Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
kmoo i have the root stimulator i also purchased from bunnos , its not all that great if your using it for clones your better off grabing the other root hormones in small bottle , clonex i think its called


hey guys sorry if im hijacking this thread but figured it was a place for auzzies to talk. i have got some plants outside in perth and i think they are flowering im not sure if there just realy big preflowers or if they have started flowering becuase they shouldnt be flowering at this time of year should they? anyway if you could help me out it would be much appreciated as iv got so much riding on these plant.


Active Member
Had the sudden urge to try supercropping,hadn't planned on it at all but yknow,does it look right or wat??
Yeah mate that looks right, keep an eye on them over the next few days as they may try to straighten themselves up. If they do just tie them down until the bend heals and strengthens up.


Well-Known Member
i'm so gonna go with n&j on this one for now, will try the more expensive others if i have an issue with this one :)


Active Member
Just Curious what ballasts everyone use, or can recommend, Im currently running a lumatek 600w, & Growlush 600w, are there any others that are really good here in OZ?


Well-Known Member
what not have the slightest idea im runnind my 2nd CFL grow atm , no one has answerd my question yet how do i become a member of the aussie growing united club !!?!


Well-Known Member
aww closetgrower i didn't go out either lol i'm not savin i'm just domestic and have done enough 'social' drugs to pickle me. when you have a four year old pokin you in the back with a broom end covered in a childrens gardening glove at 6:30 to wake you up, it's best to head to bed early lol

uhmm, get invited? lol


Well-Known Member
farout im starting to get paranoid lol.

got buds on my plants bout a month to go i recon