Auto Grow Start


Active Member
CFL, and the sun that shines out of my ass ;P thankyou, they are showing the first signs of proper buds this morning, the little crowns so happy start to the day!


Well-Known Member
im getting ready to go to this hydroponic store(gotta get nutes), and i havent been to one yet and im so excited about it! it feels like when i was younger and my dad would take me to toys-r-us lol


Active Member
Hey stevie! Nope I didnt, because he didnt finish wedding untill 3am, so getting it about 7 or 8 (bout an hour or two) ill let you know dude!. Its odd because i chopped a rake of leaves on three others and they all overtook him and look much healthier, so im gona do some chopping on blackjack autos seem to like it! (note before chopping blackjack was always the tallest not the smallest) =( poor gal

Nice, carefull though just like toys are us you go in and come out bloody bankcrupt, Ill go get some nutes, oh thats clever, oh thatll help, mmm nice and watch out for advisors they use a rake of jargon and I was just like erm ye Just want some nutes lol


Well-Known Member
aww that sucks man! im also on the hunt for some bud as im smoking my last bowl now (teat drop...) sad times indeed. with my blackjack i trimmed alot of fan leaves so far and i think it helps.


Active Member
good point, I havent checked since the beggining, Doh! thats gonna be why, I was trying to find a right balance of nutes as well, (it was 6.8% when I started ph)


Well-Known Member
Ohhh, pH doesn't come in %, it's unitless. But anywho, blackjack was the droopy one? The leaves are more crinkled, which indicates pH to me. And possibly overwatering. How do you know when to water?


Active Member
Yeah soz bout that dunno why I put a percent, especially seeing as it only goes to bit baked, erm I water every 2 days and feed every 3rd water, but I guess the pots are really quite small, but the others seem ok, thats whats wierd Blackjack was the biggest now its the smallest, is there such a thing as overhandling? Because thats the one I always looked at (obv coz it was the biggest!)