Aussie Growers Thread

@FIWH - you order beans from a US Seedbank or get from buddys? just asking coz ive never noticed an American Seedbank yet, plus Marc Emery getting locked up lol. god usa is weird.
u missed all the fun smallclosetgrower, if u go back like 100pages you might find the lolz.
or just type terrance j batey in search and read his posts rofl.
sometimes shit gets to me quicker from asia than it does from sydney/melbourne/brisbane....and it is usually cheaper as well.
ah cant be fked looking anymore went thru like 20pages, i did find some myspace link 5 pages back with some break dancing from a dude with a pony tail?
some guy that said he grows for snoop, grows for bikies, has a fabricated ak47 and glocks, he grows tonnes of weed and has special government grow equipment.
i think that sums it up besides his spelling which is fkn hard to copy, i still think he only passed like grade 4 or something.
yeah just from a buddy. there arent any american seedbanks that i know of.

there is a new seedbank started up in the uk though. its run by aussies. dissapointingly just a reseller not a breeder though. guaranteed shipping etc though probably worth a look
Yeah but I think he was pretty harmless.. Sure I found some of his claims to be a bit hard to believe.. But I am starting to feel sorry for him now, he's got kids, he's trying different things,
I like taking the piss out of people here and there but sometimes it can wear a bit thin.. I mean who doesn't know of a mate, or a mate's mate that stretches the truth a bit..??
But at the end of the day, I just think to myself, Yeah whatever..!!!
Whatever indeed. Batey's back bitches represent! Nah cap he has his own thread now, if you want to keep talking about him you're just going to have to fuck off over there... LOL