Aussie outdoor flowering,light schedule Q?


Well-Known Member
i like the way you worded the last part of that man

they enjoy being cunts for they are in fact cunts lol

the whole thing goes together but the last part got me.. thats prolly the best thing ive herd all day i gotta +rep ya

i couldnt have phrased it better maself


Well-Known Member
yup look in ma sig...

honestly dude they are the best :)... good genetics, reliable and normally realy fast shipping... plus you can email and call them and they WILL pick up the phone when its business hours and they WILL answer any emails you send :)

they are the best in my books
like i said before good service, better selection, ya can pick n mix ya order...

ah duck it im sounding like an infomercial again lol..

fuck it theyre good bro takeit or leave it. there the only place i trust anymore... been ripped off by others and even landed me a letter from the AFP... but never really had these probs from pick n mix :). so yeah its up to you. i still swear by them to this day :) if that helps.

also theres a discount code but if you dont know it already just look on the fanpage itt written throughout the thread... youll also get an idea on pick n mix while ya there... not from americans with sour grapes either lol


Well-Known Member
well im Indian and canadian, and must i say we had some good kush
(sorry just trying to keep up with the thread,haven't been around for a while)
peace and pot


Well-Known Member
what can i say theyre a good seebank i stumbled across them by chance and havent looked back since, ive tried a few too so its not like im tlli ya to use the first seedbank i found lol...... i started the fanpage and social group to help people like me (the battlers) get an idea of a good seeedbank and get some good dope into em.... i find a good strain and genetics have done more for me and my pain than any of the crap around here is.....

and believe me once you get to grow a strain that appeals to you the answer you give will be the same as mine... i used to think i got good buds till i tried some real genetickz way better for me and the pain :)... this seedbank is the bomb and theres a discount code for 10% if your order its RIU

i basically started the pages to hopefully help some people like me out (the battlers and med patients....) like i said i only found them by chance..

GOT MY PAPERS BACK FROM COURT TODAY 4 SEEDLINGS AND 4gs OF WEED WILL LAND YA A $1100 FINE... First offense.... im gonna say it fuck ppl, WHAT FUCKING BULSHIT australia sux these days :cuss: WANKERZ

dammit where the fuck am i gonna get that kinda coin from lol. looks like its gonna be paid off ever so slowly isnt it lmfao. this sux ass.


Well-Known Member
GOT MY PAPERS BACK FROM COURT TODAY 4 SEEDLINGS AND 4gs OF WEED WILL LAND YA A $1100 FINE... First offense.... im gonna say it fuck ppl, WHAT FUCKING BULSHIT australia sux these days :cuss: WANKERZ

dammit where the fuck am i gonna get that kinda coin from lol. looks like its gonna be paid off ever so slowly isnt it lmfao. this sux ass.
Thats fucked bro, 1100 for a fiffo and some tiny little seedlings ????? IM FEELING BROTHER!! TO THE LAW MAKERS=:finger::finger::finger:
I really hope OBARMA makes it fedral LAW ( medical use ) No doubt that Aus will be more likely to support medical uses.....
But in saying that....... its going to be big big business if it dose... Im going to USA- geta card that says im allowed to carry it and grow it....


Well-Known Member
yeah they were only like 6 inches tall

same ill be strait in there getting a med card :)

can ya go to america get prescribed weed and then continue its use when ya get back???? or are ya saying when its legal here... y wouldnt ya just get it here... ACT already has med marijuju dont it?


Well-Known Member
yeah they were only like 6 inches tall

same ill be strait in there getting a med card :)

can ya go to america get prescribed weed and then continue its use when ya get back???? or are ya saying when its legal here... y wouldnt ya just get it here... ACT already has med marijuju dont it?
Bro... I marrying an American so I was thinking of heading over to do a grow op in large scale if it becomes legal as far as fedral laws go in USA. But if the USA dose then it will be a few yrs but OZ will follow suit. Then Ill come back and do it here...... Already have consent with the missis as long as I am not stoned near her or the (soon to be) kids...... and she knows, been together 5 yrs so i cant cheat. ( she said NO CHANCES ) Any ways with the way the world is going....... I think this is going to be the NXT TABACCO or GAMBLEING industry WORLDWIDE..... IF IF IF IF IF IF IF
And I want to be part of it..!!!!!


