Autoflower Cage Match! (community activity)

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Well I aint chasing you round the internet for round two. what a joke!

You already quit and you already expressed your (negative) feelings about me and the cage.

I am sure its my loss.

Why you guys must post in my thread attacking me over and over again is beyond me.

It all started by me asking people to stop posting their personal journals in this thread. Jesus Christ you people are just mind boggling. :|
If you really must know, as I was willing to let it go, I think its best you do know!

Firstly I wasn’t not attacking you, You take things soooo personally...I'M pee'd because I had already got myself fired up and gone to a lot of trouble setting my self up for round 2, which I was all in hope, you were better organised! The reasons I left the this round was because I felt it was unfair having a plant 3 weeks older than everyone else, meaning I would have to wait weeks on end after my harvest to find out who’s won and also my plant didn’t have a great start!.

To be honest I've never heard someone winge like a spoilt brat so much, when things started to go wrong in here, I started getting fed up of you throwing your toys out the pram. I totally agree with you about the "kids" posting crap, but for Christ sake man grow up and ignore them! There was so much confusion in the beginning because you couldn’t put your foot down and sort it out instead you bury your head in the sand and it carried on, to the point where no one knew who was in and who was out, and what was your answer?

What further pissed me off again was the way you set out the rules.....[FONT=&quot] The consistency of updating your “contender” in this thread (i.e. teaching others what you are doing, show everyone what you use and why, ect).[/FONT]

Well you shot me down straight away, I posted pictures of my plant which I had told you which one, then pictures of other to compare growth (photoperiod, other auto’s) and wasn’t until the 4th post, you only then decided to pull me up because you got confused??!! Ignorant to your own rules and replies not directed at you!

To me and I’m sure about a few others you have really shown your self up, and have been doing so by crying and not sorting it out! I asked you to give us all an update, I also asked you if I could change my contender, to make it fair. You answers or lack of gave me the impression this thread was about YOU, as you didn’t think deep enough about rules or even how to imply them.

Anyway….I decided to swallow my pride and get on with it, where you are still crying! This has made you a target, because people are getting a reaction from you every time, to the point were I was pissing my self just reading this thread.

Now to be honest I do feel for you, but be a man for fook sake and get on with it!!
Not directed to anyone(s) in particular -

Been 5-4 days since any real contestant posted anything relevant to the Cage Grow.
Into, thru, and past a weekend. Does that strike anyone as something is wrong???

I tried to refrain from posting a few days because looking back I realized it appeared that I was maybe hogging the site. Maybe I was, and if so, I appologise. Didn't see it until I looked back and it hit me. Intent was not to hog,, but to try and just get folks involved and have a good time. Sorry if I was out of line.

Seems like some are trying to put a fire out by throwing gasoline on it.

Perhaps the lack of other contestant's posting is due to the B.S. that keeps popping up? There's enough in life to fight & argue over. MJ and anything to do with it (for me) is expected to be enjoyable. Getting involved or even just watching a pissing match over nothing (really) important is really putting a chill on it.

I'll finish this grow, but will be thinking long and hard on if I ever get involved with anything like this again. :peace: :-(

Again, I apologize for hogging the site. Honestly was not intended. (I'll shut up now)
Everyone has a right to speak, I was simply pointing out to someone that doesnt understand why hes a target

Wheather you hog or not, where you not appling to the rules? [FONT=&quot]The consistency of updating your “contender” in this thread.

Does anyone know who is still in ?

My point excatly!

Sorry had to post this after seeing it PMSL

Can you handle the Cage!?


To me this is just all dressing room chanting before the match, water off a ducks back.

Or is it just my British dry sense of humour??
Canon, you aren't a hog. But the lack of updates (I'm guilty myself) makes it seem like it, (joking) so I understand where you're coming from, but if anything you're just participating, nothing more.

The cage match might be moved to Icmag, but I don't know why we couldn't have another auto grow-off here on RIU, if there's a good following which I'm sure there will be, we can get it done.
I'm still around and read daily. At this point my plant is just growing buds and not much else so I decided that I'd only post pics and shit every 7 days. She has about 3 weeks left or so. I'll post up some pics in a day or so. As far as the drama goes, I just ignore it. I have my own problems to worry about and to be honest I'm just to damn old to be arguing with anyone over pot on the internet.
Whats this about he cage match being moved to ICMAG? Why?

