less.

and I just HAVE to mention this post.. if you call it massive, that must mean it's invisible.. no one that has a massive one needs to mention it. seriously. just sayin.

Says the "mature" 44 year old burnout. How's that 2 jobs workin' out for ya? I'm guessing you haven't advanced far in your life due to your generally poor attitude towards others? Why such hypocrisy? You go on preaching about how I should just let others be, yet you are doing the very thing you are telling me, NOT to do. I am sorry you lead such a sad existence, really I am, but please don't jump down my throat as if you want a piece of my massive erection. (Authentic size to be determined)

I am not telling people directly NOT to use you guys.. err, I mean, Attitude. I am simply telling everyone that I've had more than one bad experience with them and to let people know there are better alternatives.

I've placed orders with at least 10 different companies and had pleasant dealings with all of them. Going by the lovely persona you portray, I can see why the tude would give you shit service, I'd take an educated guess and say you deserved it :)

There is usually one sock puppet in every crowd, and it appears that is you. Good day to you dear troll.
It didn't help that whoever at Attitude set the promo that the first days orders landed and went through the day you wouldn't want them to in that month for any reason. Don't need to be any more specific then that but that person is a ding dong. Next year do the promo earlier so the last day might be the wrong day for it to clear customs. If they would have changed half the packaging that day to another color probably half would have made it. The people at customs don't need to be a genius to find the packages that look alike. Probably helped them discover countless ones that would have gotten through. Whoever over there needs to get a clue because they are unnecessarily revealing their clients for stupid mistakes that could be corrected easily. As a customer that pisses me off and should be addressed as a real reason to bitch. Just saying.
On the positive side the promo's do introduce options that noone else has offered. Probably half of the people order for just the special promo's they have.
6 words, Las Vegas Purple Kush BX Bitches. Had to wait until they showed up before saying anything in case of a ship issue. The cali promo's showed up as well and cannot wait to see how the Purple diesel and the Louis do. Will probably do a thread to show how the LVPK do because they are supposed to be some serious fire.
6 words, Las Vegas Purple Kush BX Bitches. Had to wait until they showed up before saying anything in case of a ship issue. The cali promo's showed up as well and cannot wait to see how the Purple diesel and the Louis do. Will probably do a thread to show how the LVPK do because they are supposed to be some serious fire.
Nice! Looks like i'm gonna have to try it now. Thx:-)
I always forget about Alphakronik. We have their Eisbaer, and it GOOD. In
and outdoor.
6 words, Las Vegas Purple Kush BX Bitches. Had to wait until they showed up before saying anything in case of a ship issue. The cali promo's showed up as well and cannot wait to see how the Purple diesel and the Louis do. Will probably do a thread to show how the LVPK do because they are supposed to be some serious fire.

I have to post up a picture of my Purple Diesel from CC's September promotion. I've never had seedlings look so bizarre. One of them has cotyledons only. The other looks like it's re-vegging! Here it is amongst it's sister seedlings planted at the same time.
The one on the left is the same thing my did doesn't look like it will grow any other shoots, one made it though so just waitin and hopin for a female, that is on the purple diesels, all the others are jammin along, how's everybody else's doin?