Aussie Growers Thread

Fair enuf tezza but going around calling ppl dogs and snitches with out being specific and will get you and your whole patch buddies lying in a ditch mate..... and i dont need no gun to do that

man i wasnt talkn to you or anyone who bn actually normal.........jus those who know who they are iz one person ..tho i cbf'd naming names ......
Too right ss.

UVC good, ozone bad. I fucken hate it.

Shankae you should pipe up more often buddy, it's good having you around
?dunno? sounds good though. Another one of those things I feel tezzy for not thinking of. Good call FIWH. Been doing a bit of reading eh?
Plants in the fish tank have it runnin all do so i figured the ones outside might like it too and they did so i started using it on them too
yeah mate im always searching for new info anything i can use to better my grow. trouble is i read so much sometimes i think it gets misfiled in my head. definitely going to be looking into this tomorrow though. if it pulls my crop through for me i will be a very happy man
Yeah I've heard of good results with mild uvc running constantly. Beneficial for plant but many organisms need a good strong sustained dose of it to be affected negatively, aquarium UVC units (submerged units) are usually labelled clarifiers not sterilizers because the bad microbes flow through it and many aren't in contact with it long enough to be killed, so waving might need to take a little longer than you think FIWH but keen to see how it goes.
I spent 2 yrs working around an ozone leak, I'm a bit jaded there.
im not a big fan of ozone cause it stops the inside of the tent from smellin and thats what i look forward to when in open them up
yeah no doubt running them all the time probably helps but i think the reason u have to wave it over once a week is because they are low wattage bulbs with no penetration so u need to wave them over real close to get the germicidal effect necessary to kill the fungus spores.