Aussie Growers Thread

Disagree, I think it will help, will slow them down, will kill most of them and then BAM six wks into flower the fuckers are everywhere but that is just my experience, I won't argue yours beyond voicing mine:) Whichever way good luck Buck! Did I mention I fucken hate mites?

If it was any earlier, no worries, however, 6 wks into flowering is a risk using any product, let alone pytherum, i wouldnt touch any smoke that had been hit 6 wks in no way.
very much confusion... yeh well i'll go the cheap oil for the time being caught em early... im a broke mofo... these pyth bombs you spoke of haze they a reg flea spider bomb or?
No confusion, that oil is listed as usefull against two spot mites, not red spider mites and it needs to coat EVERY insect and egg, if you miss one they will come back at a less convenient time. Omite leaves a residue that kills them on feeding for up to 3 wks, though it is better to retreat in that time. Like I said, it will help,...etc
I was given these new propagation cubes today that Holland Forge are thinking of importing, they come dry, they are made of a gum, white peat and coco, the idea behind these cubes is, they apparently have the perfect equilibrium between water retention and oxygen for propagation. From seed germination one of the worst parts in propagation is keeping your medium at the ideal moisture level, majority end up over feeding which can cause rot. So, with these, due to the white peat used, you cannot over water these cubes, they will only retain the required amount, anything else is just run off. I have been asked to provide feedback which will in turn establish if they should import them or not, ill let you know how they go..


To get rid of bugs soak crushed fresh garlic in olive oil for 24-48 hours then strain it and spray on plant.. Works alot better than water and garlic
Good everything is in motion getting all set to go. Ordered some new utes this week and some gear as tax time is almost here.
very much confusion... yeh well i'll go the cheap oil for the time being caught em early... im a broke mofo... these pyth bombs you spoke of haze they a reg flea spider bomb or?

No, different product then what i was talking, i think im confusing myself here thus why Miyagi is saying to you Buck pyrethrum, LOL For you Buck, the spray is more than enough, Eco-oil does kill spider mites, along with 2 spotted mites and a third mite type as well, Buck youve seen 1 tiny web on 1 plant, hit all your ladies with the spray once and you will be ok, if during veg you see a repeat, then hit with pyrethrum bomb as your still only vegging, i personally wouldnt recommend to anyone 6 wks into flower to use pyrethrum, i wouldnt wanna be smoking any of it.

Pre-Flowering Stage
If you are diligent to inspect your plants on a daily basis you should be able to identify a spider mite infestation before flowering begins. This is the best time to catch it. If you can do so, eradicating spider mites is fairly easy.

An organic miticide is a great product for this. Botanic oil uses a combination of essential oils to suffocate and kill spider mites on contact. Where eggs are concerned, they begin to crack a day or two before they completely hatch, leaving an open door for an organic miticide to seep in. All it takes is one crack in an egg shell for theorganic oil to penetrate and kill the hatchling. Just remember that spider mites live on the undersides of plants leaves. In order to get the eggs you have to spray underneath.

Flowering Stage
If a spider mite infestation is discovered during flowering stage you have a bigger problem on your hands. Fortunately, some organic miticides like Neem oil, Eco-Oil, can be used all the way through flowering without any effects. The same can’t be said about pyrethrum and most chemical miticides during flowering.
[420]Haze;7131949 said:
I was given these new propagation cubes today that Holland Forge are thinking of importing, they come dry, they are made of a gum, white peat and coco, the idea behind these cubes is, they apparently have the perfect equilibrium between water retention and oxygen for propagation. From seed germination one of the worst parts in propagation is keeping your medium at the ideal moisture level, majority end up over feeding which can cause rot. So, with these, due to the white peat used, you cannot over water these cubes, they will only retain the required amount, anything else is just run off. I have been asked to provide feedback which will in turn establish if they should import them or not, ill let you know how they go..



Lets know how it goes would definately be interested if does perform well
I never said py-bloody-rethrum! I said omite for spider mites. Best and only thing I will ever use again for spider mites.
im so confused about what were talking about ...which problem???/..... I only ever use garlic and olive oil... I dont use chemical based treatments.. Not sayin that either you;'s were talkin bout are chemical based tho.
Hey Kents.... What the fuck..??? I give up on Fuckin seeds.. Back to clones only...
What the fuck is going on here, 1 week and out of 10 seeds, 1 has started to grow, 1 is stunted, the other is a fuckin mutant and all the rest appear to be dead..!!!
Oh well, experiment done with.. I'm gettin my clones and hopefully just 2 of these I'll keep under my proper lights and see waht happens.. If they come good, I'll whack em in pots and
squeeze em between the others of a totally different strain... Fucking little Bastards, i was looking forward to these little Fuckers..!!!
Damn, spewing a tiny bit.....!!!!!!! :finger::fire: