Australia exports pedophiles.
[h=3]Australian Pedophile Gets 5 1/2 Year Sentence[/h]“Shannon used his position over us to manipulate and deceive us, and he took complete advantage of our vulnerability. We were powerless against him – he was our coach, he earned our trust and then he used it against us.…we have carried the effects of what Shannon did to us for 13 years, and we hope that today’s result can help us to achieve some closure after what has been a long and emotionally distressing court process."

Apparently in Australia, pedophiles receive shorter sentences than their victims.
[h=1]Australia: Catholic Church keeps secret files on pedophile priests[/h]
Asked whether parents or police might have been interested in the files, a spokespriest said: “Oh, do you really think so?”
THE Australian Catholic Church holds thousands of pages of documents containing the psychosexual profiles of dozens of clergy accused of sexually abusing children and vulnerable adults.
The profiles, often sent to bishops, were created as part of the church’s little-known 1997-2008 rehabilitation program for those it described as ”sexual boundary violators”.
[h=1]Australia to hold major inquiry into alleged cover-ups of child sex abuse[/h]
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced a national inquiry into institutional responses to the sexual abuse of children.
Lawmakers in the southern state of Victoria heard that priest sex offenders used bestiality to scare victims into silence by "introducing dogs" into child sex assaults, the Herald Sun reported.
[h=3]In Australia If You Name the Pedophile, You Can Go To Jail, Huh?![/h]It should come as no surprise to readers of this Blawg that I cruise the internets, looking into and through the tubes of various jurisdictions (in Bad Lawyer speak) to bring you the stories that I resonate with me and if I'm lucky, you. So let me tell you about Derryn Hinch, an Australian radio personality, investigative reporter and and author. He 's also a jail bird (like moi)--in his case because he defies court orders by intentionally broadcasting the names of child molesters.
Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse among Mexican adolescents



To determine the characteristics and prevalence of previous child sexual abuse among a group of Mexican junior high school students.


A total of 1067 adolescents of both genders were selected to fill out a survey about child sexual abuse.


The prevalence of child sexual abuse was 18.7% (n = 200). It was more frequent in girls (58%) than in boys (42%). Sexual abuse involved physical contact in 75% of those cases reporting abuse. The aggressors were neighbours (50.3%), relatives (36.8%) and strangers (13.9%). Abuse was committed through deception in 90% of the cases and involved physical mistreatment in 10% of the cases. Of the victims, 14.4% had spoken about the problem and 3.7% had taken legal action. And 9.6% of those surveyed stated that they required psychological counselling.


In the population studied, the prevalency of child sexual abuse was greater than that reported in Mexico City (4.3-8.4%), although it was similar to that found in the Spanish child population (15-23%). The risk of sexual abuse is greater for girls and the principal aggressors are male neighbours, family friends and relatives; the abuse is committed in the home of the aggressor or the victim and very few cases are reported to the authorities.

This is what happens when a country embraces pederasts and pimps, Mexico feels it's culturally acceptable for men to molest children.

Mexico's age of consent laws only reflect the will of their society...
Curbing child abuse in Mexico

Teen pregnancy in Mexico is rising, and some of those affected are very young. According to the 2012 national health survey, for every 1,000 women who give birth, 37 are adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19. That’s up from a rate of 30 in 2006.

Eleven thousand births were registered to girls between 12 and 14 in 2011.

The statistics say it all...
Australian pedophiles use the Hague Convention on the Civil aspects of International child abduction as means to obtain child The then Prime Minister of Australia John Howard ordered pedophiles employed in his administration to kidnap the child from her home by force and/or fraud and with assistance of the pedophiles from New South Wales and under orders of the then NSW Premier Bob Carr.

On 29[SUP]th[/SUP] of September 1998 a group of bandits-pedophiles raided Markisic's home. They deceived the grand-mother who was looking after the child by falsely presenting themselves as Australian Federal Police and also presenting a false warrant. They ripped the child from the grand-mother by force after bending her arms.
Aussies prey on tsunami kids
By Kathryn Shine
April 16, 2005

ABOUT 20 convicted pedophiles tried to travel to Indonesia and Thailand immediately after the tsunami to prey on vulnerable, displaced children.
The pedophiles were forced to tell police they planned to travel overseas under the rules of the new national child sex offender register.

Their details were forwarded to Thai and Indonesian authorities who are understood to have refused them entry to their countries.

NSW, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and the Northern Territory have established state registers which link to the national database. The other states are due to join the scheme by the end of the year.

