Aussie Growers Thread

Fair enuf tezza but going around calling ppl dogs and snitches with out being specific and will get you and your whole patch buddies lying in a ditch mate..... and i dont need no gun to do that
Nitrosomanas and nitrobacter live in your res and soil, yes. They are the two species of bacteria responsible for the nitrogen cycle i.e. ammonia-nitrite-nitrate. They are beneficial obviously for that reason, also for outcompeting unwanted microbes. I use products to INCREASE biological activity in my res, it is an active eco system itself and I find that when in ballance, this is the best way to keep it. Of course with peroxide or similar, there are definite benefits as far as keeping unwanted organisms at bay but for me I prefer to aim for a ballanced ecosystem. Not all nutes need microbial activity to be usefull, depends on their structure... trick ass bitches
not say im gonna put ya in a ditch and no disrespect ment tezza thats not what i was say but ya cant say that shit mate cause ppl dont take that shit lightly.
I'm not sure he even knows who he's going off at. Pretty much everyone has told him to eat a dick and fuck off at one time or other.
Just had the last cone of homegrown :( Bout to grind up some mersh, it's been a while since I've had to do that
i found a cure to bud rot and powdery mildew. no chems no sprays nothing.
all u need to do is get a uv-c bulb and slowly wave it over all of your plants and it will instantly kill all fungus and bacteria. its the same light they use in septic tanks etc to kill bacteria.
This will be the last I talk about Terry,promise, but seriously who joins a forum talking about what we do and uses their real name???
A quick search on google finds him and his mug shot(looks like a wanker too)on just about all the different types of forums there is on the www.
I dont like ragging out on anyone ,but he is SCREAMING to get roasted.
If he does grow its only a matter of time,sorry tym,till hes safely locked up and away from the rest of society.

Terry ,stop talking shit and we ll stop bagging you
yeah the uvc bulbs are available at fishtank supplies stores. in fact i may even have one already in my house just need to get the light fitting