Auto Grow Start


Active Member
i got mine at (dont know if they ship to the uk) but there really cheap anywhere from 3-10 dollars. oh yea and if i were u i would get a 30x because the one i have is 60x-100x and let me tell you that is way too much zoom lol i mean mines works really good and everything but i think its a little overkill if your just using it to look at trichs[

Cheers stevie! Cant wait to check em out gonna TRY to have 2 milky ones,an amber one and a 50/50 lol just want the giggles man i miss em everything i smoke nows mostly couchlock sigh :'(


Well-Known Member
Lol. I know what u mean, I was thinking of cutting mime when I see all milky trichomes. Its a love hate relationship with the couchlock high lol I love being blasted but at the same time I wanna go out and do thing ya know


Active Member
Exactly! guess its the joy of 4 plants though give myself a pick n mix bag! Only thing I dont like about my autos is the lack of stink, I mean my LSD really stunk but I can barely smell shit unless I shake her oh well guess its safer, I guess..

On another note just took auto marias height at 21.5 inches or 55cm, was hoping for more but oh well!


Well-Known Member
Exactly! guess its the joy of 4 plants though give myself a pick n mix bag! Only thing I dont like about my autos is the lack of stink, I mean my LSD really stunk but I can barely smell shit unless I shake her oh well guess its safer, I guess..

On another note just took auto marias height at 21.5 inches or 55cm, was hoping for more but oh well!
hey no smell no worrys man. everyday when i come home from work my room its getting worse and worse. i cant even imagine how bad its gonna stink in here when i cut her down. so what date are u looking at for your harvest? i know your going by the trichs but around what day do u think the'll be done?


Active Member
Erm well stevie end of august for all except blackjack who is just kicking in! Maybe 3 weeks for her, I aint too worried bout my smell my whole street stinks and it aint me lol! You must be itching to get ur hands on grace though now eh? She was lookn frosty!


Well-Known Member
man u have no idea! oh wait maybe u do since u harvested before lol. but yea im dying for grace to hurry and finish already. it seems like the days are so long now, im sure these next few weeks are gonna be bitter sweet. sweet because im doing all this for me and in the end ill have bud. but bitter because for the next month im only gonna be able to look at and smell all this weed.


Active Member
Lol I know what you mean steve, Its like christmas your excited but pissed its so far away, then you cut it down and then it dawns on you, time for curing and drying booooo lol I stop smoking for the last couple of weeks partly because I want the full whack of my babies but mainly after the first week going fukn nuts for it I can resist it alot better, Just need to keep in mind harvest early regret is certain lol


Active Member
Well i gave in and bought some bud booster flowering food stuff but i was wondering do i keep using my normal plant food alongside with it, the stuff doesnt say to or not to hmmmmm help mee! it doesnt say F all, Ive never used any flower food or boosters or whatever they are called so its totally new for me, I tend to like to keep it simple considering it can grow outside without my damn help, but everybody seems to use it couldn't get tigerblood =( so got vitalink which was reccomended by my dads mate he swore it massively increased his yield so worth a shot.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man i dont know anything about the bud boosters but ive heard of people using them and they say the same as your dads mate, that it makes your buds explode! id like to get some myself but i just dont have the funds right now. i would guess that u add it to your regular feed, but dont take my word for it!


Active Member
Sorry man i dont know anything about the bud boosters but ive heard of people using them and they say the same as your dads mate, that it makes your buds explode! id like to get some myself but i just dont have the funds right now. i would guess that u add it to your regular feed, but dont take my word for it!
hmm thats what I thought I read the ingredients its just plant food but higher anyway it was only £6 bout $9 bucks I think that is? Ill let you know but ive always been pretty sceptical, especially the ones that claim to make your stems explode with bud everywhere so it just pretty much becomes a big but im like you I dunno, I hear that tiger blood is meant to be amazing but thats too expensive for a maybe lol

Just ordered a 30X loupe we shall see if its enough,

Noticed the new bud food made my leaves greener but thats bout it- It occurred to me last night that how can you say it massively increased your yield becasue the plant could of turned out like that anyway lol well unless you had two identical plants I guess...Ah well


Well-Known Member
hey maybe after afew feedings youll see BIG results, and if the leaves are getting greener at least somethings happening right. Your right though, unless u did a side by side with 2 plants you would never know if it actually works.


Active Member
1313847955917.jpg1313846969810.jpg1313847948667.jpg1313847961442.jpgDSC01019.jpg1313846803854.jpgDSC01021.jpg First 4 are vertigo- 3rd of which is the main cola bout 4-5 inches roughly, 5th and 6th pic are Automaria II- she speaks for herself and last pic is S.A.D seems to be going same pace as blackjack so gonna take longer, Left black jack out atm coz she is still in early days and has a loada leaves so not much use for bud porn yet. Took the close ups by putting the Loupe over my phone lense, got a 60X one coming as well. Enjoy!


Active Member
you can see in the pics vertigo is yellowing on the leaves, anybody got an idea why? Can toss up between too little nitrogen or too much zinc or something else yellow is the worst colour its like cancer, everything gives you it..:(


Well-Known Member
is it yellowing from the bottom to the top with the bottom starting to get yellow before the top (can't tell accurately from the pic)? - if so its a N def. Or you PH could be off causing a small lockout, do you have a meter?


Active Member
Hey Hoss thanks for coming to the rescue again! its yellowing from the tip then gradually working towards the stem, its just the fan leaves and its just on Vertigo, aside from it the plants budding nicely. As for PH my friend came over with a liquid test and did a run off and said the colour was between 5 and 6 which apparently is fine. Just read my food though so Nitrogen may be a problem as I switched to the budding food and it doesn't contain Nitrogen just pottasium, phosphorous, magnesium and sulphate. The food I used for just growing though contains nItrogen should I switch back or maybe use together?


Well-Known Member
I would suggest using together, if they are yellowing as you describe it sounds like a N def which I had on my last grow. See the pics of the blackbriar in my journal. I was able to, by feeding with a higher N formula on an accelerated rate bring it back to par and get a nice finish on her. Best of luck mate.


Active Member
Cheers Hoss just had another read of your thread, its odd that one plant in the exact same conditions can suffer uniquely! I gave them a mixed solution so we shall see how she reacts!


Active Member
1314392594976.jpg1314295341060 - Copy.jpg1314295169125 - Copy.jpg1314295072846 - Copy.jpg1314295429200 - Copy.jpg here is some better pics, Quite annoyed at 1st and last pics thats S.A.D and Blackjack soo much slower as the Vertigo and Automaria II (ones in the middles in order) gonna be a fair while longer for them I think!