Audit the Fed is Dead


Well-Known Member
For those of you who may know or ever heard of Liberty Dollar (Bernerd Von notHaus) ... and for those of you that don't- Bernerd had the only viable gold and silver backed currency on the national m,arket. The Fed and Secret Service and all other Fed depts said it was good to go. Then they jumped on him and stopped the entire Liberty Dollar operations in 2007.

I find it very telling that they extinguished the Liberty Dollar after giving it the green light.
Think about it.... how many people would have converted the green trash they call cash for this gold and silver backed currency from 2007 until now??

Would the liberty dollar have grown by 10% or would it have grown by 1000%
Personally I think that's why the Fed/Treasury took him down. They can not allow the people to switch to a currency system they do not control.

It will be nice to see Bernerd win once this raid on Liberty Dollar finally gets it's day in court!

But will the court be interested in finding the truth? Or finding for the Fed??
Haven't you heard of the Golden Rule? He who has the gold, rules.


New Member
It takes preparation and hard work to make money. If you have a good idea, money always follows, if you work hard enough.
It takes preparation and hard work to make money. If you have a good idea, money always follows, if you work hard enough.
All true and also a good idea helps. I created an audio product at 22 and took it nationwide. Started my first magazine at 24 and sold it two years later.

But, beings I had printers ink in my blood and the fact that I detest the deliberately ignorant among us- I set out to help those that wanted the truth by helping them connect with those that have it. What that venture has become is the essences of my life.

BTW a simple lot in Aspen costs between 3 and 6 million. And that's just an itty bitty piece of dirt. Aspen is not what it used to be at all.

Don Henley was right... "call some place paradise and you can kiss it good bye".

We call Montana home now.