Aussie Growers Thread

hehe good shit, she's a good woman i tell you, how many chicks are cool with growin indoor and couldnt care less? fans blowin all day, fuckin stinkin hot muggy air coming out of the room all night, and shes got a wonderful ass,..... how could i talk bad to that without a spanking?

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The Aussie Growers thread used to be in the General Growing section and the only place Aussies really got together on here... But now It's been moved to the Aussie patients section, we really should make use of the space we have and not clutter this old thread with so much, It makes it hard to follow up on what people are talking about sometimes, It's easy to miss things and hard to find what you wanted to read back over in a weeks time...
My first attempt this year (should be in my sig)
Just wondering why there isnt many people using the big old aussie sun , and all the uninhabited land we got.
Too many kents wanna rip others off... thats my take and the good old aussie sun aint so good old in vic... lol shits farked hahaha!!
first up no way am i gonna run a gennie to power my setup thats just madness the fuel cost would be rediculous. i actually have a brand new one of those honda gennies for camping and emergencies but there is no way it is a viable option for running a grow. sorry that was pages ago but things are moving quick in here

and i think the reason alot of us are indoor is we are in cities and just have privacy issues. if my back yard was more private it would be full of plants but theres about 6 houses that can see into my yard because we are at the bottom of a hill
yeh its bad but good at the same time you get your shit right thats 6 crops a year man!! vics summer weather aint comin this year...
Yer i suppose , i am in qld the sunshine state :)
Welcome Wogatz, fellow QLDer here. Yeah mate I have and wil again do outdoor but my backyard can be seen by 4 neighbours and 2 don't like me so... Inside she goes. I think you'll find that indoors helps with the ability to controll a great many variables and usuall I can harvest 6 times a year! Do that outside without auto's!