Well-Known Member
same id like to be the first ozzie seedbank and breeder but thats a dream that would never be possible the way things are.... Fuck id be happy just not to be fined 1100 bux for 4 pissy little seedlings.

i want to be part of it too.... if ya get the distributing liscense and come back ill be an employee ;)


Well-Known Member
yup look in ma sig...

honestly dude they are the best :)... good genetics, reliable and normally realy fast shipping... plus you can email and call them and they WILL pick up the phone when its business hours and they WILL answer any emails you send :)

they are the best in my books
like i said before good service, better selection, ya can pick n mix ya order...

ah duck it im sounding like an infomercial again lol..

fuck it theyre good bro takeit or leave it. there the only place i trust anymore... been ripped off by others and even landed me a letter from the AFP... but never really had these probs from pick n mix :). so yeah its up to you. i still swear by them to this day :) if that helps.

also theres a discount code but if you dont know it already just look on the fanpage itt written throughout the thread... youll also get an idea on pick n mix while ya there... not from americans with sour grapes either lol
Sweet thanks man,i got a shortlist of a few strains, ill prolly only be able to afford 2 of em x10 seeds each,i gotta choose between: Papaya,Ak-48,Swazi Skunk,Hindu kush & Top Skunk 44. (all of em appeal to me for different reasons).

P.S. That fukin sux about ur fine man that shits not fine,but remember at least u got to stay in ur own world..look at the positives mate ;) Did they say wat the maximum u can have is without goin on house arrest or lock-up etc.?


Well-Known Member
KOG says 49 plants is the inditable amount...

nah they didnt say what it is but wasnt it supposed to be 2 plants and a certain amount.
like i said i was only trying for two to begin with..

fuck knows. im still gonna grow if i dont id have to rely on pain killers alone and i would be destroying my stomache at an even worse rate than i am ATM so i really dont got another choice do i..

as for the amount i think as long as your not growing a shitload at once ya should be right.. to be honest ppl hardly ever go to jail because of weed these days... the only change now is that the cops can decide just to give you a warning if they want.. they could send you to jail for a stick still these days tho... i know its fucked ehy....

BUT LIKE I SAID KOG SAYS 49 Plants heres link :)
kog marijuana a grower's lot hemp nimbin pot

as for the seeds it works out the same splitting the packs down thats the beauty of pick n mix dude just grab 5 of each and 4 strainz or something like that..


Well-Known Member
Hey jester did u purchase using credit card/visa (im a bit wary of that).Also how long did they take to arrive? Likely just a slap on the wrist with a stern letter for 20odd seeds should the AFP or customs get ahold of em?
sorry for the 20 questions here i just wanna here from ppl who have actually done it before i commit.

Brick Top

New Member
Hey jester did u purchase using credit card/visa (im a bit wary of that).

Even though you didn’t ask me I will chime in and say that I always prefer to use a money order. It doesn’t show up on any credit card billing statement, there are no electronic records and if some place is less than reputable they cannot increase what they charge or later add additional charges. Heck you can even put a fake name on the who the money order is from and it won’t matter because they will still be able to deposit/cash it. I’ve always used fake names to purchase beans.

A safe address is something well worth considering too. Someplace where you don’t live and that will not be near your grow.


Well-Known Member
prepaid credit card..... u can use a normal one for orders too... most of them have side companies and what not or if not i cqan guarantee ya it wont say seedsbank n the papers and what not if thats what your worried... i know pick n mix are real good...

depending on time of year but generally 5-8 days sometimes 2-3 weeks any more i give up on em really but wait another to be sure... probably best to let them know your order hasnt come around 2 weeks....


Well-Known Member
the only change now is that the cops can decide just to give you a warning if they want.. they could send you to jail for a stick still these days tho... i know its fucked ehy....
a fucking stick....
i would cut skits at him for even caring about the stick..
(then i would ask if he had a lighter?:D)


Active Member
Question for Victorians. Are your plants showing definite signs of sex yet? Mine are not but i think its coming soon. Should I move to my flowering nutes now or keep going with the veg stuff for a bit longer?


Well-Known Member
keep going with veg nutes if your unsure thats wat i would do.... hmmm as for flowering i dont come from vic i was born there tho, but id say it must be gettig close to that time maybe a bit early i would have thought but hey ya get that. its time to separate the boys from the girls where im from #just getting to change time# :) i know this probably aint much help but yeah i tried lol.

ya switch to the high phosphorous and potassium ferts when ya know its flowering to help them fill out and higher nitrogen to get them to grow as fast as possible.... so id wait till i knew it was flowering properly for sure then id switch..

any pics its hard to say really:)