aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14


Well-Known Member
Hey mate, plants are cranking now. Good to see that they're not flowering yet, I reckon they'll be 6-8ft in a couple months time.

none if my plants are flowering yet either. Do you use potash for flowering?


Yeah man its good there not flowering how much yeild as an estimate off each plant I was thinking atleast the 2ounce mark what do you think man?


Active Member
Hey griggzy, ive got 2 plants myself growing outdoors this summer, i planted them 1/10/2013 and that are friken huge 1m3 each roughly in foliage dense enough u cant see through them and that's after i cut solar leaves and topped them to the shit. i got about 30 clones this year off each too!

The tips havent even started showing signs of budding yet unfortunately :(.

luckily in the capital you can have 2 plants outdoors without being reamed by the popo.

what lat are you? you'rs may flower sooner than mine.


Well-Known Member
I'd say more than 2 ounces, I reckon 4 ounce per plant averaged out - maybe more for the bigger plants but who knows man, genetics are everything. If they're still vegging now top the singular plants that don't have multiple tops yet. Make em nice and bushy.

Plants should flower later in Tasmania because the lat is 40-42 I think and the daylight hours are longer than where me(37) or nickstoyaa(35).

The earlier flowering strains start in early jan over here. 4 out of 6 of my plants have shown their first hair when I checked them today. 5-6ft


Yeah nice man I already topped some of the others hopefully they bush out a fair bit and yeild a fair bit. Im hoping to get something little off the seedlings and clones do u think I will get much man?


Well-Known Member
Depends how high the clones get before flowering, lets hope the seedlings and clones are sativa to get a decent stretch. If they get to 2ft they should get a couple ounces.


Yeah wicked hopefully I get something off them. I was thinking of just keeping them in the greenhouse over autumn and shit because we get a few frosts and heavy rain. Only thing is theres too many to fit them all in the greenhouse when they get bigger lol whats your advice on that bro?


Active Member
Hey griggzy,

my indica plant has started to flower. My sativa still hasn't as of yet.

They are looking really good. Keep us posted with pictures bro always good to see people growing outdoors in aussie climate


Well-Known Member
Yeah wicked hopefully I get something off them. I was thinking of just keeping them in the greenhouse over autumn and shit because we get a few frosts and heavy rain. Only thing is theres too many to fit them all in the greenhouse when they get bigger lol whats your advice on that bro?
If there's too many just pick out the best ones bro, you could do a sea of green in the greenhouse and yield a fair bit. how big are the biggest seedlings now? on your next update all good to show us all your seedlings?. are any of your plants flowering yet mate? mine are just starting now surprisingly.


None of mine are flowering man no white hairs at all lol. I will update my seedlings next update. Whats the best way of doing sea of green? I could probaly get another greenhouse aswell man? :)


Active Member
Getting any of that bloody hot weather down in Tas that we just had? 46 degrees yesterday, was hard keeping everything cool.


Well-Known Member
If you're in the position to get another one, go hard bro. a sea of green is just lots of little plants close together filling the whole canopy.

If you guys are getting hot temps in april, say 25 degrees then you're seedlings should still produce a decent amount. 46 degrees is crazy, we're only getting 23-27 at the moment.

omsdf.jpg2 Malawi clones, 6 weeks veg just under 6 ft.
flowering.jpgProbably 7-10 days into flower?. extremely early for a landrace sativa. Tasmania can get pretty cold in may?.


Looking nice bruv. I recon I will end up getting another greenhouse there only about $50 and with a sea of green I recon I could get 15 plants in each one. Just enough for a mid year harvest then start a new crop again for next season :) those malawi's are beatiful man I meed to order some for next season man. Its get really fucking cold and wet down here man which is shit. But we get decent summer and its not too bad of a place to grow. We have been sitting on 28º down here its ideal for me not to hot but not to cold


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate. Definitely get some Malawis man but make sure they're from Ace Seeds, I think it's the only version that can finish down there - late april-early may harvest.
They're pretty much rain resistant and weather proof. Look into some landrace indicas too like Pakistani Chitral Kush or Taskenti from Cannabiogen, the Taskenti especially is hardy and grows like a monster - I wish I'd properly put one outside this year.

I think it gets colder down there than it does up here in april-may, a greenhouse gives you an extra couple weeks I reckon - you're living the dream not having them guerilla!.
You should have some big plants in a months time.


Yeah hopefully there pretty big man :) I will order them off ace too dude are they on herbies? I want some autos aswell for a mid year grow I like to have plants on the go at all times to get multiple harvests per year. Best way to do it. After these seedlings get a decent size I will order some nice autos and do a sea of green with them. Autos will be good for winter they stand the cold a bit more and dont need much sunlight


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, get regular and clone off a mother if you can but if not then just get some feminised. If you're gonna get some autos I highly recommend Think different - amazing results from what I've seen on the net. Look at some grows of it. Autos are pretty hardy since they come from the arctic circle,russia etc.
You can go pick n mix herbies that are reasonably cheap and you can get the exact amount of seeds you want.


Yeah man I will just get fems and clone them next grow I will be doing some clones off my current plant latter on aswell just to see how they go :) will check out think different aswell bro.


Well-Known Member
They reckon you can grow Malawi to 43 degree latitude, you're about 41 aye?. It adapts to different climates well.

Canadian Express cloning spray has made my clones look vibrant and healthy. first time using it.