Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
ye hundredd percent im going to plant alot of shit and like herbs n shit like potato tomato im thinking of getting anothr raised bed those metal ones that u bolt to gether ill use those 2 and make one big one
Cucumbers are good for training around a plant on some mesh and so are tomatoes. Cucumbers vines grow super quick. 3 weeks and Youl get it around a plant and at4 weeks it will cover it. Also Youl get cucumbers


Well-Known Member
Cucumbers are good for training around a plant on some mesh and so are tomatoes. Cucumbers vines grow super quick. 3 weeks and Youl get it around a plant and at4 weeks it will cover it. Also Youl get cucumbers
mum will be happy with that lol im not a fan of cueys but i love gardening

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Sorry man I'm pretty custard right now..anyhoo here's my lady auto for a while
Jumping jack dash by Dr krippling..while the 2 auto staryryders beat it for yield this one has the best smell hands down.
If i had a summer full pheno that smelt like this in its last couple weeks of flower I would be a very happy man


Well-Known Member
any one ever watch that you tube chanel primatice tecknolagie dude would make bear gryls his bitch hard lol tnink he doas it in aus to


Well-Known Member
lol i fucken love this thread and i love all u cunts #jellygang btw @Venus55 ur defenetly a member now i thing that goas without saying tho
Lol why thank you. Have the *most stupid smile on my face right about now lol.
I meant to say too that this has been the most welcoming, non aggressive and happy to help thread out of all I've ventured thru in RIU. I hadn't really been on this site much til a couple of months ago when I had a silly question about pot that smelt like pee when u smoked it and asked in TnT and whoa shit got hostile fast!! No exaggeration!! Like they seriously got nasty with me it was crazy!!
I came in here to ask a question and wtf!, I got genuine answers:hug: with some humour to boot. How it should be!!
I really do appreciate it, so thanks again:peace::leaf::wink:

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Well-Known Member
Lol why thank you. Have the stupidest smile on my face right about now lol.
I meant to say too that this has been the most welcoming, non aggressive and happy to help thread out of all I've ventured thru in RIU. I hadn't really been on this site much til a couple of months ago when I had a silly question about pot that smelt like pee when u smoked it and asked in TnT and whoa shit got hostile fast!! No exaggeration!! Like they seriously got nasty with me it was crazy!!
I came in here to ask a question and wtf!, I got genuine answers:hug: with some humour to boot. How it should be!!
I really do appreciate it, so thanks again:peace::leaf::wink:
ye for future refrence stay out of tnt thats imho where people think its feair game 2be a assholes lol i love this thraed i got mentel health issiusand this thraed i dont know where id be without it lol one day id love meet everyone here in person would be awsome


Well-Known Member
gunna go mix up some nutes for the coco grow iv got n no clue what im gunna germ but fuck only having 1 or two in there might only do one tho summer can go fuck itself 2 i dont care how hot it gets also i checkt the ph of my soil with the probe it said the temp was 25c is that 2 mutch


Well-Known Member
fucken adhd strikes again iv got starting ph 6
7 cant remember exactly how many drops of ph down i used i think like 10 now its at 58 59 also it sais in tje bottle to use per ten liters use 40 mils for seedlings i used 60 mills for 20liters so that i think means i used i think 10 mills less then the 40 mils per 10 for seedlings cuse my math was it would of been 80 mills for seedlings per 20 liters well shit here we go no mater what im gunna stick with this also yhe ppm meter said it was going between 300 and 400 hundred 0.6 and 0.8 ec butmit says ppm 500 and the tds under it and in the colum next to it it says got 420 and under it 560 im so fucken comfused lolmaybe ill be better of using the ec but then its got cf next to ec fuckmthis things confusing shit in the colum that said ppm then 700 hundred under it and its got ec x 700 how the fuck do i know what my ppms are mother fucker my head hurts fuck it maybe i should messege blue lab and ask em but i cant even make sense of how iv articlulated it id take a pic but i cant hold and tablet and the ppm meter at the same time fuck well fuck it in for a penny in for a pound i might do a tomato seed forst just to see