Aussie Growers Thread

dont stress mate some plants just take longer.
My Buddha went over 2 weeks after I flipped to 12/12 and the BBL only took 1 week. Not to mention some plants will start to flower while the days are still fairly long but some will really need the days to be much shorter. All plants are different
Had a decent toke on moby and hating myself for not flushing!! really bad tasting shit lucky i only harvested the main cola and sides the rest has been drowned in pure h20!
Mine only started to flower because I bring them in at 5pm, but kind of wished I had another one and left it outside to grow huuge!!
I can't bring mine the ground. I chucked some compost on the too soil. Hopefully that aids in it's budding and what not.
hahaha a real one dude. and hopefully a plant one too i soaked a satori today for my mini watwerfarm i made on the weekend.

little fucker will be born around the same day as me 2.