Look at the kiddies get so pissed at me because they cannot follow 3 simple rules. I tried to be a nice guy but they simply do not listen here. They are still raging over me saying, "please do not post your personal journals here".

People like tweed have a stick up their ass and I am just the target because he could not follow the 3 rules in plain English. My lack of answers was because the 3 rules were so simplified I could not "dumb it down" any further. Jesus Christ! He even says I whine when it is he that cannot follow simple intructions! How do you feed yourself tweed? Three! Count them, three rules mate! It isn't bloody rocket science. All you did was whine and stomp your feet while walking out the door! Yet, you still haven't left!

ICmag seems to put their foot down on immaturity a tad quicker. Besides, some of these kiddies think they can do a better job then I have done. They cannot think for themselves so they need to take my idea and try to make it work.

Good luck to them.
Its not fair IF the cage moves or not, to even mention it was just looking for trouble, is it only me that agrees with this?

~If it does and no one starts a auto flower comp then I'll be starting one, as its unfair for other people having to sign up to more sites becouse of the kids in here, I thought the idea was a cracking one in the first place, just poorly managed

Again Kulang your just adding more problems, its called stirring and gives people a bad taste about your self.
To be honest man, I've been extremely diplomatic throughout this whole thing, and it's seems like you're acting out and calling people names like "kiddies" all the time, why is there so much bitterness? It's an online forum...

Maybe people didn't follow your three rules, but insulting people is against the site rules, so maybe tone it down.

You once sent me a PM saying "ignore the kids" or some shit, yet you are doing anything but. How do you think all the other competitions run smoothly??? Probably because they ignore a bunch of bullshit and don't respond to it

And so what if someone else makes the autoflower competition work, is that a slight on the person who initiates it?
MarcusTwit (see, I can be "mature" and mispell names too)

Why are you still here? You ran out the first week of the contest.

You don't like me, my contest or my ideas.

You cannot even post on-topic. In fact, not one of your post in my thread has ever been on topic.

Simply leave.


I have always been cool to you. It would be nice if you show me the same respect I have shown you and not jump on the bandwagon.

You would "act out" if you had to deal with the constant immaturity every time you post something on this site.



Thinking about it a tad more and I have decided that you guys win.

This Cage Match is officially over, feel good about yourselves. You turned something that was suppose to be fun into just another bitch fest.

Have fun fighting amongst yourselves. I have fields to tend to.

I have requested that this thread be locked.
I've been keeping up on this contest too, even though my contender is out. I liked the idea of putting a bunch of plants up against each other at the same time and seeing how it goes. I would do another one of these, but not on a different forum. I like this one.

The great thing about the internet is that it is free, you can say whatever and do whatever you want. Part of having freedom means sometimes people will say something that offends you. Deal with it.

Kulong, I get that you are trying to keep this thread only about the cage match, but an occaisonal off topic post doesn't ruin it.
I know who is in the contest and who isn't.
Voicing my opinion in a constructive manner is not disrespecting you. I still have mutual respect, man.

And if that's the case, that now you've closed the cage, I think for the integrity of the cage, and for whoever is left we should continue, whether it's here or on another thread.

They won't close this thread because there is no need to

Let's keep it going, yeah? No need to stop
Kulang you have lost control mate and you dont quite know what your saying here!

You welcomed me to this tread, you added me to the list, you would not post us info whos in or whos out, then you try telling me I havent played by the 3 rules?

I removed my plant from the competition, but still follow with great interest.

Not one Post on topic? didnt my posts include my Plant, ideas and recomendations???

Im the one with the stick up the arse?

I dont like you? again you take things so personally over the net? I dont know you.

Dont give me the "plain english" crap. when your not english!

But I can still be pleasent and mature to say I'm leaving!

But before I do Could someone else point it out to me or agree with Kulang?

Good luck everyone!
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