Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah it was there for the first 12hrs or so.. Then gone.

The weird thing is dude, if you google oakesdale then it comes up with a town in the states where the last recorded population according to wikiledia was 420 in 2000. Weird.
yeah saw that , u know the saying 420 started cos some little cunts from highschool wanted to go see a crop after school at 4.20 pm lol

Thats Conjecture - Never proven.. 420 is also the police code in the USA for a Marijuana related offence..
It's very much so a 'Chicken & The Egg' Scenario.
wheres rocksteady normaly hes rocking the forum this time of night lol

Drank himself into a Coma. I've straightened up a fair bit now..Very bored though..
I'm searching the Vast knowledge of the Internet, trying to unlock the Secret to Growing Huge Plants with minimal Effort or the Secret of Life Etc..
Unfortunately not much luck..
The purpose of life is to grow lots of easy weed, and growing lots of easy weed is the purpose of life. To look for one secret "or" the other, as you said, is therefore futile as one does not exist without the other!

It made a lot more sense when I was high.. The bubblegum is all gone :'(
Yeah i thought i kinda got it. Well one would be left to deduce that searching for one would surely lead you to the other.. So i'd be doubling my chances.. Pfft, Futile Indeed..
Drank himself into a Coma. I've straightened up a fair bit now..Very bored though..
I'm searching the Vast knowledge of the Internet, trying to unlock the Secret to Growing Huge Plants with minimal Effort or the Secret of Life Etc..
Unfortunately not much luck..

Awwww. Ninja.. you don't need to search for the reason of life.. or the secret of life. Just remember this.. You only live here on earth once.. Enjoy it!!! Every day.. you should try and live your life to its' fullest.. and do what it is that you want to do. Don't let anyone get in your way either. If they do.. go around them.. or move them. Life can be taken away from you in a blink of an eye.. I know from personal experience. I'm blessed to be here on Earth.. and blessed to still be alive after what happened to me when I was 9 years old... and I consider that to be a miracle in its self that I lived through the accident. Angels exist.. ;)

but yeah.. live life how you want to live it. Do what you want to do.. and LIVE!

Awwww. Ninja.. you don't need to search for the reason of life.. or the secret of life. Just remember this.. You only live here on earth once.. Enjoy it!!! Every day.. you should try and live your life to its' fullest.. and do what it is that you want to do. Don't let anyone get in your way either. If they do.. go around them.. or move them. Life can be taken away from you in a blink of an eye.. I know from personal experience. I'm blessed to be here on Earth.. and blessed to still be alive after what happened to me when I was 9 years old... and I consider that to be a miracle in its self that I lived through the accident. Angels exist.. ;)

but yeah.. live life how you want to live it. Do what you want to do.. and LIVE!


I'd love to do only that which i love, but i have bills to pay both for myself and those i care for :(
I like the independence, but i waste an awful lot of time in pursuit of it.
G'day all Laceygirl again... Today is the day we are thankful we are a country where freedom still actually means something....

I tried to explain War, to my six year old, he didn't get it.. .I'm soooo glad... :-)

I would like to thank all the ANZACS who fought so bravely so we could maintain this wonderful life here, we all get to enjoy....

I am against any War America is currently involved in....