Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
lol id be alot easier if i was high would take alot longer but it would seem alot easier i probly just one of those thing where ill need 2 guess make a mistake and learn from it and ill get there eventuelly


Well-Known Member
lol id be alot easier if i was high would take alot longer but it would seem alot easier i probly just one of those thing where ill need 2 guess make a mistake and learn from it and ill get there eventuelly
Just add a couple of drops at a time,don't rush it,you've got plenty of time


Well-Known Member
well going by memory my ppm meter dosent light up at all when its just normall tap water and its sat around long enough for the chlorine 2 evaporate doas that mean my water is good


Well-Known Member
we have those little lizard our cunt of a cat kills those one idk fuck all bout lizards but i saw the taail of a big one it wasent all one coler not sure if it was a blue tounge but it was like light almose white with dark segments if the car kills tjat its gone fucken hate cats man theve got no place in australia


Well-Known Member
Nearly gave me cat a love tap with a hammer tonight. I thought it was bitten by a taipan but before I was gonna put him down I felt a tick on his neck. I'll Let him sleep it off if he gets worse I'll put him down. I'm not a huge fan of cats but we bought it for snakes and it's the daughters little baby.PART_1509183756984.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nearly gave me cat a love tap with a hammer tonight. I thought it was bitten by a taipan but before I was gonna put him down I felt a tick on his neck. I'll Let him sleep it off if he gets worse I'll put him down. I'm not a huge fan of cats but we bought it for snakes and it's the daughters little baby.View attachment 4034219
i hate cays but fuck youre kid will probly be devode is there any thing u can do


Well-Known Member
Nearly gave me cat a love tap with a hammer tonight. I thought it was bitten by a taipan but before I was gonna put him down I felt a tick on his neck. I'll Let him sleep it off if he gets worse I'll put him down. I'm not a huge fan of cats but we bought it for snakes and it's the daughters little baby.View attachment 4034219
I had a pup go down with a tick and my old man made up a bracken fern tea and force fed it to it over a few days and it worked it couldn't walk for a couple then just came good. If the tea doesn't fix them it'll kill them it's 50/50


Well-Known Member
Let him sleep it off. I've had 2 dogs need antivenom and shot one in the last 12 months so I'm not giving the vet anymore money. I could suck a little blood from my dog and feed it to the cat as my bitch has an imunity but that doesn't always work
i hate cays but fuck youre kid will probly be devode is there any thing u can do


Well-Known Member
Let him sleep it off. I've had 2 dogs need antivenom and shot one in the last 12 months so I'm not giving the vet anymore money. I could suck a little blood from my dog and feed it to the cat as my bitch has an imunity but that doesn't always work
I’ve always fed my dogs ticks whenever I pull one of them not sure if it works but I’ve never lost a dog to ticks


Well-Known Member
I had a pup go down with a tick and my old man made up a bracken fern tea and force fed it to it over a few days and it worked it couldn't walk for a couple then just came good. If the tea doesn't fix them it'll kill them it's 50/50
It's surprising how good those home remedies work. My pop showed me the whole blood thing when his dog was bitten by a brown he took about half a litre of blood from a horse that had been hot a few times by a brown and made the dog drink it. Preety full on but within hours he was better