Auto Grow Start


Active Member
yeah but it seems to of really taken it out of the black jack he is just falling behind compared to the others that are flowering =(


Well-Known Member
mmm they look good man. Don't worry, maybe a little bit less yield but they're still going strong, I can tell. Chin up, broseph :)


Active Member
Thanks for the support guys, I can't expect a massive yield just because of the lack of lights but they are doing really well considering that paired with the disaster. Decided to LST the tops of S.A.D auto and the Blackjack and they have responded very well especially the S.A.D ill take some pics of her later today. Blackjack is still the same flowering but nowhere near as much as the others are. The vertigo by far is going to be the heaviest yield so depending on the smoke I may do a whole grow of it, Ill post pics of each later and youll see.

Thanks for the support guys with a little TLC im sure these girls will make it and a couple may even make me proud but we shall see. Just popping into town so ill whack up individual profile pics so we can see the difference in strains and growth since the start, the biggest used to be blackjack but damn S.A.D is talllll and Vertigo is bushy as a mofo!


Active Member
1313332276942.jpg1313333292819.jpg1313332284801.jpg1313329923343.jpg1313329279364.jpg1313329298103.jpg okely dokely 1st pic is automaria 2, then LST'd S.A.D, my baby vertigo after that, group pic is S.A.D, Auto maria, Vertigo and blackjack furthest right. Then those last two are black jack. These are taken on my mob so not great lol, the sad has about 5 branches tied down, got to say was super suprised I did it the day before next morning its grown up again so did it with the rest of the tops of S.A.D then looked at black jack and thought fuck it it can't get any worse lol so keeping two natural and slowly lsting the other 2. One thing I will say for Blackie is that all his branches are exactly the same hieght so he has made his own canopy lol,

we shall see. Oh and Napa how long do you think these have left?.....Lmfao ;) jk jk


Well-Known Member
Wait wait wait, you only have a 200W CFL and you have those plants? Holy hell what are you feeding them? Great job man. I was looking into that S.A.D., how do you like it?


Active Member
Yeah one 200watt erm baby bio and love lol. As for the s.a.d seemed to grow the fastest but flower the slowest but looks like its gonna be a good yielder so you could make it a great one from the grows of urs i saw lol. Thanks for the support reckon got another 3weeks before i start thinking about harvesting. Here is a question though what do you thinks better white walls or tinfoil? :-)


Well-Known Member
From my calculations the SAD started flowering at like 35 days? That' a bit long for me. I hope their cream caramel isn't like that cause that's what i was going to try next. Tin foil doesn't do all that much. I'd just keep it at white walls IMO


Active Member
from what I remember planted week before end of june so erm it was about 21 days to show pre flowers, first post I put up was about then too I have tinfoil on white walls but ppl seem to agree the white walls are better so gonna take it off!


Well-Known Member
From my calculations the SAD started flowering at like 35 days? That' a bit long for me. I hope their cream caramel isn't like that cause that's what i was going to try next. Tin foil doesn't do all that much. I'd just keep it at white walls IMO
Growing cream caramel right now - showed sex after two weeks, growing the strongest of the four different auto strains I currently have running. It is looking like she will be the champion yielder out of the four. Had to trim her back about 4 days ago.


Active Member
Growing cream caramel right now - showed sex after two weeks, growing the strongest of the four different auto strains I currently have running. It is looking like she will be the champion yielder out of the four.
Hey hoss good to hear from you again, got a link to that grow?


Well-Known Member
I just continued the journal in my signature, it will be a perpeutal grow. The last pics, one of which is attached in the post above is the caramel cream. I'll post up some pics this week, just started feeding and they all took off like crazy. I'll wait until one week after the last pics where posted to show the growth achieved, its been impressive thus far.


Active Member
thats all the tin foil removed so just got my white glossed over walls, I gotta be honest I dont see any difference lmao


Well-Known Member
from what I remember planted week before end of june so erm it was about 21 days to show pre flowers, first post I put up was about then too I have tinfoil on white walls but ppl seem to agree the white walls are better so gonna take it off!
Oh ok, that sounds much better.
View attachment 1736574

Growing cream caramel right now - showed sex after two weeks, growing the strongest of the four different auto strains I currently have running. It is looking like she will be the champion yielder out of the four. Had to trim her back about 4 days ago.
Hell yeah, that's what I'm talkin about. I'll go ahead and order that one then. Seems like Sweet seeds has some winners on their hands. I didn't even realize my fast bud was from them.
thats all the tin foil removed so just got my white glossed over walls, I gotta be honest I dont see any difference lmao
Haha yeah I doubt you'll see much difference


Active Member
Interesting woke up this morning and auto maria has literally gone BOOM buds everywhere! Vertigo still just making big chunky nuggets, S.A.D tried to break from my LST so I beat her with a little more of it, and black jack oh black jack its bieng very clever and deliberately only growing leaves over its bud sites, Im treating it like a spoilt teenager, Im giving up on it lmao

P.s my Black jack + S.A.D are sweet seeds, the other two are paradise!


Well-Known Member
i got mine at (dont know if they ship to the uk) but there really cheap anywhere from 3-10 dollars. oh yea and if i were u i would get a 30x because the one i have is 60x-100x and let me tell you that is way too much zoom lol i mean mines works really good and everything but i think its a little overkill if your just using it to look at trichs