Aussie Growers Thread

I just bought 10 yoyo's from ozyhydro on ebay and with freight it cost me $47. And I had it within a week.
I would put 4 yoyos on each light (one each corner) just to be safe,as I had one break the other day,although I think it may of had a crack through its mounting hole.
6weeks into flower and u have a mite/white fly infestation?then use Pyrethrum its an organic pesticide which is actually made from the goo extracts from the chrisanthamum flower/family.
u can spray your vegies with it and eat them 24hours later.
@Buck hydroshop!
@'ome put ya fan and filter outside too, run it in 'reverse'. Defo yoyos for the lights, hang fans with bungee cords, isolates it from hanging point and cuts down on noise. Get insulated flexible ducting, this will cut out up to prob 80% of fan noise even with the fan exposed. Build a fan box if ya want or wrap the fan in wavebar!
My local shop is a bit steep in general but they have small containers (can't remember what it's called, it's a QLD brand and all they say as ingredients is "miticide") that I know is that shiz for $35, I think you mix 3g/2L of warm water and spray all over. Retreat a week? later and it's done. 2L is heaps for you, will do both treatments and the container I buy is 10g? Might have to use google for a local brand mate. Other "miticides" are just not as effective.

And I think it is Omite not oomite
cheers dude... wats it worth?

Buck, grab some of this mate


$12, you mix 5ml per 1 ltr of water, put in spray bottle and mist both sides of foilage, its organic but a strong miticide, works a treat, spray all your plants and wipe the walls of your area, youll be fine.
6weeks into flower and u have a mite/white fly infestation?then use Pyrethrum its an organic pesticide which is actually made from the goo extracts from the chrisanthamum flower/family.
u can spray your vegies with it and eat them 24hours later.

LMAO, worst advice in the world, DONT USE pyrethirum in wk 6 of flower, bad, bad move.
Disagree, I think it will help, will slow them down, will kill most of them and then BAM six wks into flower the fuckers are everywhere but that is just my experience, I won't argue yours beyond voicing mine:) Whichever way good luck Buck! Did I mention I fucken hate mites?
6weeks into flower and u have a mite/white fly infestation?then use Pyrethrum its an organic pesticide which is actually made from the goo extracts from the chrisanthamum flower/family.
u can spray your vegies with it and eat them 24hours later.
Yeah been spraying fuckers with that for a while.......they are ammuned to it now so have to look at something else