Aussie Growers Thread

benifit comes in tym needless to say ....3rd gen onwards imho and better as you go all i can really say is im glad my methods is derived from pro's i know comercial also no doubt and my own experiments and alot i really aint touched upon regarding my advance grows or growing skills atm but yes the 95' rhino would probally have wiked genes from the constant building of and upon of the plants genes during growth and flower if done properly .and future gens .from flowering clones .of course ....but gimme my flowering clones anytym over veg ones beacuase veg ones meh sorry jus not worth the tym honestly ...and i garrantee you i can show anyone how to grow in space aint hard my friend actually build the hydroset up for nasa and helped desighn it ....also a comercial grower
lmmfao so i speed type when i got a second coz im multitsking and i aint using spell check atm how the fuck does that mean i dont have a best mate who worked on the ish funny stuff mate really fresh ..lmmfao .............sure.....ill get to him drop thru sum day and impart sum wisdom on ya man ......oh and if you actually follow feed charts then you will grow bud vegatable like impotent weed same wit reg feed chart additives also because that level isnt what they are suposed to be thats for vegtables exactly that a herb and weed so needing more as weed's do .lmmfao but im glad you've not even touched upon my level even ....honestly lmmfao i am qoute-ing real shit and others jus laughing it away coz of a damn legacy ...ive met alota people with legacy's most did'nt know how to grow the coutar period .....wouldnt change up anything told to them by sumone in the know or do the research themslves to cement the facts themslves i aint gonna argue with yall .seriously whatever you feel you need to do aint my me when u want sensce ..and when im not in the middle of doing a shitload of things in between and not speed typing ...fully a shitload of disrespect hate that way aye ....i wont stress it ...period
Mate the only one on here talking about feed charts is you. You keep saying things like "do the research" and "look it up" um dah, we're on the internet, most of us have done a little research... You talk a very big game masterbatey but have you tried my weed? Forget's? Tbanga's? Anyone's? I'm sure yours is good because you dribble shit like a window licker. No one is saying you can't or don't grow buds my friend but nor are we trying to convince people we are way smarter and better and no one else knows anything and everyone else has it wrong except for you and your friends... good night batey, thanks for stopping by
it wasnt that i was implying that other's couldnt grow good bud nothing of the sort , but if im met wit hostility well damn i should answer the same way yes????!!!, i expect people to be ignorant sumtymes tho period exuse me i garantee sum are out there are on par with what i am tryna say never said otherwize ...never said i was the god of growing either bud i do have my ways does everyone else im just stating from experience in my state only 10\20%hold the real cuda gra growers and that's from my own experience not tryna disrespect as i said from my first comment but met wit such b.s i wont sit back and b like n.p ..if people b insulting thats all understood
ZFuck i been at work and missed all the action lately. I have never laughed so much lately. Im not even gonna get involved in that conversation
at least he tried to explain, what he ment, i think a clone taken two or three weeks or so into flower would be ok, but not much later than three or four weeks,

found this from another site, hope it help the debate

@seedman thanx i tried to explain but ive eaten special cookies today also and a shitload of billies so im mega blazed n working and typing all in one but thanx for proving one of my points second point is the more about later generations of cuttings 3rd cutting of clones lets say usually imho they start to get way better as long as your spot on with you growing and increase potency with each grow if you know how to really harness the nutes and additives but thanx for finding this .and basicy sayn what i was tryna say in a way thats fluid and understandable as im baked as a mofo atm
The last thing I will say on the matter mate is there was no hostility, I'm laughing not scowling. I have the day off tomorrow and just ate a pile of mush so I know I will quickly become semi-illiterate and won't try to make any points. Now if you will all excuse me, my mate is waiting at the shuttle pad so we can go and check out our grows on venus. We make our own nutes from rainbows and pixiefarts and grow the best space weed ever, like no hit quitters, seriously lMmfao... Peace y'all!