Australia exports pedophiles.
[h=2]India a ‘honeypot’ for Australian pedophiles[/h]
VIA ABC News, Australia
Child protection advocates in India are calling for suspected Australian child sex offenders to be extradited to face justice in their own country. Paul Henry Dean, charged with multiple sex offenses in India, donned an array of names and identities while he operated as a charity worker at New Hope Orphanage, masqueraded as a holy man and a healer, and allegedly abused dozens of boys and young men in his wanderings over 30 years.
Vidya Reddy, the executive director of India’s Tulir Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Abuse, says most Indian states have no proper child protection laws. “The system itself is basically beckoning an abuser,” she said. “Why wouldn’t an abuser then make use of the situation? They are all coming to India like bees to a honeypot because they know the system here is like Swiss cheese, it’s got so many holes.”
In 2007 India was rocked by revelations that Goa, a tourist hotspot in South India, was a haven for international pedophiles.
20 convicted Australian pedophiles tried to travel to tsunami-hit countries: Report AP

CANBERRA: About 20 convicted Australian pedophiles unsuccessfully tried to travel to Indonesia and Thailand immediately after the Dec. 26 tsunami to prey on vulnerable children, a newspaper reported on Saturday.

The pedophiles were recorded on a new Australian child sex offender register which requires them to tell police where and when they intend to relocate or travel, The Weekend Australian newspaper said.

Police alerted Indonesian and Thai authorities that the men intended to visit early this year and those governments denied them visas, Western Australia state police Det. Sgt. Martin Voyez told the newspaper.

"After the tsunami, a large number of Indonesian and Thai children were displaced and became very vulnerable," Voyez was quoted as saying.

"This attracted a higher number of pedophiles to those areas than usual."

The newspaper did not say how many pedophiles would usually apply to travel to those countries.

Voyez told the newspaper Indonesia and Thailand always denied entry to registered pedophiles. He wasn't immediately available for comment on Saturday.
See how paedophilia is considered illegal and a problem for authorities here but in mexico it's just business as usual... Why is that?
Australian pedophile given 48 hours to leave

A convicted Australian pedophile has been ordered to leave East Timor after a pioneering joint operation involving Australian and East Timorese police.
Dili immigration authorities gave former Queenslander Wilfred Mentink 48 hours to leave the country after he sailed into Dili harbour on Wednesday on board his yacht Loris.
Acting United Nations Police Commissioner Dennis McDermott said Mr Mentink had been turned back after failing to declare his convictions on immigration entry documents.
"It's a first example of co-operation on this question," he said. Australian and East Timorese police had been tracking the yacht's movements before it arrived in Dili.
In September 1993 Mentink pleaded guilty in a Queensland court to charges of having sex with a minor and indecently dealing with another minor.

He received a nine-year sentence, later reduced on appeal to six years, and was released on parole in 1996.
Customs and immigration officials boarded and searched the yacht early on Wednesday, later informing Mr Mentink he could not land because he had made false statements on an immigration entry form.
Bernadette McMenamin, of the child protection group Child Wise, said it was "an excellent development".
Speaking from Melbourne, she said it pointed to the need for Australia to go further, by obliging convicted pedophiles to report to police before leaving the country, following British practice.
"In this case they have turned back someone who could have seriously harmed East Timorese children, who are among the most vulnerable in the world," she said. "If there is not closer monitoring, East Timor could go the way of Cambodia."
East Timorese police are increasingly concerned about pedophile and prostitution rings, whose clients are mainly international.
He served less than 3 years.
Why are the Pedophiles mostly Christians?
It is now an established and obvious fact that the recently published Australian Pedophile and Sex Offender Index listed 'Clergy, Church and Religion related' as the largest identifiable group of offenders -- by almost twice the size of the next group." Court records since the publication of this references how the conviction of priests for child sex abuse is running at 4:1 to other occupations. This means that the church and religious orders in Australia could be producing up to approximately one-third of the nation's pedophiles. Warming to his argument, Swan points out "that if the same number of church-based pedophiles had come from the sex industry, a Parliamentary inquiry would have commenced years ago. The sex industry and the church both employ approximately 20,000 people in Australia. As it appears, the sex industry seems remarkable free of convicted pedophiles ... no prostitutes, X-Video producers or sex shop owners appeared on the Pedophile Index and none have been recorded in court records since.
[h=1]Australian Paedophile Anthony Douglas Walter wins $93,000 compensation for prison assault[/h]A PAEDOPHILE has won more than $93,000 compensation to pay for plastic surgery, psychological counselling and legal bills after suffering injuries from an assault in prison.

Anthony Douglas Walters, convicted of several child sex offences, sued the State Government for pain and suffering, medical expenses and continuing counselling after being attacked.

How much went to the children he molested?
[h=1]Australian pedophiles trapped by web hunt[/h]ONE HUNDRED and thirty Australians are among the 2360 suspects being hunted in what is believed to be the largest international pedophile ring ever to be cracked.
Gerald Hesztera, a spokesman for Austrian police force, which led the eight-month investigation into the downloading of child pornography videos from a Russian internet site, confirmed that the Australian Federal Police had received the internet user addresses of Australians who allegedly accessed the video files.
[h=1]Australian facing Thai pedophile charges[/h]
A Sydney man has been arrested in Thailand on pedophile-related charges after Australian Federal Police (AFP) allegedly intercepted photographs emailed to Australia.
Ian Potterton, 51, was detained by Thai authorities on Thursday before boarding an Australian-bound flight at Bangkok's International Airport after a short holiday in Thailand, a Thai police official from the Anti-Human Trafficking Division said.
Australian pedophile gets eight years in Bali
Philip Robert Grandfield aged 62 was arrested last August for sex crimes against under-age boys. He has been given a jail sentence of eight years for his crimes. There is a chance he will face further charges in Australia if he makes it through his sentence in Bali.
Grandfield converted to Islam to try and get a lesser sentence. Michelle Leslie who was caught with ecstasy tablets in Bali also converted to Islam while she awaited her trial, where she was sentenced to 3-months jail.
Grandfield had been living in Bali for the past 10 years and paid the teenagers between 25,000 rupiah ($3.30) and 50,000 rupiah.

This is not an isolated incident as I have just discovered by reading more stories of Australian pedophiles in Indonesia. Here is a tragic story written in 2006: A paradise for pedophiles .
What is worry for me is that these guys were convicted in Australian, were given passports and then even employed in high profile teaching positions in Indonesia, with links to the Australian government.
One easy solution would be to deny a passport to any Australian convicted of a sex offense.
I find it amusing that a thread about the best place for white people to live gets locked and yet a troll thread about pedophiles is allowed to go on and on...

Personal bias anyone?