Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah well id say they are screenin the mail i recieve and send the cunts.... pissed off to say the least. If i call them aking about my packages will i be admitting that i had them sent and then fuck meself in the ass royally
MMMM well what his face jamjamjam had a crack... but where do ya start? would ya call auspost bris depot or something?
Yeah not sure , and if they go yeah they here come and get them im pretty sure id be walkin into a shit storm .... Not that i really care whats the worst that can happen ,, a fine ?
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Wednesday 12 January 2011
[h=2]Australia Post Disruptions in Queensland[/h] by Andrew McDonald

This is somewhat of a moot point, given the scale and horribleness of the unfolding flood disaster in Queensland, but Australia Post has issued warnings that mail in and out of the state is going to be subject to lengthy delays.
This means any Readings web orders being shipped to to the northern state are going to be subject to delays. Australia Post has said that people should 'be aware that mail into and out of the state will take longer to arrive, including Express Post items.'
More information on the disruptions to Australia Post in Queensland can be found here. There are also some FAQs worth looking at and further information will be posted on Australia Post's news page.
Our thoughts are with all those affected by the floods in Queensland and don't forget you can donate to the Flood Relief Appeal here.
yeah fuck aust post and customs fucking wankers... Not like im tryin to recieve a kilo of coke or herion its just a few harmless seeds... Deliver my shit ya cunts thats what i paid for and thats what ya get paid for maggotts