Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
fair enough knickers, good on ya.

jzs - they aren't the best no, but i personally think that it evens out with the cost being so cheap. not on my recommend list tho


Well-Known Member
has anyoe grown any good weed with seeds from
or are the seeds just crappy seeds
The way I see it, if I'm paying for genetics, I want as much surety as possible that I'm buying the real deal, that means from a reputable grower through a reputable distributor with the seeds in original packaging. Anything else may as well be bagseed IMO.


Well-Known Member
has anyoe grown any good weed with seeds from
or are the seeds just crappy seeds
I'm growing 3 big buds from them now.... the leaves look right for a big bud but I havent put them in flower yet....I will in the next 4/5weeks... then we will know..:bigjoint:
only 3 out of 6 bb seeds popped and none out of 6 great white sharks popped that I got from them :wall:


Well-Known Member
yeah it was my seeds from them that all died from the fungus a few weeks ago, thank goodness i hadn't spent a lot of money on them lol i'd have been cryin

they are effectively bag seed in my mind lol


Well-Known Member
Im thinking of ordering some Northern lights from KC brains from but is there a way to get something ordered to a post office rather than an address?

So say i wanted to get a really nice jumper off the net for my mum for her birthday right? But i didn't want to get it delivered to the house because it's a surprise, could i have it delivered to the post office under my name then i could pick it up?
(you know where i'm coming from :D)

Any ideas how this would work?



Well-Known Member
I get it sent to a po box every time,,,,,just make sure it is not sent registered mail


Well-Known Member
mmmmm cookie lol

everyone should have a po box, mine was particularily fun coz they didn't ask for ID, whoo


Well-Known Member
Yay finally got my AG back and put my 2 seedlings in just then. Pics in journal.

I'd love a po box, but sadly I move around so much it would be a bit pointless, and difficult getting a new no i.d po box once or twice a year :/

How much is it kmoo?


Well-Known Member
shit i can't remember lol mine is through a post office rep as opposed to a post office, and i rented it for three months for like 56 i think - but then i had to pay for a key on top it came to close to 70, but it's cheaper if you hire it for longer - i know of someone who moves a fair bit but keeps one in a general area kinda thing, maybe try somewhere central to where you think you'll be moving around
hey all im new to this site also a newbie well i got 1 grow under my belt but it was'nt all that good.My current grow i have 2 going from seed in soil,currently 4 weeks from sprouting and about 18cm tall, bushy as hell and about 30cm across there dark green with some fat ass leaves i think they are a indica strain.


I got 10 seeds in from BC Seeds, Canada.

They only accept cash by mail, no email contact, so I expected a rip off, but the product descriptiion was brilliant

I posted cash, got a confirmation email a week later, and the seeds arrived 10 days after the email. Planted in Jiffy pots, and 10 sprouted 2 days ago. Still early days, but so far a good start .

I previously bought Big Bud from Canada, Lowrider and Opium from England, and never had any problems with delivery. Seems as if they are sealed in a letter, not a package, you have more chance of them getting through



Well-Known Member
I got 10 seeds in from BC Seeds, Canada.

They only accept cash by mail, no email contact, so I expected a rip off, but the product descriptiion was brilliant

I posted cash, got a confirmation email a week later, and the seeds arrived 10 days after the email. Planted in Jiffy pots, and 10 sprouted 2 days ago. Still early days, but so far a good start .

I previously bought Big Bud from Canada, Lowrider and Opium from England, and never had any problems with delivery. Seems as if they are sealed in a letter, not a package, you have more chance of them getting through

They may have some good seeds and they may deliver on payment, but seriously:

Plant height: Medium
THC level %: 34%
Flowering times: 41-42 Days
Yield: 1200 g/m2
Grows: Indoors/Outdoors/Greenhouse
Strain Genetics: Indica/Sativa Proprietary Hybrid
Grow Difficulty: Easy
Plant Odor: Med
Smoke Flavor: Sweet and Fruity

Thats the write up of Elephant Narcotica in the link you posted. It's quite simply illogical to think that this info is true. If they had a plant that yielded that much with that high THC then everyone would breed with those genes and 30%+ THC would be the norm, compared to 20% currently being considered great...


Well-Known Member
on advice of both jats and ninj, i made a very modest investment at bunnings just a few minutes ago....

YAY!!! babies are gonna love it


Well-Known Member
yer so cynical knickers lol maybe it's the most magical weed ever known. if that shit is correct i'd be keepin em all in veg FOREVER lol mothers ahoy


I know the claim are exagerated, but I am after yeild, and their claim on Big Bud is exactly what I am getting, I will keep you posted.

For me its a long process, have to grow a full cycle, and at $60 a seed, I will let one go to seed, and clone from another, and grow the remaining females through to yeild.

Wish me luck



Well-Known Member
yeah big bud is a mad high yielder, i had a domestic issue with mine i was growin and sadly it's all but dead. as was the SSH and WW lol having AWESOME luck of late, shit happens aye. i paid bot all for the seeds tho so i'm not cryin about it too much.

very best of luck, keep us posted :)