Detective Senior Sergeant Martin Voyez, who heads the West Australian register, said about 20 registered pedophiles from around Australian attempted to travel to Thailand and Indonesia earlier this year.
Mexico ranks 2nd in money generated through sex trafficking of minors, reporting US $24 billion per year. Thailand ranks first in child pornography, while Mexico, unfortunately, ranks 2nd.
Indonesian commentator, Iqhbal Sukokiman says that “Australian paedophiles keep washing up on our shores and it is time to do something.” Perhaps, if the Australian government did more to stem the flow of Australian paedophiles to Indonesia, and Bali in particular, the Indonesian government might be more sympathetic to the Australian government’s position on the people-smugglers.
Domestic Violence, Reproductive Rights, and Same-Sex Marriage

Mexican laws do not adequately protect women and girls against domestic violence and sexual abuse. Some provisions, including those that make the severity of punishments for some sexual offenses contingent on the "chastity" of the victim, contradict international standards. Women who have suffered human rights violations generally do not report them to authorities, while those who do report them are generally met with suspicion, apathy, and disrespect. Such underreporting undercuts pressure for necessary legal reforms and leads to impunity for violence against women and girls.

Why do Australian pedophiles travel overseas to commit their sadistic acts, while mexicos pederasts just go into their own childs room because pedophilia is LEGAL in mexico!
Indonesian commentator, Iqhbal Sukokiman says that “Australian paedophiles keep washing up on our shores and it is time to do something.” Perhaps, if the Australian government did more to stem the flow of Australian paedophiles to Indonesia, and Bali in particular, the Indonesian government might be more sympathetic to the Australian government’s position on the people-smugglers.

Quoting Indonesian pederasts now pinche? Not surprising seeing as they're on par with mexico...
Scientific study.

The document referenced below is part of the NCJRS Library collection.
To conduct further searches of the collection, visit the NCJRS Abstracts Database.

[TD="class: text"]NCJRS Abstract
[TABLE="class: text"]
[TD="colspan: 3"]How to Obtain Documents[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 3"] [/TD]
[TD="width: 4%, align: left"]
[TD="width: 12%, align: left"]NCJ Number: [/TD]
[TD] NCJ 175902
[TD="align: left"]Title: [/TD]
[TD] Paedophilia Policy and Prevention [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Editor(s): [/TD]
[TD] M James [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Date Published: [/TD]
[TD] 1997[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Page Count: [/TD]
[TD] 87[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Sponsoring Agency: [/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"] Australian Institute of Criminology
Australia [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Publication Number: [/TD]
[TD] ISBN 0-642-24047-7[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Sale Source: [/TD]
[TD] Australian Institute of Criminology
GPO Box 2944
Canberra ACT, 2601, Australia[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Language: [/TD]
[TD] English[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Country: [/TD]
[TD] Australia[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Annotation: [/TD]
[TD] These 10 papers constitute a cross-section of the papers delivered at a conference on pedophilia prevention and policy issues held at the University of Sydney (Australia) on April 14 and 15, 1997.[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Abstract: [/TD]
[TD] The conference was attended by academics, health and welfare professionals, lawyers, policymakers, police, and representatives of Commonwealth, State, and local government agencies. The aim of the conference was to explore various interpretations of pedophilia, to provide a forum for professionals from all relevant disciplines, to inform their practice, and to generate ideas that could also inform policy. Papers presented at the conference, 10 of which are included in this book, covered detection and reporting; investigation, prosecution, and defense; public education; treating offenders; and implications for civil liberties. One paper profiles pedophilia in Australia as the public health problem of the decade; it examines the nature of pedophilia and the characteristics of pedophiles, its causes, and how society has and should respond to this illness. A second paper explores opinion, policy, and practice in child sexual abuse and implications for detection and reporting. This is followed by a law enforcement perspective on the detection and reporting of child sexual abuse. Papers on the legal aspects of dealing with pedophilia focus on problems in the prosecution of pedophiles, the defense of alleged pedophiles, and the role of the courts. Other papers consider the role of public education in addressing pedophilia, risk-management measures for adolescent sexual offending, the treatment of pedophiles, and the implications of sex offender registration for privacy laws. References accompany the papers.
[TD="align: left"]Main Term(s): [/TD]
[TD] Criminology[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Index Term(s): [/TD]
[TD] Right of privacy ; Defense ; Prosecution ; Child molesters ; Child abuse reporting ; Child abuse detection ; Child sexual abuse ; Sex offender treatment ; Foreign criminal justice research[/TD]
"What do we do about all these fucking pedos mate?"

"Send em to poor south east Asian countries."

Child sex abuse on the rise in Pacific
By Andrew Nette

Australian Federal Police (AFP) have long warned Pacific nations to expect an increase in cases of Australian pedophiles seeking shelter on their islands.

Australia's High Commissioner to Fiji, Greg Urwin,told the Suva conference last year: ''They [pedophiles] seem more inclined to look at this region,where perhaps controls may be perceived as less stringent, where society generally may be perceived as more tolerant and relaxed,and where the innocence of children and families may seem more exploitable."

Child rights advocates say dozens of Australian citizens have been charged with child sex offenses in Pacific Island nations following local police investigations.

Sources say pedophiles use a variety of strategies to get closeto children, including posing as missionaries or secondary schoolteachers. There have also been cases of pedophiles taking childrenout of their countries under various pretexts.